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Everything posted by Lobsterman

  1. If you want to throw a comic wave in between there just to be safe, you won't get any arguments here.
  2. I'm… going to have to wear bells now, aren't I?
  3. I'd love to see Rex Splode... Without new sculpts, they could maybe use Blue Beetle's cowl/goggles and Kidpool's collar thing?
  4. I was just thinking about this today (going back through and reading the Ultimate Collections). I was trying to think of who they would put in a second set. I imagine they would want to keep it mostly tampo-based, with a minimum of new parts. BD Invincible (obviously, as the title character; and he does get thrashed often enough that it wouldn't seem like a slot-filler) The Immortal (I don't love the character, but he wouldn't require any extra parts) Robot (arguably one of the key characters in the book, and he could be mostly simple tampos with a new head sculpt. Mauler (a recurring villain who would make sense in the context of the set; mostly tampos, and if you threw in a alt head, the set just became an army builder )
  5. Seems kind of stick-in-the-mud-ish.
  6. Is that going to be John C Reilly's face under that Nova helmet? #JOLO
  7. I'm the flip side of that I will buy ASM because Superior and SPock have finished and Parkers back. I can see ASM being good just dealing from the fall out of SPock. (Now Superior has finished I may buy is it trades when they are put together.) I refused to buy Spidey while Ock was in control and the only Spider stuff I read was Scarlet. Then you honestly missed one of the most entertaining runs in recent memory. Superior was a really interesting evolution for both Ottos character and the idea of Spider man in general. I'll be disappointed if things just go back to status quo, but I have a lot of faith in Slotts writing and plans for turning the character upside down again, even if it is to go back to the same old Peter.
  8. I googled that. I figured there'd be a Rule 34 Marvel Wasp and predator. I didn't know I'd find Wasp cosplaying AS a Predator. 0-o were looking for...the first one? :|
  9. I wish they had a simpler "basic level" Iron Man instead of the $20 electronic one. I'm sure the Iron Patriot base will be repainted eventually….
  10. It's not scalping unless someone else is doing it.
  11. If they were only going to make one more TNG character as a Minimate, I think Worf is the smartest choice. Aside from Geordi, who would need that sculpted visor, he's the only character that isn't a pretty easy quick custom. The yellow shirt, along with Picard's red, gives us fodder for everyone but Crusher and Troi. A sculpted brow piece gives us fodder for more Klingons, somewhat satisfying the requests of people who want alien army builders. And a Bat'leth blade would be all kinds of awesome. I wonder what alien/villain they would pair him with? Another Klingon in battle garb seems logical. A small-body Ferengi could be cool, too
  12. I don't know if this is an indicator of... anything, but... (from DST's 2014 catalog)
  13. I thought that too, but then I saw the Thundercats listed, which I thought was the same situation. Splitting hairs, I guess.
  14. Weirdly, DC Minimates are not listed on there. Whatever spat happened between them must have been pretty nasty.
  15. Speaking of Lincoln and Hellboy, I want Amazing Screw-On Head Minimates, too!
  16. I'd throw a shoe at him . Who throws a shoe? This guy.
  17. It's like the angry birds of necro-botanical combat strategy games.
  18. Am I correct in assuming your diet consists of exclusively Skittles and Red Bull?
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