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Everything posted by Punisher

  1. Mr Smee!! These look great, not sure if i'm gonna get them though.
  2. Nice! What did you use for the wash?
  3. MiniFiend, Peter Dinklage is playing Puck!
  4. Have a good day fellas! -birthdayheadsmate
  5. Bummer. I only put $5 down at Gamestop for it, but I'm hoping they'll let me transfer it to another game.
  6. Does anyone else notice that those look more like production samples than prototypes? I wonder if we'll be getting series 3 and 4 back to back like series 1 and 2.
  7. I find the Waling Dead compendiums easy to read, but very hard to hold. Yeah, that's what I meant
  8. Pretty bummed to hear that Aliens: Colonial marines is getting terrible reviews, I've been looking forward to this one for quite a few years, especially since Gearbox took over development.
  9. Compendium is the huge paperback. I have both the Walking Dead ones, they're a lot cheaper than buying the editions separately, but yeah, it's a chore to read.
  10. The legs on that Batgirl are long. I mean like Liefeld long.
  11. I just ordered the Compendium 1 which contains the first 46 issues for $36 bucks. I think that'll last me until the mates come out
  12. Really don't like Jack's head/hair combo, makes his face look sunken in. Everything else looks great, this set is just plain awesome.
  13. Not familiar with the Tomb Raider characters, but the guy with the big shield and gas mask looks pretty cool. And I also have no idea what Pathfinder is, but those are must-haves.
  14. Here's a question... would you guys consider things like the Forbidden Planet Santa Skrull or the Luke's Toy Store franken-mate actual promos or customs?
  15. According to the Toy Fair website, the show ended today at 6 EST and will open back up tomorrow at 10 EST.
  16. Considering it's Sunday, i'd say todays show's probably over by now.
  17. Mattel is making an Adam West Batman with surfboard and swim trunks!!
  18. I gotta say those make some very appealing mates, I think it's the bright colors like Thundercats. I've never actually read the Invincible comic, so i'll most likely have to catch up before these come out.
  19. Awesome! Should we make a separate minimate only Toy Fair news thread? This one's already on page 4.
  20. Show doesn't start until tomorrow. Today was a Hasbro event.
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