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Everything posted by eclipse

  1. Happy anniversary for sure
  2. Thanks everyone for all the great feedback on Kang!! Today i have 5 more to share.I have not done any custom work in 4 to 5 months .Kang and what you see here and what is to come ive been sitting on for so long I feel terrible half the fun is to share these guys with everyone in here.Next round is some He-Man stuff cant wait to get themm up so stay posted for sure! First one of today is my all time favrite villian make him I told myself i had to have his trenchcoat and vest but not decals so i took a trench coat and the vest from prof.X and spliced the 2 together it worked Awsome.His hair is from movie Gambit i think it went real well with his face. the next 4 are the first of my young justice team I cant wait to have the whole team standing togeather its a cartoon that went way over what i expected.I cant wait till it starts airing again!! from here Ill let the pics tell the rest!
  3. Here is A little Jewel I have been sitting on.I dont think he needs any introduction.Sorry for being so quiet around here everyone.Life came down like a ton of bricks on my wife and I,were almost out of the woods anyway but I have wanted to share "The man "with everyone for some time.I have also added his decals with the pics.As you can see he is just basic purple and green I wanted to keep him as simple as i could.His face style is frome the new Avengers Cartoon. I hope everyone likes and feel free to the decal and Luke feel free to add him to my list at the factory.I hope to be adding a ton new customs in the weeks to come.I have been slacking in the sharing department but with the Man here im hoping to put a end to that.Happy 4th everyone!!
  4. Oh Yeah I agree 100 percent :biggrin:
  5. The Big Question gets answered tomorrow-Who is River Song?I have my ideas for sure!The suspense is killing me (LOL):biggrin:
  6. I gotta say I have been watching and reading your thread from the get and all of your strike files are awsome.I would love to see a group shot or two of everyone you have made this far.I aim looking forward to see who you make next :biggrin:
  7. these are awsome Luke I cant wait to put them togeather and read the got me wanting more :biggrin:
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!

  9. My Wife and I went and seen it and like alot of others we highly enjoyed was paced right.Acting was great.This movie kicks off the summer nicely IMO
  10. Wow just read this whole thread and im realy bummed out to say the least.I just wanted to let you know that you have a friend here in Washington state.I debated to even post or not but to bad you get a post anyway :biggrin: .Im sure your reasons for this are very legit and so i want to just let you know if theres anything you know where to find me.Thank you for everything .I always read your posts either they make me laugh or im about to learn somthing new.Oh yeah We better get updates here and there of your lake -Adam
  11. All of them sound awsome to me.thanks Nessix for organizing this great work
  12. I want these bad, they look awsome,I think under the slip on mask is a dead pirate or it least im hoping .Anyway i can't wait for these
  13. Bob I had no idea about your blog spot untill last night.Boy it took me by suprise in a good way of course.I was surfing around and actually stumbled across it.To my suprise i found a couple of my customs in there.thank you for the kind words im humbled.You definitely have a great blog going.ill be frequantly visiting for sure.

    your friend Adam

  14. That is just killer.Dont put that on hold.I would love lto see that complete for sure!!
  15. the link is dead for me as well but that line up is awsome!!
  16. MvC look Awsome. I just wish they were comming out a little sooner but thats how it always goes (LOL)
  17. what a great set of customs.First your Havok I dont think dst could have done better I aim going to have to build one of those so he can be with the rest of my team.Blob good head choice.Your calander models made me LOL.
  18. If anyone is intrested they are airing new episodes in canada.there taking it all the way to episode 26.With a little hunting you can find them on the net.monday and tuesday is episodes 25 and 26.They aired a new episode everyday last week.This cartoon just gets better and better.
  19. I must say im pretty excited for a few of the ones they showed at the JoeCon.this is going to be a great summer!!
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