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Advice Requested re: Removal of Toys


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OK, so last weekend we rented a storage room to put away the crap that was just taking up space in the house, and I came to a realization--I've got way, way too much stuff. Mostly books and. . .toys, obviously. I'm talking GI Joes, Marvel Legends, Secret Wars, Super Powers, Minimates, Kubricks, Transformers, JLU, DCUC, 1/6 scale figures, and all kinds of crap in-between. Literally thousands of toys that I've accumulated over the years, most of which are gonna sit in a box until I decide on a whim to take them out and look at them one day, only to return them back to their box, because there is no chance that I'm going to display all of them.

So, I don't just want to store this stuff forever, and I know that a fair amount of it has value. However, I can't find it in me to just up and sell my collection of stuff. Much of it is from childhood--and there is no chance of me selling that, because I'm an extremely nostalgic person--but I can't even justify getting rid of the stuff I've picked up in the last few years. I have a kind of hoarding instinct in my genes I believe, and I need to overcome this.

So, my question to my fellow boardies is this--what the hell do I do about it? Has anyone else gone through this? I know that the compulsion to collect and hoard is something that is intrinsic to collecting, so I'm hoping that someone that has had this instinct and overcome it can give me some constructive ideas as to how to do what I know in my brain that I need to, but that my gut won't allow.

I also have a second, related, but separate problem which is compulsive buying behavior (I received a package from BBTS today, Toys R Us yesterday, and Matty Collector the day before! :( ), but I won't get into here . I'm gonna assume that I'm gonna keep buying crap. My only concern at the moment is getting rid of stuff.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

(Note: If anyone can give me the advice that solves my woes will be rewarded with Minimates :) )

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Hooooooooooooooooh boy, can I relate :(

Since reentering the toy-collecting game last year my personal finances have gone on a MAJOR downward spiral, especially considering that I don't even have a real job or a big-enough house to proudly display all my junk in. Although you may be on to something with the whole "the compulsion to collect and hoard is something that is intrinsic to collecting" thing: if I wasn't hoarding toys, it was books and rock CDs and miscellaneous doodads instead. (Bad case of the packrat gene, what can you do?) Very recently my mom and I actually played out the whole collector's ultimatum thing. Not pretty.

Probably one of the closest-to-productive solutions I've seen to something like this is actually coming out in the open with your obsession, and I'm not talking about Collectors Anonymous or something like that.

For example, there's a local TV segment here that regularly features and showcases toy collectors and their respective areas of expertise from WWE action figures to Transformers. There they can talk about what got them into collecting and why it makes them feel good and stuff. May not seem like much to you, but just the knowledge that there's an actual "safe zone" of sorts for us collectors in common society to commiserate and talk openly about our pursuits without all that anti-nerd sentiment is an oddly comforting thought.

Aside from local TV, there's also the usual convention scene and neighborhood comic book shops and collector communities where the rabid "toy-hunter" mentality actually takes a back seat to the warm and fuzzy camaraderie between like-minded people with shared interests. I guess all I'm saying is that something as simple as a damn-good support system as far as your own "private obsessions" are concerned can make sooooo much difference in the long run. :)

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Simple send all the cool stuff to me :D

I wont feel as guilty hoarding it as you will ;)

I'm actually interested to hear what people say because although it's mostly just minimates ( and boardgames) with me I need to do the same...


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My advice is this.

Look through as much as you can.

Pick out a few things that absolutely mean alot to you.

The rest you can post here and see if anyone wants. If nobody wants to buy, you can offer them for free (Charge for shipping of course).

Since I am assuming that alot, or at least some of the toys are in good condition, or in package still, you can always donate them to a toys for tots type charity. It will help you get rid of items that you don't want/need, and it can help disadvantaged kids have something to play with. And it would also probably help you with some minimate karma. Imho, any of the above is a win/win to you.

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My advice is this.

Look through as much as you can.

Pick out a few things that absolutely mean alot to you.

The rest you can post here and see if anyone wants. If nobody wants to buy, you can offer them for free (Charge for shipping of course).

Since I am assuming that alot, or at least some of the toys are in good condition, or in package still, you can always donate them to a toys for tots type charity. It will help you get rid of items that you don't want/need, and it can help disadvantaged kids have something to play with. And it would also probably help you with some minimate karma. Imho, any of the above is a win/win to you.

Doc nailed it. before minimates, I have always been a collector of some type of toy. Star Wars *originals, then GI Joe 80s, then Star Wars POTF, then Marvel Legends, and now Minimates.

now the original star wars and gi joes, i was a kid, so getting rid of them was easier, I went on to high school and college and just walked away from them

star wars after college, that was my first real collection. I had literally hundreds of figures, all stored in drawered containers. They would sit in my closet, and i would look at them every now and again...i felt the nostalgia for them, but decided one day that it just wasnt enough anymore, the collection became more of a burden than fun.

I got rid of them 3 days after that and it was a very cleansing feeling.

but by all means keep what means the most to you.

right now my collection consists of minimates (some not all) a ML captain america, and ghost rider, an original snake eyes from 82, a new snake eyes, cobra commander and major bludd. All mean something to me, all are displayed and I love em.


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My wife is the anti-hoarder. If something sits in her closet for more than the season without being worn, she attempts to sell it, failing that she donates it. She does the same thing with books, movies, toys, would probably like to do it to me. I have since adopted her mentality. I am now worse than her. I only collect Minimates, phoenixes, and NGE. There are some rare exceptions but basically that is it. If I can not display it, it has to go into storage. If I have to store an item then I just do not buy it anymore.

The morale of my story is the same as what MOC stated. If you are not doing anything with it, and it is no longer bringing you joy, or it is actually causing fraustration, get rid of it. Sometimes I miss my M.A.S.K. toys but then I look at my curio of mates or get out my parts bin and I am just an 8 year-old kid again and I don't care about stupid 7 points of articulation and bad spelling.

Keep what you LOVE, the rest is just eating up space. If you can not decide on an item keep it. It is better to have than to have had and sold stupidly.

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My wife is the anti-hoarder. If something sits in her closet for more than the season without being worn, she attempts to sell it, failing that she donates it. She does the same thing with books, movies, toys, would probably like to do it to me. I have since adopted her mentality. I am now worse than her. I only collect Minimates, phoenixes, and NGE. There are some rare exceptions but basically that is it. If I can not display it, it has to go into storage. If I have to store an item then I just do not buy it anymore.

The morale of my story is the same as what MOC stated. If you are not doing anything with it, and it is no longer bringing you joy, or it is actually causing fraustration, get rid of it. Sometimes I miss my M.A.S.K. toys but then I look at my curio of mates or get out my parts bin and I am just an 8 year-old kid again and I don't care about stupid 7 points of articulation and bad spelling.

Keep what you LOVE, the rest is just eating up space. If you can not decide on an item keep it. It is better to have than to have had and sold stupidly.

Same here! I find myself worrying less about things if I sell them so I can get the money when I need it for other things, then I can buy it later if I really really want it. The only things I can consider myself hoarding right now are things for trade, Toys 4 Tots, and Magic cards that I can trade for cards I can play with.

I highly recommend what the others have said about keeping the things that mean a lot to you, and offering the rest on the board and/or donating them. Then if you want them back, just buy them later. The nice thing about collecting is that some toys retain their value, and you wouldn't be collecting most of them if they didn't.

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I have been in your situation many times in my life & each time I've concluded that as long as I could store the 'stuff' safely & economically my loft usually....I'd hang on to it. I am an obsessive collector & it is a problem that money or lack of money never solves so I just accept must you IMO. I sincerely believe that in my case if I didn't 'collect' I would descend down some other unhealthy obsessive path such as drugs & other shite that some of my more 'enlightened ' ex-friends have taken over the years. I have taken a fair bit of mockery over the years regarding my collections & still do ,but I rarely regret my purchases .....except for my vast collection of 'super-rare-one-day' VHS collection :D Can't win 'em all :(

To be continued..........

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Thanks for the suggestions fellas, I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to share your perspectives and experiences.

To Northraider's point about "coming out into the open" with my affliction, that could be a solution. However, I do not really want to come to terms with what I am and what I do. I want to smite it from the earth! :D I suppose that is what a "collector's anonymous" group would ultimately be concerned with, but your suggestion of feeling comforted and safe isn't something I'm looking for. Hell, I already have it here with all you fellas, anyway :thumbsup:

Damn enablers, the whole lot you!

I think that the suggestion by Doc, MOC and others makes a great deal of sense. The problem is, if I look at my stuff and ask myself--"what absolutely means alot to me," I have a very difficult time answering that. I have done a fair job of getting rid of stuff I don't care to keep over the years (I've probably sold/traded well over 1,000 things on eBay, here, and on other forums over the last few years), and all the crap I'm stuck with is the "more important" stuff. The problem I'm having is making myself not feel like I "absolutely need" so much to begin with.

Although you may be on to something with the whole "the compulsion to collect and hoard is something that is intrinsic to collecting" thing: if I wasn't hoarding toys, it was books and rock CDs and miscellaneous doodads instead. (Bad case of the packrat gene, what can you do?) Very recently my mom and I actually played out the whole collector's ultimatum thing. Not pretty.

I have been in your situation many times in my life & each time I've concluded that as long as I could store the 'stuff' safely & economically my loft usually....I'd hang on to it. I am an obsessive collector & it is a problem that money or lack of money never solves so I just accept must you IMO. I sincerely believe that in my case if I didn't 'collect' I would descend down some other unhealthy obsessive path such as drugs & other shite that some of my more 'enlightened ' ex-friends have taken over the years.

And there is another good point. Before getting into these, I was an obsessive buyer of CDs, DVDs, and comic Trade Paper Backs. I would constantly find myself on, spending hours searching through their "deals" pages looking for a good $5 DVD or CD.

This type of behavior seems to be in my blood, and my current outlet is, yes, troubling in that fact that I am a hoarder, and a hoarder of socially unacceptable things at that (though I don't care about that so much), but it is not dangerous to my health or well-being. And at least this stuff has much better resale value than the hundreds of DVDs and CDs I have stuck in boxes, that FYE won't even give me $1 each for. The woman reinforces my bad behavior by constantly telling me what Rob is--at least it isn't whores, liquor, and heroine. This is true, but damn if I didn't wish I was addicted to exercise or producing scholarly articles or something that would be a bit more positive.

But could I remove myself from the addictive/hoarding personality altogether? If it is just a matter of finding different outlets. . .I don't know.

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I guess if you really wanted to scare yourself straight out of the hoarding instinct, you need only turn to Wikipedia's article on "compulsive hoarding" for some horrorshow* reading. Who knew you could literally die in an apartment full of junk? *shudder*

On the other hand, you could always build yourself one of these and give back to the community with your childhood nostalgia somehow. Or you can do what I do and subscribe to the notion that collecting is what "artsy" types do. You know, like Joseph Cornell.

Okay... my geekery probably isn't helping the situation, is it? :lol:

*May or may not be an oblique allusion to A Clockwork Orange

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I recently went through a similar crisis of conscience. I came to the realization that the reason I buy so much stuff now is because I can add it to the already existing collection of stuff I had. So my solution solved both problems. This makes sense to me so hopefully I can make it make sense here. I decided to sell a bunch of my stuff which of course lessened the amount of random toys clogging up all my storage space and now when I come across something that I would have normally just bought no questions, I think to myself that I don't have other stuff in a collection to add it to and so what would be the point buying it now. This has made it sooooo much easier to pass stuff up in the last while and has helped me really limit what new stuff I buy and the old stuff I have has become smaller. Hopefully that makes sense, the less stuff I have the less new stuff I buy. I was a difficult thing at first to get rid of those first few things I sold but once it was done it was so much easier to move on and sell the next stuff. You just have to make it past that first step. Anyway now instead of using the money I get for toys right away I have money from selling stuff that has accumulated because I am much more picky about what I buy and having extra money is such a great feeling!

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So does this mean I don't win the "K80 free minimate challenge"? :D

Maybe if you really need help Sam you can post a bunch of figures here on the board for members to vote on to help you decide what to keep and what to donate/give away/sell.

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I guess if you really wanted to scare yourself straight out of the hoarding instinct, you need only turn to Wikipedia's article on "compulsive hoarding" for some horrorshow* reading. Who knew you could literally die in an apartment full of junk? *shudder*

I tried watching the A&E show Hoarders for this very reason, but instead it just made me feel better, since in comparison my collecting "wasn't that bad"...

I've gone from toys when I was a kid, to CDs in high school, books in university, and now back to toys again. It's definitely a personality/DNA thing.

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An example of how I'm no help to you Sam.........

I had a series of British comics that I collected from the age of 8 years old . There were over 600 consecutively numbered issues in this collection although the comic ran for another 60 or so issues after I stopped buying it at the ripe old age of 21 years old when I decided I'd grown out of it . Some many years later I was introduced to ebay & decided to sell them.... so I did my research & discovered that they weren't worth a fortune but were actually quite collectable, 30 years on. One problem I had was that there was one issue missing mid-sequence & I decided to find it & the other 60 issues that I missed out on so that I could sell the 'set' complete. I found them,I placed them with my own collection ....& completed the set!

To be honest apart from inspecting them & scanning through the 'missing mid-sequence' I never even read them.

That was 5 years ago .....I never sold them & I probably never will :(

Edited by buttheadsmate
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So does this mean I don't win the "K80 free minimate challenge"? :D

The jury is still out :) But I have to say, a bag of Minimates is definitely cheaper than a shrink.

I tried watching the A&E show Hoarders for this very reason, but instead it just made me feel better, since in comparison my collecting "wasn't that bad"...

I'm the same way--"I'm putting my stuff in storage, in well organized boxes! I'm no hoarder!" Denial ain't just a river, and it's easy to find "worst case scenarios" to justify just about anything in this world.

As to Rob's post. You're right. No help! :D Seriously though, I appreciate the input.

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I think that the suggestion by Doc, MOC and others makes a great deal of sense.


This is true, but damn if I didn't wish I was addicted to exercise or producing scholarly articles or something that would be a bit more positive.

Using the Doc/MOC method, I have seriously cut my collecting habits. Minimates are now the only thing I collect. It's sad sometimes when I see pegs full of DCUC, MU, GI Joes, Star Wars, etc, but in the end, I think I actually get more for my money because I chose what it was that I wanted the most and stuck with it. I got rid of a bunch of stuff at a yard sale last year. I didn't make any money, but it was very thereaputic. Some things I couldn't part with, but that's ok- it all fits nicely in a closet.

All of that obsessive behavior had to go somewhere, and now I am much more active. I try to go to the gym every night after work. More importantly to me, though, is that every Saturday morning I go on a hike. I don't know what it is, but the hike somehow fulfills the collecting need. I guess in many ways it is like collecting, only I'm not looking for that Luke with a perfect paint job, or the htf Target DCUC wave. Instead I'm kind of searching for a moment or a place or something. And when I find it, it is every bit as exhilarating and ephemeral as new plastic smell.

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I have sold off a HUGE amount of my collection, and there's still more to go. I wanted to keep everything, but when I finally realized that owning a toy that sits in a tote in a storage bin is completely unfulfilling, I was able to let some stuff go. I got rid of my entire Palisades Toys Muppets collection, which was super tough, all of my 3 3/4 figures, which I started buying again when the 25th anniversary stuff came out (ugh) and I'm currently moving out all of my LEGO sets, keeping only a handful of minifigs and of course my entire Lego keychain collection.

Here's what I collect now:

MOTU classics


Mighty Muggs

Mez-itz ( the newer 6" style)

And to keep the M's from getting a clean sweep, LEGO keychains.

The Minimates and keychains take up minimal storage space, and my Mighty Muggs and Mez-Itz are all currently on display.

I will buy an occasional odd piece from another toy line if it's something I really like. Maybe a cool Batman figure or something.

The bottom line is this: If it's been packed away for several months, you don't need it. Sell your excess items and go on a nice vacation somewhere.

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Being in (not only) minimate-land for just two month now, I can ultimately understand your problem! I would spend way more money on stuff, if there would be an easy way to store it in my suitcases and get it back home next spring. In some sense I'm glad that this isn't the case.

The problem is, if I look at my stuff and ask myself--"what absolutely means alot to me," I have a very difficult time answering that.

I guess that is one of the major points and I honestly don't know how to solve it, if there isn't something like a (self-)restriction. I can just tell you what I do. I don't have a huge toy collection, at least not compared to most of you - although my girlfriend whould object here -, but I do have a huge cd and vinyl collection - and the good thing is, Mrs. is participating in that one. :P

However, at some point about two years ago I realized the old dilemma: infinite growth isn't possible with finite resources. I came up with a decision and although it seems kinda tough, I'm sticking to it and it works: for every new record I want to buy, I have to get rid of an old one, which isn't easy. I usually give those away to friends, sometimes sell it on eBay or to record stores, and I'm pretty comfortable with it.

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I have broke down numerous times over the years and gotten rid of toy collections. I have sold all my Marvel Legends twice. I felt so bad after selling my collection that I went back out and bought every single one again and then some. I had every figure from the beginning up to a wave or two before Hasbro took over. Once I get them all the second time I felt kinda stupid for hunting them down again, and then immediately sold them. I also do the same thing with all my Masters of the Universe figures from around 2000. I had almost every single one and then sold them, weeks later I started buying them again. Then turned around and sold them again. I have one carded Venom Spitting Kahn that I have been meaning to part with, and a few loose MOTU figures in a box that I have been meaning to get rid of too. Crap, I also used to have just about every Spawn figure too. Now I am just depressing myself :(

Recently I have been looking at my Marvel Universe figures and G.I. Joe figures and have been wanting to sell them. I even closed my Ebay account to help prevent me from selling more of my toys, but these figures just sit on a shelf in my closet. I think they need to go to a good home and will probably put them up in here for trade or sale. Oh yeah, don't even get me started on my old Lego Star Wars collection that I sold. I can't believe how much they have gone up in value. I still kick myself in the ass for getting rid of those! Especially now that my son is old enough and has been playing with Legos lately.

I honestly don't know what to tell you. As you can see, I have trouble parting with things too. To the point that I go through withdrawals when I do get rid of them and end up buying them again. Maybe try to knock it down to only collecting two different lines of things.

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It must be amazing for you guys when your kids start loving the toys you have collected ....perhaps another reason for hanging on to them ;)


Because they want to play with them.


Just kidding.

I actually gave Shawn a few of my marvel legends figures. And a minimate.

He loves them.

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The bottom line is this: If it's been packed away for several months, you don't need it.

If I followed this rule of thumb, 99.9% of my stuff would be gone!

I have a quarter of my garage taken up with 90-gallon totes FILLED with toys. Half of my bedroom closet is filled with toys. They're on my desk at work and home. They're in my living room. It's quite ridiculous. I know I have a problem, but can't stop.

I've thought about going through it and deciding what I like "best". The problem is that I love it all in some way. Even the most cheesy, lame toy has its own charm. How much time and effort went into finding them all? Countless hunts. Hundreds of hours. I wouldn't get nearly what I paid for them. These are my rationalizations.

I want out, but don't know where to begin...

I've really reigned my toy buying in lately. My girlfriend thinks I'm going off the deep end because this is such a departure from the compulsively buying, tote fillilng, tote stacking hoarder that she has come to love over the past 2+ years.

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I am a packrat and hoarder - CDs, magazines, clothes, I rarely throw anything out.

Toys have been a problem of mine for many years, and when I say problem, I think I mean psychological problem. I used to buy toys for "comfort shopping", basically being unhappy the majority of the time meant I would wonder into TRU or Woolies or somewhere and buy something. Usually I didn't even open it, it was just compulsion to buy something to make me "happy". Ebay didn't help either, bought loads of vintage/rare/Japanese Transformers etc from there over the years.

Collecting things also gave me "control" over my life because then I could focus on collecting Star Wars (vintage and new lines)/Transformers (pretty much every line from G1 on)/MOTU (200X)/Marvel Legends/Minimates to the detriment of everything else, and that, coupled with my packrat nature and collectors "gotta have everything" mentality, was becoming a real problem to me.

My attic is full of boxes of toys, but a few years ago I did sell some of my collections to focus on just a few, and I think at that point I managed to kick my collector mentality. I do still need to sell a whole load more stuff, but now it's almost like a dirty secret, I can't face going into the attic and seeing all the stuff I have bought over the years. It reminds me of how bad I got.

Sorry k80, this rambling doesn't really help with your problem, I guess the tl;dr version is that I've been there and I sympathise.

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