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Everything posted by bigvis497

  1. Days of Future Past is over a year away, I don't think anything has been announced, yes or no, this early.
  2. Still no sign of these in upstate NY and my TRU only has 3 sets from wave 14 on the shelves. Hopefully soon....
  3. What he said. Agree. Bendis just doesn't work on the large scale stuff. He can't write a fight scene to save his life. He can't write characters in any voice except snarky. He can't pace for a monthly comic. He has lost all good will with me so I'm no longer going to "wait and see where it goes." So I'm not sounding completly negative, I did enjoy his DD and USM. I enjoy Marvel's output a lot more when I ignore this kind of stuff.
  4. Grrr.... buy one get one 40% off all Marvel figures ends tomorrow and STILL no sign of this wave anywhere near me.
  5. Four packs at TRU seem to be very inconsistent. Many stores (mine included) don't get any at all. Others still have multiple Heralds sets.
  6. Incredible job! Looking over these reminds me what a great year we had. You're not gonna get much of an argument out of me against MODOK winning best mate, that was a great figure. Glad to see Marvel wave 43 getting some love, I thought that was a very underrated wave.
  7. .Yes, but do you remember the first Wasp we got? She had enough pieces to make 3 iconic looks. They could do the same here. I agree her yellow/black look is her most recent and iconic. But an extra hair piece, some bare arms and a skirt and you have a facsimile of her EMH look. Clearly she needs her black and yellow costume to be her most important. But include other costumes is my point. . . .. Run. . No. She's not in movies. She's never sustained a solo series. If they need to put a "femme fatale" in a Best Of wave, Widow's ahead of her on the list (for now). She's a popular character but you gotta be realistic. A Black Cat in a TRU wave or a box set? Sure. Best Of? No.
  8. I like that they got rid of larger mates. They ruin the uniformity of the line. Bulked up mates and larger feet and torso risers are much better IMO. I like that were seeing more and more licenses. I'm only a Marvel guy so I don't care about the other lines, but I'm glad it brings attention to Minimates. I like that we're getting more and more non humanoid characters. Lockjaw, MODOK, Brood. Years ago I would never think we would see them as minimates. I like that we don't see duck feet anymore. I don't like when there's too much sculpting. Marvel hasn't gone too far yet, but if they start emulating the Battle Beasts I'll stop collecting. I need them to still look like Minimates. I don't like when we're forced to buy characters we already own to get new mates. I'm talking about the Avengers Disney Store box set situation. I don't like when quality control is poor. Every wave 47 Colossus I have seen has come with a clear base that has been bent like a taco shell. There were many issues with stuck helmets/masks in that TRU wave that came out in the fall. And the latest F4 wave had a lot of problems with paint sticking to joints. These were not isolated instances either.
  9. Elektra should be out of contention for worst mate since she wasn't released in 2012. It wasn't a bad mate at all, but YMMV. I agree the "Claws/HFH" Black Cat sucked, if she gets redone it should be based on the Dodson's artwork. Not important enough to be in a best of wave though. And I doubt a cartoon Wasp would ever be made. It doesn't match any looks from the comics. If EMH mates ever get the green light, which they won't since the series is ending, they should be in their own line, not mixed in with the regular MU stuff. If Wasp gets a redo, it should be her black and yellow costume she wore right up until Secret Invasion. It's probably her most iconic look and it holds the record for costume worn the longest period of time by her.
  10. Kaipo, you probably wanna check the Alpha Flight thread. In short, boil water then put the piece in the water for a minute or two. The plastic will get nice and soft then you can slip it right on. When it shapes to the form you desire, dip the piece in ice water for a minute so it hardens. Shouldn't give you any problems from there. This method works for straightening out claws, weapons, etc. This was a problem on all the Aurora mates.
  11. Easily Falcon. Everyone who has had a long running solo series has been made, so next down the list would be major team players and sidekicks. All of the important X-Men and Avengers have been made. Falcon by a landslide.
  12. There are several pics in the Best Of thread (this thread, as recently as the previous page) and Ivan has that wave up on database.
  13. So is it safe to say that everything from here on out will come with clear bases?
  14. Zach since Sauron/Reaper is showing up in both the LCS and TRU waves, is there any chance the TRU version could get a last minute update into Sauron? New loincloth/tail piece and maybe slightly different color scheme?
  15. I think the thing is ugly as sin, just a big flat piece of plastic. Not comic accurate. No way it's worth 80 bucks, but for 20? That's not bad. The thing actually looks better with Minimates, I swear somebody posted pics here somewhere over the summer but I'm too lazy to look...
  16. Wow Leaderfox, I've been to Midtown Comics in Manhattan and that display rivals theirs. Nice!
  17. Sweeeeeeet! More of this kind of stuff please!
  18. Now that I think of it, a lot of lower tier groups I can't see getting made. I'm talking about groups like the Marauders, Morlocks and Reavers. I can't see DST just doing one or two then not finishing off the rest, but the groups are too large yet minor to put the full effort into producing. Morlocks probably have a better chance since there's not really a definitive number, DST can get away with releasing one or two here and there. Marauders and Reavers are just too large and I can't see DST ever producing box sets for groups that low on the totem pole. MLF fits in that category too.
  19. Brotherhood of Mutants and the Wrecking Crew. I'm sure there's some A-lister I'm forgetting but those groups sprung to mind first. If I had to narrow it down to one? Oh, let's say...... Blob. As far as someone who we would never see, I could easily go through the OHOTMU and find some one-off oddball characters but that would be too easy. If you mean purely from an aesthetic point I would say Mojo. But we did get MODOK and Mojo was on the wave 50 poll so it's entirely possible. We've seen so many designs stray from the traditional aesthetic (dogs, alien insects, genetically engineered floating heads) that at this point nothing DST does would surprise me. The only reason I could see a villain not get produced is if there is something offensive or controversial about the design. But then again we are getting a Nudy Beach Sauron.....
  20. Man-Thing X-Statix Doop Shi'ar army builder Starjammers box set Updated John Byrne Cyclops, Dark Phoenix, White Queen, Banshee, basically everything from the Claremont/Byrne run. Groot/Star-Lord with mini Rocket Racoon Two New Warriors sets a la Alpha Flight Maximum Carnage box set: Carnage, Demogoblin, Shriek, Doppelganger Power Man and Iron Fist Brotherhood of Mutants with Mystique Adam Pollina X-Force costumes Generation X Different ranks of Kree military Juggernaut in bright color scheme and skull cap Jarvis Uncle Ben/Burglar Warriors Three 90's Invisible Woman Iceman/Bobby Drake variant Forge Ka-Zar/Zabu Uatu Fin Fang Foom Howard the Duck Quasar (Vaughan)
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