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Santos L Halper

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Everything posted by Santos L Halper

  1. this whole time the delay hasn't been a lack of communication between Digger and DST. It's been the Chinese factory's inability to properly make the 'mates according to Digger's designs. Weird that the factories are able to make all the 'mates designed by DST and Art Asylum without someone needing to go there to straighten everything out, but the Agent 88 'mates have had them stumped for more than a year now.
  2. Here's my latest entry on the Agent 88 Kickstarter comment page in response to Justin's repeated question of "What is the cause of the lengthy delay of production/delivery of the Minimates incentives?" "My guess as to what the cause of the lengthy delay is that all the money has already been spent and they can't afford to have the incentives produced. If you have seen the pilot episode you can tell what high quality it is and why it must of cost in excess of one hundred thousand dollars to make(remember camera phones aren't cheap if you aren't eligible for an upgrade), easily on par of such wonderful films as Sharknado and Birdemic. I honestly can't understand why a major television network hasn't picked it up to become the hugely popular success it is destined to be. Obviously network execs can't comprehend the genius that is Digger T Mesch, so us mere mortals must pay the price of not getting the incentives we were promised for donating to this project." If that doesn't get Digger's attention, I don't know what will
  3. Surprised no one has mentioned this Walking Dead Magazine has a behind-the-scenes look at how the Walking Dead 'mates are made and there's a fan poll to vote on which zombie would make the best minimate. Guess I need to go find a copy of the Walking Dead Magazine.
  4. The newest Ask DST went up today and Chuck was asked "any update on the agent 88 kickstarter? can you reveal how those figures are coming or when they can be expected?" His response was "Any update on Agent 88, you would have to ask the movie folks." Seems to me the meeting Digger claims to have had at NY toy fair didn't actually happen or possibly these questions were answered before then and have just now been posted, I going to assume the former is the most likely scenario.
  5. New Q&A is up
  6. Same goes for me My problem with this whole ordeal has been the lack of updates to the people who donated their hard earned money to his project. Maybe a couple hundred dollars isn't much to someone like him, but to me(and many others that donated) it is a lot of money and after a year and a half of no updates; what kind of reaction does he expect?
  7. And he has deleted them, like he will with anything that doesn't proclaim him as the "genius" he thinks he is.
  8. This evening, (after a year of built up frustration with this whole ordeal) I finally decided to post a message on Digger's facebook page to see if he would respond, earlier today he posted a picture that said "and the lived happily ever after" so I posted this: "They lived happily ever after except for all the people who donated to your Kickstarter Agent 88 project and have yet to receive any of the incentives they were promised. It's funny that on your Kickstarter page it says "Since Bank Robbery Isn't An Option", but deceiving them with promises of incentives is apparently an option and a very profitable one at that, seeing as you raised $104, 701. You're nothing but a con-artist who took advantage of people who collect minimates and trusted that someone with the connections you have would deliver on said promises. You came to the minimatemultiverse message board promoting your project everyday until your goal was reached and once that happened you disappeared never to be heard from again. It has now been a year since the incentives were estimated to be delivered; you should be ashamed of yourself for what you have done and everyone should be made aware of the crook you are." After about an hour of being on his page the message was deleted and I have now been blocked form his facebook page, this only further proves to me what a liar he is and that he has no intentions of fulling his promise of incentives. Was I out of line for posting this message on his facebook page? Maybe, but something needs to be done about this situation. I for one want nothing to do with the minimates and will gladly throw them in the trash if they ever do arrive at my door.
  9. My most underrated Marvel 'mate would be the Red and Blue Spider-Man from the Spider-Man 3 debut pack, it has great tampo work on all sides of the 'mate and is still the only Spider-Man to have web detailing on his hands and feet(well other than the Black costume Spider-man from the same 2-pack).
  10. Why in the world would you use that very racist picture? Edit: My apologies to other members for asking this question in this thread; I know it could be done via PM. It is not my intention to derail this thread or be the politically correct police.
  11. Hopefully once these are out, Luke will sell these mates loose(like he does with sets that don't sell well) so I can get a bunch of those football zombies for their helmets.
  12. I’ve recently been watching Star Trek: TNG on Netflix and I am amazed at how well the show holds up today, sure there are some cheesy moments here and there, but overall it is a really good show. I loved the show growing up and it is one of the few things my father and I could agree upon; I still remember getting home from school every day just in time to watch it with him. Seeing as it is very unlikely that we will ever get the entire crew (honestly I’ll be surprised if we ever get another crew member beside Picard), I decided I would make a wish list (seeing as every thread eventually turns into one anyways) for TNG. All it would take is two box sets and one two-pack and we could have the entire crew. Box set 1 – Picard, Data, La Forge and Tasha Yar Box set 2 – Riker, Counselor Troi, Worf and O’Brien And last, but not least; a SDCC exclusive Crusher two-pack of Dr. Crusher and her son Wesley ……Make it so, DST
  13. Found these today in Fayetteville, AR. Surprisingly good mates for a property I had no interest in.
  14. The phrase "Shut up and take my money" has never been more appropriate, if a small run of Mojo was made(even unpainted) let me be the first to sign up for one. Amazing work as always Luke.
  15. What DC mates were packaged with movies at Best Buy? Only mates I recall being packed with a dvd were Marvel mates with the Ultimate Avengers 2 animated movie and those were availabe more places than just best buy.
  16. I can't understand the $30 price tag for Hook's ship. The typical price for the previous pirate ships have ranged from $13.99 to $16.99 depending on what strore it was purchased at and the Toysrus exclusive Halo warthogs that included three mates were $24.99. So why would Hook's ship cost almost twice as much as the other pirate ships just because of the inclusion of one extra figure?
  17. Good idea for a topic Timbo, here's my contribution
  18. I’m little confused on how the whole kickstarter thing works. Am I right in my understanding that if the project does not reach the $88,000 goal then the donator does not pay anything, but of course that would also mean that the donator would not receive the package they chose? So if I order one of the signed Agent 88 promo blanks, the only way I’ll get the blank is if the project reaches its goal? Thanks for any clarification on this.
  19. Since everyone seems to be posting pics of their rarities, I thought I would share a pic of my "Happy" Stay-Puft Man from the Real Ghostbusters line. As far as I know it's the only one in existence.
  20. Avengers vs X-men set looks great especially the collosusnaught, really hope we get a complimentary set of Avengers. Rick looks like he stepped right out of the comic, DST nailed the likeness. But the "sewer-splashed" spidey and lizard pack is about as a lame of an exclusive as I've ever seen, it's sets like this that make me wish I wasn't an obsessive compulsive completest. Fortunately for my wallet, it looks like the Battle Beast are straying a little too far from what I like most about minimates and I'll be able to pass on the series.
  21. Guess what's back in stock on Sentinel and Taskmaster packs are currently available, get them while they're hot. As of right now there are 142 Sentinel packs and 143 Taskmaster packs available.
  22. Aaaaand gone again. SLAGIT!! I almost didn't even post that they were available again for fear that whoever is buying them all up would see it before others on the board had a chance to get a set for themselves. I honestly doubt 90 different members saw the post and were able to get their packs between last night and now, seems more likely that one person bought a huge quantity agian.
  23. Looks like the Sentinel packs are available again on, as of right now there are 95 packs available.
  24. It's crazy that the Sentinel packs sold out that quick (I wasn't fortunate enough to get one either), especially considering there are 61 of the Taskmaster packs available as of right now.
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