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Trekker 42

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Everything posted by Trekker 42

  1. Jabba, Crumb, and Bikini Leia or Guard Lando or Blind Han sounds right. Bikini Leia being the right answer but I don’t know if they’re still marketing that outfit.
  2. What, you don’t want a Crash Test Doomy minimate?
  3. Ahahahahahhhhh so it’s not Far From Home. Regrettable. But Spider-Verse is still on the table and that... that is not so regrettable. I could also go for the first two Rami films to round out that particular group since we got Spider-Man 3 but never 1 or 2. Also this is a prime opportunity to release The Lost Ghost Rider Wave. I don’t think they should release the Lost Ghost Rider Wave. But this would be an opportunity to do so.
  4. I WANT THAT JUGGERNAUT. He’s exactly what I wanted.
  5. Hate to be a bother but was there any word on this?
  6. Personally I’m hoping it’s Far From Home. A Spider-Man/Mysterio two pack. Either in the Night Monkey suit or the final fight suit. I don’t care. I’m just sad we don’t have that Mysterio.
  7. ... I like the cap minimate. it looks nice.
  8. And with Avengers continuing to drop characters you can always just throw out a couple two packs from each DLC. A character and maybe whatever villain that character’s dlc centers around. Not to forget of course the Morales game and any other Spider-Man sequels coming.
  9. I guess I should ask then, is there any chance of a followup to get the characters we don’t have yet?
  10. Yeah oddly enough I have 0 intention of getting the game but I want these minimates and the hopefully coming follow up with Ms Marvel, Thor, Modok, and honestly who cares I just want those three.
  11. It does make me feel a little better but I also think of all the exclusive minimates which would’ve been made in that meantime. So tired of this literally godforsaken year.
  12. Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints oh it takes and it takes and it takes
  13. Hey @DSTZach any word on if there’ll be a round 3 of these?
  14. We’ll see what surprises the game has in store. There are villains I’m sure we haven’t seen yet.
  15. Batman will actually f**k a bat before we get minimates for this show.
  16. Luckily he’s a blonde so I’m just gonna grab one of the 486 Captain America hairs I have.
  17. FANTASTIC FOUUUUUR I adore the Reed accessories and I don’t know if I can express how happy I am that we’re finally getting a Johnny in just a normal ass costume.
  18. So while I want a 60 Years or Fantastic Four wave, fuck YEAH Immortal Hulk. I’d be so in for that. Best comic I’ve read in a very long time.
  19. I’m still kinda annoyed we never got the exploded T-1000 piece in sand color as a sandman accessory.
  20. I’d recommend stopping here if you still like the show.
  21. CGR looks real nice. Well done on a really great character.
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