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Everything posted by Freaqualizer

  1. @DSTZach, wait. Box set in December? Comic, movie or animated? Or not Marvel at all?
  2. @Heinous maybe some of the storm guards from Tomb Raider or Black Mask from Gotham. But they wouldn’t match exactly.
  3. Hey all! I just want to say that I hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving had an awesome day and was able to spend time with someone they love. Don’t eat too much turkey and pie.
  4. I lurk a lot. And most of the time I feel like I have nothing to add to the conversation so I just keep quiet. But I check the forum multiple times a day. And I have no social media accounts, so this is the only place I post. LoL
  5. @elhonez, Buffalo Bill from SOTL. Or do you mean short hair?
  6. Martel had great feuds with Jake Roberts, Tito Santana and Shawn Michaels. All three were pretty high profile names. That could possibly fit the era, especially with Jake Roberts being the last custom done. Would have been cool if Luke had made an alt head with Jake’s milky eye from when he was sprayed in the face by Martel’s signature scent, Arrogance.
  7. This has really hurt my heart. Thanks for all you’ve done, Stan. Rest In Peace.
  8. Help! Heimdall has fallen, and he still can’t get up!
  9. I’m buying! The bourbon, that is. Not the plane tickets
  10. Damn. Y’all need to come to Kentucky. Bourbon! Need I say more?
  11. For anyone that has this in hand, does that Ghost minimate have a hole in the top of the head for a hair piece?
  12. You’re selling irons, too? Damn you’re motivated!
  13. Fantastic Four ain’t my bag, baby. So I don’t have a guess, but i’m all about some cool looking minimate designs!
  14. Thanks for the heads up @DSTZach!! Bought all three packs!
  15. It’s a nightmare finding minimates in stores for me recently, but i’d Be willing to participate!
  16. @DSTZach I’d say so...if not then all of the photos of me haven’t been photoshopped like i’ve been telling myself and I may need to have a come to Jesus meeting with myself.
  17. Man, Cardiac and Deathlok, those are some of my holy grail figures. The old toy biz deathlok is one of my all time favorite toys growing up. And i’ve always thought Cardiac was a very awesome design. If we got those figures (and Prowler or Nightwatch) it would be my favorite wave ever.
  18. I would actually be really ok with that wave, @youbastards! The Vulture is one of those mates that has NEVER been very cheap on the secondary market and i missed the first time around.
  19. And with Namor’s alliance changing pretty drastically recently, it’d be a good time to make him! Dang, I really want an updated Namor and a Tiger Shark! And a Stingray. I want too much. I’m needy.
  20. @luke314pi Jack arrived. Holy smokes! He’s amazing! Great job!
  21. I was thinking that piece would work for a war Thor.
  22. @TENIME_artdid those cameras happen to see what happened to Heimdall?
  23. Holy Dave Grohl-y! My heart weeps when I see these DC vinimates. DC minimates and WWF Hasbro figures are the lines that I miss the most. And while the WWE Mattel Retro line can compare to Hasbro figs, nothing IMO can compare to DC minimates.
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