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Everything posted by Zexion_Armando

  1. Also, I tried my hand at making Jarvis for my Avengers set up. Cutting the hair was difficult, but I think it came out quite nicely.
  2. ITs honestly my favorite show on TV right now. I wish Arrow would pick up all of its stupid dumb slack and work on being good again, sadly.
  3. I like it, but I'm saving my 1/6 money for Widow and Hawkeye since they look a lot more interesting.
  4. Thor looks like he has gangrene on his arms lol
  5. Yeah, I saw another person on here do that, and I loved the effect,
  6. Recreating Amazing Fantasy #15 with my Spider-men for my Spider Verse display.
  7. Well, given how much effort marvel is pushing in secret wars compared to prior events, we mmight actually see something sooner than later, I hope.
  8. Yeah, but luckily she is on a new Uncanny Avengers team, with fugly costumed Wanda and Pietro
  9. That sucks, but oh well. Excited about Hobgoblin and Apocalypse. Captain falcon is cool, and I might customize portions of Tonys superior suit with white painted parts from carnage. The suit is designed on portions of Venom.
  10. STar Lord would be kind of useless since most of his outfits were made in conjunction to other team members.
  11. Storm would be a great Through the Ages and has major name recognition at least. Ms Marvel could get one closer to her movie debut, or at least after her appearance in a Marvel Credits scene lol. But yeah, she has a ton of looks that would be perfect as well.
  12. Most comic shops get their PReviews today. so someone should know.
  13. Excited for some more Iron Men and Caps lol. Best news about this is getting rid of 1610 and merging it with 616.
  14. I'd buy the clearance ones, but its just Yondu and Shakira Soldier.
  15. Just some clearance GotG packs and Infinity still. Sad.
  16. Latour did Spider-Gwen best so far (in her debut book and her solo) than Slott has so far. Gage and Costa are doing really well with the various other Spider's (Gage always wrote a great Superior, and Costa is doing really well on Scarlet Spiders). I miss Yost on Kaine though. That was definitely over the top. One of the things I didn't like about the Prelude is that it casually dispatched characters from other stories, like the Spidey from 1602, and Peter and Mary Jane from Spider-Girl. Mayday had better survive.... If Mayday dies, twitter will explode against Slott. I'm just sick of all these cool Spiders dying left and right. Supaidaman's mecha was jobbed, Cosmic Spider-man jobbed. The villains are really boring Gary Stu's at this point.
  17. I just read the Prelude TPB and wasn't thrilled by it, but I think Slott is great. He's the one guy that's able to write in the modern Marvel style without completely sacrificing the characters and their history. I'd like a Spider Verse box set or two, though I'm still waiting on Spider Island.... Slott was great, up untill about halfway through Superior. Then for some reason, he just completely lost it, writing half assed stories that went no where, started insulting his fans on twitter and calling anyone who has a different opinion a troll, and started shoving his OC mary sue waifu into Amazing. Plus killing Spider Man and his Amazing Friends as gruesome as he could was also pretty awful lol.
  18. Yeah, usually if you get a great a custom, assume its Luke. i still am in love with the Santa gift from last year.
  19. Since we are almost done with Spider-Verse (god awful event, Slott is the worst, so on) I'm really hoping see a boxset or something devoted to it now. Hell, you can still keep it 616 if you wanted with some of the stay overs from the crossover 2099 needs a huge update, as usual, Spider-Gwen is getting a ton of buzz, Spider-Woman got a ton of buzz earlier and has a new ongoing and could do with an update, and throw in Morlun for a villain. Sure, no Peter, but he isn't wearing anything different from his normal outfits. Maybe top it off with a Spider-Noir and a May Parker 2 pack at TRU?
  20. Easy. (Heil Ivan) I had just started my MvC3 high by looking up stuff about it to find guides and stuff. Saw an article on Joystiq about these figures, with wave 2 recently shown (and having some of my favorite characters) and wave 1 having been released or was about to. Drove about 30 minutes to my closest LCS, bought this pack first, and just fell in love.
  21. I really hope we get a Green Quicksilver sometime soon lol
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