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Everything posted by JediJohnson

  1. Agreed. Another option would be to pack-in an extra pair of legs, like we often get the extra set of arms or hands.
  2. Not at retail; or Lego brick-n-mortar
  3. Do you have a pic of the Checkpoint motorcycle with a minimate that you can share?
  4. Is anyone playing this yet? Is it really "free to play"? thx!
  5. Happy Birthday Zach! Thanks for being a part of this community!
  6. Hated that guy in the Sega Genesis video game....
  7. Found these at Bellevue, WA TRU yesterday. Look great and good fitting parts; thanks DST! ONly problem is with Air Walker's flame wings staying in place. They keep falling off. And, I was expecting from earlier pictures that it would attach via a waist piece, and was hoping therefore to us them on P5 Cyclops. Oh well... Zach, loving all of the accessories that came with this and wave 48. A question: what determines that a wave can be made with all these accesories, but something like SF v T doesn't even come with simple stands? Thanks!
  8. Found these @ Bellevue, WA TRU yesterday; due to the different size of the packaging from other mates, they were sitting on the floor. Very disappointed in the quaility of my Gruntos. Every extremity piece is too loose and falls off at the slightest touch.
  9. Or maybe Marvel NOW! Sauron doesn't wear pants....?
  10. And the Rogers hands include a shield peg, so hopefully a holoshield will be included as well. Hopefully. Zach seems to have confirmed it in the Wave 51 thread:
  11. Zach, any chance the one of the Commander Rogers parts included with Nick Fury Jr. will be his "hard-light" shield instead of the standard shield? thanks!
  12. Just saw this review of "Nitro Mites" at MarvelousNews: Has anyone seen these? Do they work with 'mates? Thanks!
  13. Doesn't WB own Scooby-Doo? I'd sure go for a minimate Mystery Machine!
  14. Unless it smells like the average 3rd day con attendee....
  15. is there a return address indicating who sent it?
  16. They're all over the Facebook page. oh. can't see facebook at work. thanks though! Here you go! Awesome! Thank you!
  17. They're all over the Facebook page. oh. can't see facebook at work. thanks though!
  18. could someone explain the logic behind Disney + Lucasfilm = Star Wars Minimates? I just don't see it happening.
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