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Everything posted by Kamsm8

  1. Ooooh. I love polls. Zach, I'm curious - will we see the control art for each of the characters like in the Secret Wars and Captain America through the Ages sets? I think that would be neat, especially for people who would like to make customs for anybody who doesn't win.
  2. Wow, I agree. For a second I thought somebody had mistakenly put Invisible Woman there instead of Black Widow. Oh man. It'd be hilarious to see Whedon do a high-school movie about the Avengers. Heh heh heh... Wait, no. Those things always end terribly.
  3. Wait, are you being serious? Or are you just kidding? That would be disappointing if he WERE Annihilus and limited to such small role, and not even credited as such.
  4. I saw it on Thursday at midnight - loved it. I was riding high the entire next day, it was way too full of awesome. However, after hearing all the praise placed on Mark Ruffalo, I can't help but feel let down. The Hulk was awesome - basically perfect. But Mark Ruffalo? Meh. Not bad. Just not the awesome-sauce everybody made him out to be, y'know? I still prefer Norton. I just can't see Ruffalo holding up 3 or 4 movies by himself. His lines just seemed so... dry. He only started showing real spark those few moments Banner started getting upset.
  5. Y'know. There's something about the heavy use of photoshop in the production photos that make me uninterested in various Minimate waves. However, as soon as I see the Minimates in-tray/in-box, I'm always excited about every single one. Such is the case here - seeing these guys online in those photos, I was all "meh". But now, in tray... Boy oh boy. That Iron Man is really awesome! And Caps metal shield is sick. Thor is whatever, but Hawkeye, the Grim Reaper, and Kang all make up for him. I really think Thor is the only one in those 8 I'm NOT excited to get now.
  6. I can get behind just about any of these. Especially Brotherhood or Avenger-related. However, considering that my Avatar has been a squirrel since I joined 3 years ago...
  7. I'd say these three are huge gifts. Should we set ourselves up for disappointment and hope there's a Falcon, Baron Zemo AND a Winter Soldier in these boxes, too? Leaves room for a Cap and an Iron Man. DST could even call them the "Here you Go, now shut the hell up so we can get back to work!" boxes!
  8. Wow. So much Avenger-y goodness... Grim Reaper AND Kang?? And a new Hawkeye? Pinch me...
  9. Except it's real! Go look! Do it naow! Enjoy it while you can!
  10. Wait... Just looked at the calendar date. You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
  11. So I just started playing this game last week. Super addicting. If anybody wants to add me, feel free.
  12. Why does my internet keep doing that to me?! ... wait. No. That was on purpose. It was just so important it needed repeating.
  13. So I just got my package in today. FA Ryu is extremely meh - too much white. Well executed, I think, but just a boring design in the first place. However, his Gi will come in handy for creating a custom Dan later on I think. Taskmaster is neat, but the grey instead of white seems like an odd choice - I think it clashes with the very bright orange or the very blue-blue. Spencer is kickass though. His dreads are awesome, and a very neat piece, and that arm! My goodness. And the Sentinel is just a beast. I wanted to get multiples, but I think just having the one, giant Sentinel is kinda neat too.
  14. Naw, I just tend to check this site and TRU's site first thing in morning, simply because of HOW FAST they've been going. It's been pure luck the last few times I've gotten the exclusives - still missing the Bullseye/Moonstone and Hulkbuster/throwaway figure packs...
  15. They were in stock as of 5 minutes ago. Dunno how many, but hopefully the one I ordered will go through.
  16. Any body see the new images of the TRU ASM minimates?
  17. Feliz Cumpleanos! Hope it's a good one!
  18. Been unable to really listen to anything other than Queens of the Stone Age and Eagles of Death Metal for about a month or so. Before that, I was stuck on Barenaked Ladies for almost a year.
  19. SFxT?!?! Oh my Goodness. If only you guys could get a license for Mortal Kombat, we'd have all the fighting Minimates we'd ever need! That's incredible! I'm excited at the chance to get more, updated Street Fighter figures! Not a huge Tekken fan, but I'm sure their figures will look awesome. Man. So much goodness this year...
  20. That Rogue looks a couple of steps away from a 1980's Rogue, and the Gambit looks ready to become an AoA Gambit.
  21. I thought I'd never have to see any reference to the room again... Lo, I was wrong. Great custom though!
  22. Crossbones is back in stock. Just placed an order for Balder and Crossbones. Got my shipment of MAX mates last week. It feels so good to be collecting Minimates again.
  23. This sounds really awesome. I know I'm not terribly active on here anymore, but this sounds like fun.
  24. You didn't read Secret Invasion, did you? The Skrulls are now more connected to the entire MU than the Kree or Chitauri. And any guess - even the Chitauri - is valid, because none of us know who the "big bad" in Avengers is going to be. Isn't the main bad guy Loki? I thought he gets the Cosmic Cube and becomes super-powered and awesome. I'm sure there will be someone (or multiple someones) that he gets to help, because I can't imagine Loki fighting all the Avengers for two hours could be THAT interesting...
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