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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. Oh man, I would kill for a Doc Clamson minimate. That guy is amazing looking.
  2. HOLY CRAP! Thanks everyone. I'm blown away and humbled at the same time. Y'all totally just made my week.
  3. It's ridiculous how much I want that Mike Haggar figure. That epic poem about him really did a number on me.
  4. It looks like something from my nightmares. I keep expecting the head to flip open and for it to try to eat me.
  5. That's a fun looking cover, blacksun. I like that Johnny Blaze. Good job!
  6. Hey, thanks guys! I'm really glad you liked it.
  7. I made this while I was slow cooking my dinner. Hope y'all dig it.
  8. Well, it was nice knowing you. I'll be sure to send flowers to the funeral home.
  9. I'll bite. I'm always down for a fun survey of my favorite toy line. What is your favorite single minimate? Believe it or not, Stilt-Man. There's something ridiculously awesome about his design, how they pulled it off, and the fact that they actually had the balls to release him that I just can't deny. If the house was burning down, he'd be the one that I'd grab. What minimate/pack did you spend the most money on? First Appearance Sabertooth. I don't normally indulge in variants, but this one was just cool enough that I couldn't resist. Plus I really wanted more Skrulls... What was your hardest to find mate/pack that you now own? I have been so lucky with my finds, I'm honestly not really sure. What are you looking forward to most out of the newly announced minimates? Thunderstrike! What can I saw, the 90s got a hold of me. Oh, and MODOK, of course. What mate/pack do you hope to see announced for next year? Realistically, I'd like to see Deathlok, Songbird, Flash Thompson Venom, Commander Rodgers, or a Young Avengers set. Unrealistically, I'd love to see a Darkhawk, Gravity, FrankenCastle, or a Slingers box set.
  10. Slingers was 98-ish, after The Clone Saga but before the renumbering. I would kill for a Slingers set, but I don't think that's what Chuck had in mind.
  11. Psst. I fixed that for you Also, Gillbob is totally right on. Great post, sir!
  12. Here's a wild option: Round Robin, The Sidekick's Revenge. It could include a Punisher, a Darkhawk, a Night Thrasher, another Moon Knight, and/or a Midnight. Kinda shaky, but possible. Another wild one: Assassin Nation. It could include Red Skull, Ultimatum, Captain America, Paladin, and would have a better excuse to utilize SHIELD agents. Food for thought. Return of the Sinister Six is actually a pretty good guess, though. I hope that means a Deathlok.
  13. Rice and beans, dude. He's the same man, he's got the same weapon, you admit yourself that in the same issue he simply changes his name. No. Go back and read "after a makeover" again. He doesn't become 'Thunderstrike' until he dons the leather jacket. All I'm saying is that what we got previously was a bearded Thor (from the end of the Simonson run), not Thunderstrike as commonly known. That said... I totally agree. I'm dropping things right now, I just have something in me that can't allow loose geek checks. I'd have to turn in my comics blogger card if I did. I can't wait for more reveals come Saturday and the big minimate panel. Also, gillbob is a troublemaker!
  14. Nope, sorry. Wrong. Thunderstrike, wave 17 costume. From Thunderstrike #1. Now, you could argue that wave 17 Thunderstrike came with the wrong weapon, but that would be a horse of a different color. I believe that that caption is refering to the weapon, not the man. Having recently read Thunderstrike #1, I can tell you that Erik didn't become Thunderstrike until the end of that first issue. You see, the issue begins with him unsure of his place in the world. Thor had just risen again and taken back the hammer, leaving Erik with the enchanted mace Thunderstrike. At this point he was still running around as 'Thor' just as a different flavor. After some soul searching, and a makeover from his potential love interest, he changed his name to that on his mace. Glasses pushed firmly up my nose, I'm going to go back to pining away for my long awaited Thunderstrike and start praying that they make more mid-90s heroes.
  15. Thunderstrike. Thunderstrike. Nope, sorry, we already got a Thunderstrike. Nope. Try again. This is Thunderstrike: Those other two are Thor. Just look at the hammer, the cape, the helmet, whatever. Totally different design. It's like complaining about getting a War Machine because we've already got an Iron Man. They're totally different characters. Now, if you're angry that they're rereleasing another bearded Thor after making him a variant years ago, that's a horse of a different color. In that case, I totally understand where you're coming from.
  16. I'm so crazy excited for that Thunderstrike it's kind of embarrassing. I can't wait for september (but more likely October) to get here!
  17. Rhuel, those customs/dioramas are truly amazing. Great job!
  18. No no, The Beatles. Not Aerosmith.
  19. Oh yeah! I've been saying that since I first saw her.
  20. Does anyone else think that the next box set to be announced will be a Death of Captain America set? With a Civil War Cap (hopefully mid beatdown and missing a tooth), Crossbones, The Winter Solider, and Sharon Carter, maybe? I'm thinking that if this Thor set seems to have a few figures that were leaked to be in the 12th TRU wave, it would stand to reason that there would be a Cap set also sharing figures. Plus, it would make sense for them to come out with a Cap set within striking distance of the movie. Anyway, just a thought I wanted to put out there.
  21. Man, Charles Vane looks like the Zombie Pirate LeChuck. Now if only I could figure out how to make a custom Guybrush...
  22. Superman is a Robin? that doesn't make any sense.
  23. Yeah, remember that time Spidey was Galactus' herald? ... That actually happened, didn't it. Dammit. It didn't, don't worry. BUT Aunt May was a herald. Can I get a HELL YES for the Golden Oldie?
  24. That line popped out at me out of context and I thought you were saying you wanted a Quake, Stonewall, and Druid. You know, the Not-stars of the book by the same name? God that book is terrible. I'm very glad that's not what you meant.
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