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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. That just made my morning. DARKHAWK FOREVER!
  2. He was trapped in the Negative Zone where Death doesn't exist. There he died and came back multiple times before overthrowing Annilus' rule and returning to Earth. You know, that old yarn.
  3. Dr. Druid is a dirty traitor who died in a dumpster fire! That's what he gets for selling out his friends to his imaginary space girlfriend. The bald bastard. Gilgamesh... I don't recall him.
  4. Hey thanks, hellpop! Also, just a quick round of links. If anyone's curious about what the movie is like, I'd suggest you check out this article at The Daily Dead in which they premiere a clip, and this article at Dread Central in which they premiere a gorier clip. Fun stuff! Or, if you want to read a review instead of watching bits and pieces here and there, I'll turn you to this review from Ain't it Cool. They called the movie one that "Should not be missed by fans of Evil Dead 2 or other gory comedies" It's been a pretty cool week.
  5. And lo there came a day when LOVE IN THE TIME OF MONSTERS was finally released, and it was good. That day, friends, is today. Seven years since we started, 3 since we shot it, and 1 since it's festival premiere, I'm so crazy proud to let you know that as of today you can watch this beauty in the comfort of your own home. We're available on most of the big streaming sites including these two: iTunes Amazon As well as Vudu, Xfinity, AttUverse, and a smattering of others. Or, if you're like me and want to own a disc, you can order a DVD (that's filled to the brim with special features) here: BestBuy Amazon And, of course, as we find any new retailers (either digitally or physically) we'll put the info on our webpage It's been a long time coming and it feels wonderful to finally get to the point that it's an actual thing people can see. I hope you dig it.
  6. As I was driving around today looking for physical copies of my movie (of which, I found none, by the way), I ran into a full set of these at the TRU in Monrovia. I bought a full set and there was another set and a half on the shelf. The hard to find pack was Wolverine/Sentinel. Can't wait to get home to crack these suckas open.
  7. Which store did you hit? I went to the one in Atwater/Glendale on friday and came up with nothing. Im terrible at directions but heres the address: La Cienega Plaza, 1833 La Cienega, Los Angeles, CA 90035 there are two other Toys'r'us's in driving distance from me and all 3 usually get new stock around the same time Good to know, man. Thanks! Imma try to hit up the one in Burbank tomorrow and maybe the Atwater one again Tuesday to see what's up.
  8. Man those Marvel Comic Mates look so good (Even if Wolverine's head is on the wrong body), I just wish there was more of them. I can totally understand the business decision of making all those movie mates, but they never look as good as I want them too.
  9. Which store did you hit? I went to the one in Atwater/Glendale on friday and came up with nothing.
  10. Valo, I agree with much of what you're saying. I very much hope that he's in the Red (or even the Yellow) by at least mid-season (if you can call one of these Netflix drops a season) and I think it's weird that they haven't shown the final costume. That said, here's why I'm not worrying: 1- This is the first brand that Marvel Studios has had to refurbish and as such, they need to really accentuate what makes it different. Once that red suit hits, everyone's going to compare and contrast it to the Affleck suit (which I never minded) and bring the bad memories of that movie back into the forefront. So the way to mitigate that is to push the tone/feel of the show first to prime the audience about how it'll be different and more serious, and then after that's sunk in release the final costume. 2- Most of that footage in that trailer seemed like it was from the first episode or two. Matt Murdock, high priced lawyer and secret ninja, begins to "see" the world getting more dangerous while all the protectors are disappearing (I'm looking at you SHIELD), so he finally decides to step up and take action. So he tosses on something dark and hits the streets. That, to me, is not a 13 episode arc, that's like two or three at best. April cannot come soon enough!
  11. Let me preface this by saying I think the movie would have been better served to have a black Sue Storm. There are plenty of wonderful, deserving actress out there who would have been perfect for it and a solid interracial romantic relationship at the center of a superhero summer blockbuster would have been a great step forward in, you know, social progressive ways or whatever. That said, Sue being adopted really does make sense from a story and theme perspective. At it's heart, the Fantastic Four is about a group of people who become a family through circumstance. Sure they might have been friends and/or lovers before the accident, but they were forced to be closer after that accident. They could have all split up, but instead they chose to make their friendships into something deeper and become family. And yeah, that kinda works when the Storms are biological siblings, but it makes the choice a little more deliberate if they're not. Further, by making Sue the adopted one, they're giving her the agency to accept or deny this new family as opposed to being the designated den mother. At least, that's what I'm hoping comes out of this Sue being Adopted nonsense. And for the record, I still think the movie seems like a steaming pile. If it's worse than the Tim Story movies is still debatable.
  12. Luke, thanks so much. Hopefully one day it'll actually be available to ship. Hellpop, man, no worries. Just keep sending good vibes and hopefully we'll end up on the streaming too. And hey, while I'm here. We just had our first review pop up online. Check it:
  13. I went a little nuts and kitbashed a Man-on-the-Wall Bucky. Essentially it's the Infinity Cap harness on the Agent of Shield Winter Soldier body with the Invader's Bucky head (because those Winter Soldier heads are the worst!). I'm having a really good time with him. And I even took one with moodier lighting:
  14. I want to be your friend. I would kill to see any of the Slingers in plastic form.
  15. So it's pretty obvious that the announcement is for a line of Secret Wars minimates, right? Or am I crazy?
  16. My first was the Ultimate Spider-Man/Grey Hulk pack, followed by the TRU 5 packs with the hidden figures. But while I've been around since the beginning (I remember when this message board was on the Art Asylum page), it wasn't until wave 19 that I really kicked my collecting habit into high gear. Up until then I got them when they seemed cool, but wave 19 was when the line really showed what it could do.
  17. I think Nessex is onto something with a Ms. (Captain) Marvel Through the Ages. You could even switch up the classic black onepiece with her Warbird getup from the Busiek Avengers run and have a little something for everyone. You know, or they could do a true Captain Marvel through the ages with the OG Kree suit, traditional Mar-Vell (with Genis head!), Monica, and Carol. I'd be all over both of those.
  18. Thanks Shane! Okay, so I got two more fun links to drop on y'all. The first is an combo interview with Kane Hodder and Doug Jones talking about their first movie together which just happens to be LOVE IN THE TIME OF MONSTERS. My favorite line is from Kane at the end. I'm not going to spoil it here, but it's certainly one for the books. Also, I'd like to share with you something crazy exciting: We're listed on NETFLIX! WHAT?!? It's getting real people. It's exciting, but there's a catch (because there's always a catch). Netflix may have us listed, but that doesn't mean they'll carry us. In a move that makes sense to them (probably) they don't go out and buy all the movies that come out, and instead list the ones that they could buy if there's a demand. Here's where you can really help. Do you have a Netflix account? If you do, please click on that link above and add it to your queue. That's it. Just a click, a login, and a click. By doing this we can help drive up the demand and ultimately get Netflix to purchase copies of the movie. Once that happens, you're more than welcome to cut it from your queue or drop it down into those murky depths between Yojimbo and Barry Lyndon on the list. Again, I very much appreciate all the good vibes and appreciate any and all help you can offer. You guys are the best!
  19. And so begins the final push. Straight from our distributors comes the latest and greatest trailer for LOVE IN THE TIME OF MONSTERS and it's pretty great. Check it out: Also, because I know it's the question on everyone's mind, we finally have a release date: February 17th, 2015! That's right, in six weeks you'll be able to own this thing I've been blathering on about forever in some form (Definitely via the VOD and definitely at some point a DVD, but I'm still unclear). It's very exciting and it's been a long time coming. SO EXCITED!!! Thanks everyone for your support here and around. It really means a lot to me and I very much appreciate it. I hope when y'all finally get to see the movie, you actually like it!
  20. To answer this we just need to look at the movies: The Tesseract, while mainly used to blow shit up, did also have a knack for opening wormholes. See the first Cap movie and Avengers for all the making holes in space action. The Aether, while also used to blow shit up, was at it's most powerful when confronted with converging realities. See the beginning and end of Thor 2 for all the reality-fueled action you can take. Meanwhile, The Orb just made whoever held it really powerful. You know, and let them blow shit up. I'll bet you that The Scepter is revealed as the Mind gem Stone during AoU. That Hydra is using it to unlock human potential or something, and then it's the thing that gives Ultron his personality and ultimately JarVision his.
  21. There was a seventh gem introduced back in the 90s when the gauntlet and it's accouterments were whisked away to the Malibu Ultraverse. That gem, Ego, promptly Voltron'd with the other six gems and became some monster thing that was even more promptly defeated. The gems un-Voltron'd and that seventh stone died with the Ultraverse. That is to say, that seventh gem has no place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  22. I've been to a Hastings once... In Nebraska. It was kinda like a Virgin Megastore, but not as big; the kind of place I would have LOVED at 13. Meanwhile I live in California and the only time I hear about Hastings is when it gets some weird exclusive (like a Marvel cover). You know, before all this talk about the Pulp Fiction set.
  23. Yeah, but what about: Michael. Bay. Nextwave. I would totally watch that movie.
  24. I found these this afternoon in Burbank. Two things: 1- Really nice clean figures. I ended up with a foot soldier, Kraang, and Donatello. Very impressed. 2- K-Marts are really weird. That's all. Oh! Also, I found them not with the Turtle stuff, but jammed next to the Lego stuff. Just in case anyone's looking.
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