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Everything posted by nandoninny

  1. honestly, i'm more interested in just a battle damaged head. i'd buy one for the head alone and then try to sell the rest. if you're interested in selling a head let me know. hopefully each head has its own batteries so i can still light it up. i may just buy one and then sell it minus a head. figure looks incredible!
  2. well, Haslab announced a 2' tall Sentinel -- anyone else tempted to get one and cover it in minimates?
  3. i bought ALL OF THESE. only reason i bought the KH was for series 3.....which was then cancelled. ugh. i even bought the bike.
  4. i think it'd be a fun one but i think another company is already doing mini figures about the same size as minimates - just not block figures. i've never played the game but i love some of the designs of the other toys i've seen.
  5. i meant the light is great for the price and in addition to that, the display you made is really nice! my apologies for not being clear.
  6. awesome! i got one and its really cool for the price! great display!
  7. i feel obligated to request you use this on the roof:
  8. ha! again, i appreciate you take my comments seriously enough to give a response. i would say most of the time i'm just kidding around. sorry about that. i will keep my bad attempts of humor to myself going forward. but thanks for confirming. means i can continue to play w/ my minimates
  9. NICE!! mine looks completely different. less like the comic version. the only thing yours and mine will have in common is the helmet (i think). Great job!
  10. well i was just kidding because i would not think my opinion is any more important than anyone else's here but that's cool to hear! i'm working on a custom punisher war machine so just let me know if i should stop now.
  11. let me know if you would like my suggestions/input.
  12. ah cool. i was hoping for GOON but this is cool too. not sure what a good goon minimate would look like frankie would be fun though
  13. @DSTZach this was great! short enough that i could watch at work w/out feeling guilty and yet gets to the point! thanks!
  14. i hadn't gone to a walgreens since this started. i ended up buying all the new figures (latest animated wave/black widow movie mates) off ebay for decent prices. went yesterday and went ahead and picked up another black widow set but nothing newer than that. i'm not sure we had a date on the iron man/ghost/spidey/prowler set but they sure look nice!
  15. i'm old and forgetful, but i think the spot wave was only online. as for the later animated waves, yeah, Houston seems to get them last but i have seen the ghost rider wave probably more than previous waves. last time i saw it though someone had stolen the ghost rider. made me wonder if that was a good thing or a bad thing that someone wants a minimate enough to steal it. i went with ultimately wrong b/c they're denying the chance for someone who would pay for it to get it.
  16. that crossbow looks like one of those knock off joes. the corps?
  17. again, this is awesome of you, zach! thanks for doing this!
  18. i think there's a psychological aspect to kickstarter that is unique though. at least i feel like i'm supporting it more directly and that my purchase is making a difference. even projects that i know will happen w/out me i feel like this is the chance to put my money where my mouth is and support it. if a property i didn't feel that strongly about went to retail first, lets say like the pathfinder minimates, i ignored. but had they gone to kickstarter i probably would have supported. and i actually just got the idea, has anyone ever floated any mystery science theater minimates? that would probably work better on kickstarter than in retail. they did the comeback shows on kickstarter (or some crowdfunding site) to put it on netflix i believe. kickstarter does have a different market than retail (and i'd love a patton oswalt minimate).
  19. hahaha! please. and i'll be happy to share my excel with you (i have it pivoted by Phase, movie, character name, and figure name so you can quickly see how many war machine's have been made and from which phase/movies)
  20. so i finally updated my checklist of Marvel Movie Minimates and i see that Black Widow has put us over 300! the final tally is 303 from my count. this is including all of the variants and exclusives and yeah, i'm that nerdy (also counts the avengers endgame QRS as two -- for example Captain America and Thor =2). i thought that was kinda cool.
  21. awesome! thanks! when you said spider-verse though i was thinking hoodie and chucks. probably can whip up a custom....... i know nothing about ghost outside of the ant-man movie but the two non-movie figures both look awesome!
  22. congrats to Padrino (godfather?) and thanks to Zach for doing this!
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