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Everything posted by winkerbean

  1. You can never have enough minimates of Sam Jackson. .... or is it Laurence Fishburne?
  2. Re watching earths mightiest heroes season 2 & 2 broke girls season 2 (which leads me to making & eating more cupcakes then I'm sure are healthy for me)
  3. I'm looking forward to Sitwell, another agent on the team
  4. Doors open officially in 8 minutes New York time
  5. Is Norman Osborne being assimilated by the Borg?
  6. Ok then, I don't know if I like them or not
  7. My god it's like you've know me my entire life, how I ever got married to a beautiful girl is a mystery to me to this day
  8. Being able to combine these with a few simple head swaps with existing lines is geek heaven
  9. I hope we get a Stewart & Wil Wheaton in future sets!
  10. I don't think we'll get commander Rogers as DST already gave us the parts to make him for that purpose with Nick Fury Jnr
  11. The doctor was one of the most popular characters I remember on one of the dvd special features saying everyone wanted to write for him.
  12. quick lets say how bad the Predator franchise is........
  13. It'll be cool there was no photography of the aliens line at sdcc and we still saw pictures of them unless you've invested in a working replica of 80s ed-209 to police things!!
  14. I love this time of year its better then Christmas!!
  15. Amazing news, great looking minimates, if this is 4 2-packs I'm in for case easily. Now come on community minimates!!
  16. So all heroes some from the fan have made it in, so any of these... Luke Cage (modern) Multiple Man (Classic) Team X Wolverine Iron Man 2020 Hydro Armor Iron Man Bulked up grey hulk Extra rocky mutated thing I think a Sue (blue/black costume) or Johnny or both are likely and I would love an ionic purple wonder man Wave 2 did not do any characters they did in wave 1 if they do the same here out of the fan poll that would leave just luke cage & mutliple man
  17. Lets hope nobody shoots the giraffe and feeds it to the other beasts
  18. Happy birthdays BHM I hope you're not flooded out on your birthday
  19. DOFP Wolverine is going to be the one in a box set need to hibernate till Monday night then wake up and see all the toyfair goodness good its worse then the wait to Christmas morning when I was younger
  20. They say you can never have to much of a good thing but with this being the 3rd movie black widow I really hope we don't get another next year with age of ultron
  21. Just got my shipping confirmation from Luke
  22. So its your fault for the weather today! I don't like B&W either
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