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Everything posted by Punisher

  1. Sorry for the necro but today I found at TRU what appears to be a new packaging variant! Complete with peeled off cardboard, sun-faded coloring, and even strands of hair glued to the sides!
  2. As of right now, i'll be there. Most likely Saturday.
  3. Speaking of NBC comedy, Community returns in 4 days!!!!!
  4. I'm probably the only one, but i'd like a battle damaged Skull Queen Spider-Woman
  5. Who watched the 30 Rock series finale? Probably the best episode of the series and one of the most satisfying series finales i've watched. The last 10 minutes or so just left a huge smile on my face. Missed the premiere because of work, so I am anxiously waiting for my cable provider to put it on Demmand.
  6. Pretty cool "classic" rendition of the new poster:
  7. YES!!! Awesome contest idea! I've already got a few characters thought up.
  8. Just glanced through this thread for the first time.. what an emotional rollercoaster!
  9. Works fine for me, but here's a direct link
  10. Aaaand Mattel officially creates the worst DCUC figure of all time
  11. Just a head's up: there's someone selling a Sideshow Snake Eyes for $40 on the /toy/ board on 4chan. I know 4chan seems risky, but i buy and sell from the board often and have never had a problem. Here's the link (all the way at the bottom)
  12. Hulk for sure. Also, the new Uncanny X-Force: Puck, Storm, Psylocke, Bishop. Deadpool has a new costume too (though it's not necessarily warranted a release ) FF costume Scott Lang and She-Hulk. Thor has three looks in his book: Old and dying, modern, and young. I'm sure there's more too.
  13. Thanks for the pic Zach, that Punisher is so dreamy
  14. Good idea, udp. And convienetly, Absorbing Man is really in need of an update.
  15. My LCS didn't have these today. I need that Punisher, dammit!
  16. That Morgan shot is awesome regardless of the hair! Really like barn in the background
  17. Nope. I actually consider the 3-pack ones to be superior because Jun and Emile come with accurate weapons.
  18. The premise of All New X-Men is that the original 5 X-Men (Beast, Iceman, Cyclops, Angel, and Jean) are brought into the present.
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