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What can I said, if you cut me, I bleed Nintendo Red. I've only own three other consoles. I owned a Genesis and a Dreamcast and I currently own a 360. Everything else that I've owned has been Nintendo. And yes, for those who are wondering, I still own my Virtual Boy :). neo

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I still own my Virtual Boy :). neo

virtual boy :D:D:D:D

i don't know if this has been said but is the new sonic game coming out on the wii i am getting conflicting reports on this i love Nintendo but i also love sonic (not the games after a2b they have all sucked ) and i can only afford to get one of the next gen consoles

oh and if any of you haven't sean it yet hear is the trailer for the new sonic game

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Marvel: UA - I have it pre-ordered and I'm picking it up at lunch for the 360. CAN'T WAIT!! I'll post some impressions tomorrow.

As far as Sonic goes, Nestle is right. It's a completely different game and it is for the better. I download the demo for the Next-Gen game and it, in my opinion, was horrible. I have no intention to buy that game, EVER.

HOWEVER, that being said, Nintendo is getting back to what Sonic is great at: SPEED. The Wii game is called Sonic and the Secret Rings. The gameplay takes a new approach and trys to create the classic feel of Sonic. You play the game with the controller horizontal (like Excite Truck). The camera stays behind Sonic for the majority of the level as you steer sonic, almost like a car, through the level. You will use the 1 and 2 buttons to jump and spin dash. The game features only Sonic, doing what he does best! Here are a few shots of the game:






24 More Days!! neo

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Ok gang, back with another Ghost Recon question for you. For whatever reason the game isn't letting me pick other missions and starts me at training everytime I click on anything other than my saved game, is this normal or do I need to do something special? Otherwise, it's back to the store with this one tomorrow. Appreciate any assistance with this one.

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Ok gang, back with another Ghost Recon question for you. For whatever reason the game isn't letting me pick other missions and starts me at training everytime I click on anything other than my saved game, is this normal or do I need to do something special? Otherwise, it's back to the store with this one tomorrow. Appreciate any assistance with this one.

Thats the way it works, your save game saves your progress through the game so you can pick it back up. Not loading a save game is like never having played the game, you start back at training.

Once you complete the game there may be a mission select, but I only played this at a mates (I emailed him your query - its his response above) and he hasnt completed it either

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Thanks Ady, appreciate the assistance. I actually put some thought to it after I posted last night and discovered all my missions under my team name. Now I'm considering going back and replaying a few of them, now that I know where their at :lol: OK, for those that have played Splinter Cell and Marvel Alliance, let's hear some chatter :) From what I was told today at Target, Splinter Cell should be right up my alley, as I enjoyed Call to Duty, Perfect Dark and Ghost Recon :P But I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on this before I jump off the deep end ;)

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I went to GameStop on Wednesday to pick it up and the losers didn't have it. They said that GameStops box was left in Atlanta by UPS and they wouldn't have the game until Thursday. I said, "DAAAAAAAANG!!!"

So, I went yesterday and sure enough, they were taking it out of the box. I picked up a copy for my sweet 360 and headed home. I had to do the Husband/Father thing first. So, I made dinner and watched Lost with the Mrs. Then I fed the baby and got her to bed. Spent a little time with Mrs. neolego and then I heard the wonderful words, "honey, I think I'm gonna go to bed." Once that bedroom door closed, it was just me and Captain America for the next 3 hours. That's right boys and girls, I played until 1am :D.

Anyway, my first impressions are GREAT. The game plays just like X-Men Legends. If you've played either of those games, you will have no problem picking this one up. However, they added a lot more depth and control. Like holding down power buttons to make a stronger attack. Plus if you character flys, they fly and don't use any energy points. And by the way, Captain America is BAD @$$. Throwing his shield is one of the most enjoyable game elements of any superhero game I've ever played. It's just dang fun.

Well, I'm at Stark Tower now and I can't wait to get home tonight, I'm playing all weekend long :D, you guys need to get this game. neo

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Well, I'm at Stark Tower now and I can't wait to get home tonight, I'm playing all weekend long :D, you guys need to get this game. neo

I got it! And I'm all the way in ASGARD!

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you now i was thinking there should be a game only about bowser and him trying to deafetmario and capture the princess
I love the idea of those "play as a famous character's bad guy" game. Imagine it: Marvel: Not-so-ultimate-and-really-very-evil Alliance!
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Sorry handsome, I'm completely Anti-Sony my friend. I know that hard to believe with my sig :). I'm sure it plays good though, the GameCube version of X-Men Legends 1 and 2 were very good. neo

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Though I know there are plenty of reasons to love Sony, I find myself in the same boat as Neo.


I think the PS2 is a system for people who play fighting games and RPGs.

While I LOVE Kingdom Hearts, it is the only reason I have a PS2.

Though I'm not a Nintendo fan boy like Neo ;) , I can't stand Sony's system.

I love my GameCube & 360 equally, but my PS2 is the black sheep. We don't talk anymore.

It doesn't help that PS3 is so bloody expensive either... :rolleyes: . Did you know that PS3 won't include component cables? Are you kidding!?!? It's a bloody Blu Ray player!!!

In lighter news, Sony's profits took a 94% nosedive in Q2 of this year. 94%!!!! Having to recall a laptop battery that burst in to flames (429 million), preparing for the PS3 (366 million), and losing money on their movies (129 million) the lost over 900 MILLION!!!!

That's one rough quarter... :(

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Hey guys, wanted to let you all know that I got some Hands On time with the Wii Thursday and Friday. I have a full blog with my impressions, if you are interested you can read it here:

However, if you don't like to read, you can just check out the pictures :) :

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Did anybody get Marvel: UA for PS2? I know that all you lucky dogs with a 360 are enjoying it, but how does the PS2 version play/look?

Yes I've got M:UA for ps2 and love it it does play like x-men legends but the comments about more depth and such are correct the rpg engine has been tweaked and all for the better

my current team

classic thor

invisble girl


captain america

sue kicks major butt!

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Well, I like everyone else on these boards have been playing UlTimate Alliance. That being said... Is this REALLY a 360 game? These graphics are like 4 years old!

Okay, okay, I'm, being superficial. But when I buy a game for my 360 I EXPECT it to look good. You wanna pull that crap on my gamecube, go for it, but my 360 is NEXT GEN.

Anyways, my review:

Poor graphics (are those GIRLS or CIRCUS FREAKS?)

Good Lengthy game (5 MASSIVE acts)

Repetitive gameplay (those 5 MASSIVE acts start to drag on after awhile...)

Good Character selection (Even frilly characters like Dr. Strange)

Overall, I'd say this game gets a 7.5

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Wow, I honestly can't believe you found that much bad to say about Marvel: UA. So, I thought I'd add my review.

Title: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

Gene: Action/RPG

Platform: Xbox 360


-Some great writing took Marvel for a ride. Someone looking for an A+ story using 100 characters must have not read "Heroes Reborn". In order to fit all the heroes and all the villians together really takes work to make it good, and while there were a few loose ends I think that UA really puts a nice bow on the story. It's well told and tries hard to included everyone in the cast. A feat all in itself. Sure, if this was a Captain America game it may be more of a solid story, but for the cast and locals they do an outstanding job of writing a good story.



-I thought the look of the game was steller. From the startup menu to the training missions to the player stats. It's all very easy to navigate and understand. It actually feels like you are playing a comic book, which in the end is what you are looking for. Add in concept art and comic covers and character specific missions and unlockable costumes and it's just a full comic experience.



-This was not made as a 360 game. You have understand that when you buy it. Much like LEGO Star Wars II, it is a current-gen game that was polished to appear on the 360. They add much better effects and lighting and they add a nice shine polish to the characters, but overall it's just a current-gen game on steriods. That being said, it falls way short of what we know the 360 is capible. If you are thing this game is going to take Marvel into the Next-Gen then don't waste your money. It holds up and it's nice to look at, but it's just a current-gen project in fancy wrapping paper.



-Nothing new, but you know what they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." UA using the same formula from the X-Men Legends series while adding a little more flair. Light attacks are simple, and now power attacks can be held down to increase damage. Power and Health management is much better this time around which allows for more special attacks and the ability to fly without using EX is great.



-This is nothing new. Dungeoun Crawlers have been around forever. So, what makes this one any different? Characters! Honestly, if this game starred "Generic Hero 1" and "Super Hero 1" it wouldn't have the same appeal. But there is something about Captain American smashing people with his sheild and Thor flying high and then pounding the ground beneath him with his hammer. In this end, this is any fan dream game and I still get excited about playing - weeks later. It's nothing innovative or revolutionary, but it's complete and it's fun and I would recommend the game to anyone who has loved Marvel in the past.

:):):):mellow: (not an average)


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My review may have sounded a little negative, but we pretty much ended up with the same thing Neo. You gave it a 8, I gave it a 7.5.

And, when it boils down to it, that 0.5 is probably simply that I'm not a big Marvel fan.

I might sound pessimistic here, but I think it takes a lot for me to be "wowed" by a game anymore. It takes A LOT to get an 8 from me.

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