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Everything posted by NerdyTrev

  1. I'm not saying that's not reasonable. I think that it's a great way to get out other characters. However, I don't think that a whole wave with it is the best idea. The deadpool wave was different seeing as we haven't had nearly as many 'pools as we have Wolverines. Maybe I just have an unpopular opinion.
  2. What happened to the time when everyone was tired of all the Wolverine's we were getting? Was there a sudden change of opinion?
  3. Anyone else been picking these up? I've found them really neat figures to fill the DC void in my collection. Still not the best with articulation, but the sculpts are stellar.
  4. One of my gateways into the collecting community. Him, Mr Snippitysnip and Stanley Knife will all be terribly missed. I'm gonna truly feel at a loss not hearing his voice anymore.
  5. So many memories of this man making me laugh. I grew up with him as Willy Wonka, and he taught me what true comedy was in Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. He was a phenomenal actor, one that shall certainly go down in history for showing so many of us the magic of the movies. RIP Gene Wilder.
  6. If DST was able to throw together an Avengers MMMV "Wish List" wave, what's stopping them from doing the same thing with X-Men? Characters we've been clamoring in the X-verse like Toad, Mastermind, Skirt Jean, All New X-Men Cyclops and Storm. Some form of Wolverine to anchor the wave. I want that.
  7. It's either Thunderbolt Ross from the Hulk movie wave or Blackhawk from DC.
  8. Sorry to hear, Shane. I'll be praying for you and your family.
  9. The sword with Nightcrawler really seals the deal for that set with me. Great looking figures, can't wait to pick them up.
  10. That's actually really cool! I didn't know Pirate Raiders were based off actual pirates. And props for the script work, Zach! I wish those had seen a proper ending.
  11. Looking at my Retro X-Force Cable and I'm wondering if there's a way to get his head to fit on better. I thought maybe if I cut the brown part on the inside of the blue collar it might open the neck area up for ore room. That would also allow for better head movement. I don't know if that would ruin the piece, however. If anyone has any insight on this, it'd be much appreciated. Figure for reference:
  12. This is certainly surprising. I didn't know of his sickness so this one really caught me off guard. With a story like that, he must've been a real top notch guy. Sad to see him go.
  13. I really am only interested in the Space Venom. I think his design looks bad ass, the ML is great plus it can change to Flash Thompson. The prosthetic leg pieces really make it an all around win for me.
  14. I liked the MAX figures. They were different and interesting. I think it would be cool to see some more lines like this. Random, original characters that might have a backstory with them. Kinda like Calico Jack did. They made those awesome mini movies, too with Calico Jack. Although I think "Pirate Raiders" wasn't and original story. And weren't there a few MAX movies also?
  15. That's weird. What does it look like then? If anyone has a picture. Is it a new sculpt or just something old that DST threw together.
  16. Well we know that Karl Urban has been cast as Skurge, but is casting closed? Is there a sliver of a chance that they just haven't castes Amora yet? It seems pretty stupid of them to include and almost always silent character without his "voice" and also cast a brilliant actor to play him. I smell character rewriting!! I'm just hoping for a potential Masters of Evil. It just seems really difficult when they keep killing off their villains, however. I also want another Enchantress minimate. Call me greedy but if we're finally getting her, why settle for one? As I said, we don't know if she will be in the film. Probably not as filming has already begun. Sure do hope they're keeping something under wraps, though.
  17. It truly is fantastic. I don't usually watch TV shows, on account of my time restraints, but this show was absolutely brilliant! The characters are understandable, they each have their own little place in the story and no one is left out. Not a bad actor either! Everyone puts on a good performance and the kids are especially entertaining. It's scary, heartfelt, emotional, dramatic, everything you could want in a show about supernatural events occurring in a small USA town in the 80's. Plus it's got Winona Ryder. She's still phenomenal. Definitely give it a check out if you haven't already.
  18. I think at this point they've accepted that they can't do anything about it, but are still casually dropping something like, "Hey, you know we are still open to it if you want to throw a couple more together!" But, don't take my word for it. Zach, please correct me. I mean feel free to do or don't, but please correct me. On a more relevant note, I have no feeling about these. Unless DST releases a figure of the sausage-nazi (Bratzi?) It's a hard pass.
  19. Ok that was either a really subliminal pun or an appropriate picture.
  20. That picture really made me realize how outnumbered the villains are.....
  21. In my opinion, Star Trek is the superior Science Fiction and Star Wars is better storytelling. For me, however, I prefer Star Trek. It's more interesting to me and the characters are more likable. Before anything comes up, I'm not saying that Star Wars characters aren't likeable, just a bit bland. There isn't much to any of them. Star Trek, on the other hand, has had five full television shows to learn about all of these characters and countless films exploring the, in further depth. Sure, Star Wars may be more fun, but I favor something's level of intrigue to amount of fun.
  22. I'd KILL for an Abe Sapien minimate
  23. Minimate with small vehicle? I smell Indiana Jones with a Motorbike along with a Nazi and a Motorbike.
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