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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. Why would anyone want a Green Lantern as The Riddler? Why wouldn't they just call that 'The Riddler'. Mattel makes no sense to me.
  2. So, I feel like there are a lot of wild guesses here for what's essentially a starter wave. That said, here are some real conservative guesses (in no particular order): Bulked up Grey Hulk Mutated Thing (Update that seems like more than an update, plus a character we've seen before) NOW! Hawkeye (Zach mentioned that there might be some near re-issues) Iron Man, probably like bleeding edge era Classic Falcon The Human Torch. Luke Cage/Iron Fist (That's a dream I can get behind)
  3. Man, that Deathlok looks really sweet. If only there was a minimate of him too...
  4. So I'm all for Minimates going for larger lines and reaching a bigger audience, but man alive, I have zero interest in both of these new lines. Between those and the proliferation of Marvel Movie waves, it looks like my wallet might get a break in 2014.
  5. I finally bumped into these in Los Angeles last night. They had the whole wave there, but just barely. I bought the only Winter Solider set and one of the two Thor sets. Good news if you're looking for that Cap or Wolverine set though.
  6. LA, Lousiana? or LA, Los Angeles? Because I hit the store in Burbank over the weekend and say nothing but the remains of wave 16 and a pack of Hawkeye/Black Widow
  7. Spider-Phoenix (Enter Electro Alt-Costumes FTW) I saw it all the time, and I know it's never going to happen, but man would I love a Slingers 4-pack. Or really, I'd be happy with the four of them spread out over a few waves. Again, never happening, but a man can dream.
  8. Hmmm... Maybe following the Thundercats release plan? If so Im okay with it. Easy to preorder box sets as opposed to scouring shelves at Toysrus hoping they have the two pack I need. Similar. The Expendables and Rocky and Back to the Future arguably had similar release schedules. Or would have. So sad we never got that third Rocky set. That would have been amazing... Back on topic, that Kill Bill set looks GREAT! Super excited.
  9. So, C3 seems to be back in action with some WWE sets. Sure there's lots of ring/entrance stuff, but there seems to be some nicely minimate scale stuff scattered in there as well. You know, like this set: that has full on motorcycle. Any of you Wrestling fans want to take the plunge on this before I drop 15 bucks on one of these in the hopes that we could finally have a minimate ready motorcycle?
  10. Wouldn't it though? Like Wolverine, Gambit, Sunfire, and Cyclops get together to talk about what Archangel has been going through for the past few years and wonder if it'll happen to them. Or better, come up with a plan if they start reverting back to those horseman ways. Also, boxset of X-Horsemen with Wolverine, Gambit, Polaris, and a Cyc-pocalypse would be the best thing ever.
  11. I'm a sucker for Father/Son Legacy stories, so that's what got me hooked in the first place. I really enjoyed watching Mark discover his powers and bond with his Dad in a new way. And yeah, some of that dialogue when the book started was pretty hooky, but it's more the idea of the characters and their world that got me interested. Keep reading though (especially if you have one of those big collections) because Invincible didn't really hit it's stride until the third trade (I think). That's when the twist hits and really gives Invincible it's reason for being.
  12. I always figured the unofficial reason why Wolverine's healing factor kicked into high gear was because of his time as a horseman of Apocalypse. I mean, it would make sense. And that's around the time his healing ability was getting out of control. Just a thought. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing that look immortalized in plastic.
  13. Man those look awesome. Late January can't come soon enough!
  14. As a diehard Cards fan, I'm actively rooting against the Saints this week as it's the only chance we have to get into the playoffs. Stupid NFC Best...
  15. The make or break thing for me when it comes the JRJR is his inker. His sketchy style with a sketchy inker, like Klaus Jansen, is a horrible, boxy, scratchy mess (See: NOW! Captain America, WWH, 90s X-Men). But when he's with a tight inker like Scott Hana, his stuff looks amazing (See: JMS Amazing Spider-Man). That said, his design work is very lacking and that new Hulk-Buster is ugly as sin.
  16. I finally found these in Los Angeles today. Err... in Burbank, technically. They had a full box fresh on the shelves, so get'em while they're ready to be gotten. Meanwhile the other store in my vicinity (Atwater Village) is too busy choking on rows and rows full of Street Fighter/Tekken figures. Hopefully that'll be thinned out during the craziness this weekend. Also, for the record, neither store got wave 16....
  17. Put me in for a solid Deathlok. Luther Manning, preferably.
  18. I almost ran outta time, but I persevered and was able to get something done tonight. I hope y'all dig it: The Cover of Amazing Spider-Man 417 and the original:
  19. As a huge fan of early X-Force (I nearly have a complete run), I'm super-stoked to get these versions of the characters. Better these than the shaky yellow-purple stuff of the Polina era.
  20. I've been all over southern California this past week and finally found them out in Puente Hills. And by found them, I mean I found the remnants of the wave. There were two packs of the Wolverine/Reaper set (in different aisles, of course) and a single Iron Man/Hulk one. I did notice when they rang me up that it registered as Wave 14, which is probably why I keep seeing Boom Boom and Richter hanging around all of a sudden.
  21. Super excited. I have a ton of ideas for this... now I just need the time to implement.
  22. So if wave 55 is, in fact, X-Men themed, I really only want one pack to make the cut: 90s bulked up Ice Man and Feral Pirate Wolverine. I just... I can't believe I don't have them in my collection yet.
  23. I had the exact same experience, TM. When the show started, I would watch but I wasn't into that into so I took a break (and it didn't help that my DVR was recording every episode that aired, regardless if it was new or not). Later on I stumbled onto some of the Simon and Marcy stuff, theories on the land of Ooo being a post-apocalyptic wasteland (now confirmed, obviously), and my interests were peaked again. Coupled with the amazing season 4 finale (The Lich) and the promise of alternate reality shenanegans in season 5 (Finn the Human and Jake the Dog), I was totally hooked. Fucking love this show! More recently, things like last night's episode that really dig into the history of the world in a way that's both inviting to newbies and satisfying to older fans just keep making it the cartoon to beat. I just wish they would get on it and start releasing the seasons at a quicker clip.
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