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I'm not saying that I endorse this thread or not, but it brings up a good question to me: should the DC/C3 forum be moved to the Minimates Past area now?

but where will we post our hopeful postings when dc make another movie? I mean just because DST matt clearly stated that dcd has no interest in making minimates why should that crush our dreams?

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I'm not saying that I endorse this thread or not, but it brings up a good question to me: should the DC/C3 forum be moved to the Minimates Past area now?

but where will we post our hopeful postings when dc make another movie? I mean just because DST matt clearly stated that dcd has no interest in making minimates why should that crush our dreams?

Yes, we all clearly want those Jonah Hex moviemates... <_<

Well, i coudl settle for sluttily-dressed Megan Fox... :blush:

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lol okay then as it's been suggested before, get Mattel to do DC Minimates.

Then they wouldn't be Minimates, they'd be something entirely different and presumably inferior. With the rare exception of the DCU line (thanks to the 4 Horsemen's aid), I've never been able to get behind any products Mattell has ever schlocked-out since 1970 :down: .

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It's gonna be a chore to bump this thread everytime a 'possible return?' thread comes up.

We should just make it a rule that everyone who wants to make a 'possible return' thread has to make it clear in the title it's crazy talk and use the description for writing about the topic they want talking about.

For example I was wondering recently:

"If TRU wants more miniflyers can DST make DC ones similar to C3 (although as sold parts) without infringing on Lego or Mattel's rights, and would DCD need to approve of them?"

I know that didn't need it's own thread so I just posted in the existing garbage 'possible return' thread, but if I HAD posted that on it's own I could call it:

"DC Mini-flyers at TRU"

and that would cause people see the recent post, get excited thinking it was actual news, then get angry when it turns out it's just crazy talk.

With this rule I'd have to post:

title: "Crazy Nonsense Gobbledy Gook"

description: DC miniflyers

That way the recent post is NOT misleading, there's no new info, no fun custom ideas, just pointless crap one may or may not wish to read and post an opinion on.

other examples:

title: "Copyright laws escape me!"

description: "Shazam moviemates!"

what it's about: Hey since new line not warner bros. is (was?) making the Shazam movie this must mean they can make mates without DC licensing correct?

title: "This notion gets tossed around a lot when people get desperate"

description: "Silver Age DC Minimates Possible!!!

what it's about: some characters like Uncle Sam and Lady Phantom aren't copyrighted apparently. Let's make minimates of them!

title: "Gitchy Gitchy Goo!"

description: "Spirt Comic Minimates Sets Including Batman characters!"

what it's about: since there was a Batman/Spirit crossover this means Batman characters can be made in spirit sets, right?

See! That way no one is excited then crushed when they see the title in recent post, but people wanting to discuss the possiblity/illogicalness of such things can still do so!

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I don't think I'm quite ready to move the DC forum to "Licenses Past" yet. Yes, I know it's crazy for people like me to keep hoping for some miracle comeback, but I won't stop awaiting the day when a REAL "DC mates return?" will pop upon the board with actual evidence to back it up.

But otherwise, yes, I second dr baghead's suggestion of putting up a non-indicative thread title just so we don't break a whole load of boardies' hearts with false hope.

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Speaking as a relative new guy, I think some of you "older" boarders are a bit harsh on this issue. I understand that you guys have talked and hashed and beat the topic to death. I have been on enough boards to know what that's like when you really don't want to talk about something anymore. So I do understand your point of view.

But there are new folks joining all the time, and for us, this is the perhaps the first time we've been able to express our frustration and or hopes about DC mates. Every board has a focus, even if they don't admit it, Fwoosh is Marvel Legends/Universe obsessed, AFI worships at the feet of Mattel's DC license. But usually when you try to bring up a minimate discussion there, you generally don't get far. So we discover this place, where people not only want to talk about mates, they actually know what they're talking about. And after a little poking around we find that "DC coming back?" thread, and we need to add our two cents mostly just to get it off our chests. it usually doesn't take long before even we realize that we're going around in circles and stop.

But, yes. It does need to be moved to the "Dead License" pile.

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I think there is still enough of a DC oriented discussion to warrant keeping the sub-forum open. In the last month there has been active discussion in six threads not focused on a potential return (and not including this thread). I think as long as people want to talk DC, this section should stay open. If you don't want to read other people's opinions, there is a pretty simple solution: don't. Just ignore this section. It's not hard to not do something. Like right now, I'm not working. I could be, but I'm not. It's that easy. But to avoid confusion, I support Dr Baghead's thread titling proposal.

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Doesn't mean you can't have active "DC" discussions in the Licenses Past section. DC and c3 haven't been active minimate licenses for awhile and it's time to move them into with the rest of the dead licenses. This is a minimate board, not a Marvel and DC discussion board.

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I think there is still enough of a DC oriented discussion to warrant keeping the sub-forum open. In the last month there has been active discussion in six threads not focused on a potential return (and not including this thread). I think as long as people want to talk DC, this section should stay open. If you don't want to read other people's opinions, there is a pretty simple solution: don't. Just ignore this section. It's not hard to not do something. Like right now, I'm not working. I could be, but I'm not. It's that easy. But to avoid confusion, I support Dr Baghead's thread titling proposal.

But it'll be even easier to ignore if its buried in the Past section. :P

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sorry i agree with Dr baghead people always post stuff like hey wouldn't it be cool, but they don't call it that, they say things like star wars minimates, and star trek minimates return. lame. i totally missed beverly hills cop and return of BSG for these same reasons, i figured it was just some fan boy getting hopeful.

and another thing could people post a new thread when they find the product as apposed to adding it to an already existing one. i swear i almost missed one of the TRU sets because i thought we were still talking about how cool they are going to be!

and finally can some please post some damn pictures of ghostbuster already!

ok rant over.

R.I.P Dc minimates

Edited by maxcarnage
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Ouch. There's a sad finality to this move...

Yeah, there's such a finallity to it I wasn't expecting.

Um, can we move it back now? :(


Let us observe a moment of silence for our fallen DC brothers, and for the goofballs over at DC Direct who wouldn't give us those Two-Face/Black Canary/Poison Ivy/Kyle Rayner/JSA/Watchmen/whathaveyou Minimates we've been pining for since forever. May the license one day fall into better (or at least less moronic) hands.

Enough of this. See you guys over at the alive-and-kicking Marvel forum.

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"Yes... Yes... I see... Let me know immediately if his condition changes." hangs up phone. "He's dead."

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