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Ace of Cakes is still on tv (in reruns on the Discovery Channel) & he's got at least 2 other shows on the Food Network right now.


Hellpop doesn't get it.

I don't, actually. Even if Kevin Smith didn't give me hives, I'd still think this is an odd choice. Is Smith's dwindling fan base that devoted? The box office for Tusk would suggest otherwise. I know the ratings for this show are fine, but they are not phenomenal. But... whatever. I don't like the guy, I hate his work, and I've certainly made that clear. I won't beat the dead horse any more after this post. I hope that this relationship with Kevin Smith is bringing in new Minimate collectors.

I'd consider myself to be "devoted", but I haven't seen more than the first episode, and the first half of an episode my friend was on (and obviously she's the only reason I watched that).

It's terrible, in my opinion.

Walt & Bryan seem like awful people (they weren't all that friendly when I met them at a con years and years ago).

(For those who care, this was my friend: )


(Well, she still is my friend, but she was only in that one episode, lol)


Assuming these are the pairings, front to back, iron man/Sabertooth may be my only pass, and even that MIGHT get bought. FalCap and apocalypse are KILLER

Actually, Vic could be useful. And carnage is AMAZING


the pairings are:

Sam Wilson as Captain America vs. Red Onslaught, Superior Iron Man vs. Apocalypse, Carnage vs. Hobgoblin, and Sabretooth vs. Kluh,

and being discussed over in the Wave 62 thread.

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