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Everything posted by infallible

  1. Awesome. How is it I'm only hearing about this now? Where was the information released?
  2. I console myself by saying that you don't get as far in the process as we have with the Target 'Mates, only to not release them. I just want them so bad! It's hard not to worry a little. Hopefully, after they reset once the Transformers hype is done, the MiniMates will start to show up.
  3. This is something that's nice to think about, but I doubt it'd ever happen. But I don't want to rain on the parade, because I'd love to see it happen. Personally, I'd have no problem paying $10+ per MiniMate for an exclusive like this, if it's a licensed character that we wouldn't get otherwise. But I'm not interested in a blank, or even a MMMV logo one. Were this to be reasonable, I think you have to forget 2-packs, and think of a single character (or if you do 2-packs, it would be two of the same person). You also want someone that people will want multiples of, since that would make sales way easier. You don't want a "big name" like Hawkeye or Vision, because those should really be part of a regular wave. Ideally, you want a "fan-popular" character that DST isn't likely to make. Only one guy fits the bill: We need to get the community behind Madrox the Multiple Man! I'd happily drop some cash for several of him.
  4. I'm not sure I'm that thrilled that the released verisons of Spidey will be different from the preview pack. I passed on that because they were supposed to be the same as what's in the wave, and it's not like I don't have enough Spider-Men. I just hope that it's a minor difference, otherwise I'll be hitting up eBay.
  5. True about the begging. I mean, the figures themselves haven't even been released yet! Much less any plans that Diamond may have to get them out to people. Besides, it's not like they won't be on eBay and won't be reasonable there. I gotta say that the Roslin/Zarek pack seems like a great choice (or maybe that lab coated Baltar that we had seen before). If it's Trek, I'd like battle damaged Kirk and Spock from the episode where they had to fight, maybe include those big Q-Tips they had to fight with. Marvel calls for some Mighty Avengers, maybe a Wonder Man repaint in his cool smoking jacket and Black Widow. I'd love a Ms. Marvel, but I think she can do well enough in a regular wave. Edit: I'm stupid. Forgot about BD Kirk in wave 2. Maybe a short sleeved McCoy and Chappel? It's tough balancing the line between popular interest and fan interest...
  6. That's a great guess. I think that you may have hit the nail on the head here.
  7. Got the Diamond E-Spectrum newsletter in my mailbox, and it announced that there would be an exclusive MiniMate 2-pack released at San Diego Comic Con. But that's all it said. Didn't specify if it would be Marvel, 24, Rocky, or anything else. Let the speculation begin! Personally, I think it's likely to be Star Trek, to build interest in that line.
  8. Just got Diamond's newsletter in my mailbox, and it showed the Rocky "First Date" exclusive 2-pack. Rocky in his tank top, and Adrian in her pet shop outfit. They're pretty cool, and it's an important scene from the first movie. I like it!
  9. I think that DC MiniMates are the only line that could potentially be affected, right? All the other lines are distributed by Diamond or AA themselves. Personally, I think that DST would be happy leaving things as they are. They may not make as much on DC 'Mates, but the added noteriety and exposure of having DC 'Mates more than makes up for it. Not to mention that it's a pre-existing deal, so is unlikely to be affected. But even when it comes time to re-up the contract, if they're still doing strong, I'm sure they would continue the contract.
  10. Very sweet. I don't mind BD Kirk so much because he got his shirt ripped pretty often in the series. Absolutely love the expression on Spock. Very cool. Looking forward to getting these, and looking even more forward to TNG. :-)
  11. That's an easy one...Spider-Man 3. I think Spider-Man was better in every way. Sorry, X-Men 3...
  12. Awesome! Tiger jacket Rocky! That's so perfect! Loving this line.
  13. Caught it last night at the greatest theater in the country: Alamo Drafthouse. They had a velcro wall in the lobby before the show, and their south Austin location had a bunch of exotic spiders in the lobby. Preshow (when most theaters show the Coke ad slideshow) was an episode from the 60s series, Spider-Man trivia, clips from Japanese Spider-Man, a clip from a short-lived American live-action show, and some others. Awesome. They did a special menu. I got Bugs in a Web (which was crawfish with fetuccini in a garlic cream sauce; they cut up a portabella to look like a spider and put it in the middle) and Green Gobline lime milkshake (which was AWESOME). There's no movie experience like the Alamo Drafthouse. As far as the movie itself, I really liked it. I loved how Eddie Brock was played, especially when he goes Venom. All the fights were super-fast-paced and exciting. The Spider-Man franchise is, for me, still the gold standard for comic and superhero movies. Go see it! Even better, come to Austin and see it at the Drafthouse!
  14. If you lost your e-mail invoice, you can write them. I lost one of mine for preorders, and they sent a second copy to me very quickly. Real nice folks over there.
  15. I also hate chases, and all the trouble that come from them. Now, I do like that the variants can get you versions of a character that you may not otherwise be able to get (or in the case of the Spider-Women and Spidey 3, two different characters). If we had boxed sets, would we ever get an invisible Sue, diamond Emma, or stealth Iron Man? And while we've gotten some obscure characters in the two packs, would Thunderbird ever show up in a two pack? (Then again, who would have guessed we'd get Firestar?) Overall, I'd say that box sets or the DC model are what I'd prefer, but I don't complain too much about variants. It can be a pain, especially when you have lame ones like the Chameleon or Ultimate Cyclops, but it can also be a good opportunity to showcase an important version of a character. In something like the BSG line, 4 versions of Six would be overkill, but with variants, it's not so bad.
  16. I'd say they have to put Doc Brown in a set. That character is essential. Personally, I'd prefer an older Doc Brown, but I imagine that will come in the set for the second movie. :-) Though this is making me want to rent the movie. It's been a while since I've seen it.
  17. Monet and Siryn would disagree.
  18. Like Professor X? Chameleon? Peter Parker? Kingpen? Patch? Gwen Stacy? Mary Jane? Luke Cage? There are plenty of non-costumed MiniMates in the Marvel line, not to even mentioned the characters with dark costumes. I think he'd fit in very well, and I'd love to see him come out. I wholly support the multiple faces idea, too. Hopefully, X-Factor will continue to do well, and we'll get him. I've loved Multiple Man for a long time, but especially in the new comic.
  19. Thanks for posting this. I was just on the site, but didn't see them (since they're under the area for the Spider-Man box set). Put in my order, along with DC wave 6. If only CSC would stock the Galactica MiniMates...
  20. The two-pack idea isn't bad. There's no rule saying there has to be 4 'Mates for a movie. Though these are some unusual licenses. I haven't seen a lot of these movies, so I'll decide if I want the 'Mates once the pics come out. Though I don't think I'll be able to resist a Lector with that mask and straitjacket. Hopefully, he'll come on his own dolly and everything. Heh. However, anyone wanting civilian MiniMates pretty much got their wish. Plus, new faces, costumes, and hair should be good for the customizers. Here's hoping for American Beauty MiniMates...
  21. I'm always up for more JSA members to be made. Also, I think Oracle would be a nice addition, as would a modern Robin. But I'd really love a Riddler in that snazzy green suit, purple tie, and bowler hat. I love the C3 Riddler, but the suit has always been my favorite.
  22. Trouble with making Ezri the variant is that it requires a whole new mold (for the hair), as opposed to just a paint change or alternate outfit. It makes sense, though, especially if they end up only doing three waves per series.
  23. See, the great thing about LEGO is that you can take the basic design, and mod it up to fit Minimates really easily. And with Batman sets being pretty much all black, it's even easy to get pieces.
  24. I hate to be a follower, but I agree with everyone here. Very nice. I love them, and can't wait to have them. The Marvel movie 'Mates have all been really well done (even if the movies haven't been), and I'd also buy some from Fantastic Four 2 (which would be perfect, as there are 6 main characters, variant could be "flame-off" Torch). What an awesome year! I'm so hyped!
  25. Luckily, plain folks are pretty easy to make. I don't make any customs, but even I could hobble together some folks to sit in the background.
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