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Everything posted by boyd

  1. Love that Brood Queen. The paint wash and red paint really bring out the details in the figure.
  2. That's a great set of QC customs. I especially love your Generation X customs.
  3. Fun Batman - great choice of parts for him. I think the problem with the eyes is they're too close together. It's always bugged me about the C3 Batman cowl. If you're able to somehow move them a little further apart, I think he'd look fine.
  4. Ah, shucks. Thanks. That's a good start. The Rictor shoulder pads are perfect for her.
  5. Werewolf Cap came in fourth in the popular vote? Obviously he needs to have a future wave planned around him.
  6. A couple of recent new Marvel Now! covers of note: Variant cover for an upcoming Iron Man issue that shows off the new stealth armor. Really like the look of it. Upcoming Uncanny Avengers cover showing off the new members, including Sunfire. In his classic costume. Chances of future Minimate release - rising?
  7. It's assumed, but we know nothing. Personally I'm hoping that Wave 51 takes inspiration from Area 51 and is nothing but alien characters.
  8. No, I think Punk will keep the title (triple threat match will be a lot of Ryback & Cena trading power moves, then Punk getting the quick pin off Cena). They started Raw this week with a graphic of how many days he's held the title - I think they want to push that angle, suddenly make him a dominant champion who's held the title for more than a year, then have him lose the title to the Rock at the Royal Rumble. And yeah, Raw was horrible this week.
  9. Thanks, Ivan. I wasn't out to make more work for you - it was just a passing thought I had.
  10. Whoo-hoo! Way to go, GH! And thanks to your generous employers!
  11. Wait, you're not taking the money to Vegas, are you? Don't gamble with the charity money, GH. But if you must gamble, always bet on black.
  12. Random thought that occurred to me last night - is there a way to see release dates for a specific character? Like if I wanted to see how many Captain America Minimates were released in 2010 at a glance?
  13. Glad Tiki is getting a good home. And while it may not have been a record total, it's still a decent amount of money for charity. And while they may not have been a lot of entries, they were some imaginative and quality entries. Thanks to everyone who participated, and thanks to everyone who bid. And next year's theme - space aliens?
  14. Nice pictures of TRU Wave 1 Battle Beasts over on Facebook.
  15. What a wonderful group shot. After six years, I think we're getting good at this
  16. I'm good with charity amendment as well.
  17. Strictly from the greedy collector standpoint, I wouldn't mind if the line shifted to TRU exclusive 2-packs. These traditionally have been easier to find, and going with two-packs would make it easier to pick & pack characters. Filling an Invisible Man box set with characters people are interested in would be a challenge. Making an Invisible Man 2-pack, or even packing the Invisible Man with a different monster - easy. Plus going to 2-packs you could do a Son of Frankenstein set with Ygor and furry-vested Frankenstein (want).
  18. New article on the Agent 88 series and the star, Kay D'Arcy.,0,4144615.story
  19. Rumor has it Disney bought the exclusive rights to the box set for 1.3 million.
  20. Thanks for the update, Zach. Like YB said, hope things get close to normal soon.
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