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super spider piggy

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Everything posted by super spider piggy

  1. I'd actually love to see some Gargoyles as Minimates. Like the ones at those antique shops. *Prays for Angry Beavers comeback*
  2. Viewing that first shot of Bubbleman reminded me of this...
  3. From Wikipedia, "Teen Bop Crap, formerly known as Disney, is a company dedicated to ruining Walt's legacy in any way possible, which includes praising teen who have no ability to make music, screwing over the characters that made the company what it is,and buying as many out as many companies as possible. So here's to you Marvel, R.I.P. Marvel Comics 1939-2009 And while were still mourning, R.I.P. Charlton Comics 1946-1986 P.S. I miss Donald Duck!
  4. What about NEU! ?
  5. The greatest mash-up ever. EDIT:Wait a minute, reportedly funny Hitler rant videos?! What is this, Fascist Multiverse!?
  6. I wanna make the scene where he gets wasted while watching "Party of Five", and the one where he shoots urine out of his eyes. :tongue:
  7. Electric Toothbrush?: RickyRoma's final "Freakout"*: *Credit where credit is due, he did bless us with :deathstroke: . Also I'm a fan of Frank Zappa. And yes, I do love reading old threads.
  8. Im pretty sure you can, but don't send in one of your entries in two parts, ore one of them i'll probably get lost*! And yes, that happened to me with my "Minimates and More" entry.
  9. Waitaminute.... I have some questions... 1. What happens to me in the future? 2. Have the aliens revealed themselves? And do they have robots? 3. Have the Talking Heads reunited yet? 4. Do we have Star Wars Minimates? 5. Are Minimates alive yet? 6. Are Ray Harryhausen properties Minimates yet? And most of all... DO I HAVE MY AZTEK MINIMATE YET??????!!!!!!!!!!!??! Thank You.
  10. Your not the only one with time traveling powers....
  11. I'd love to see "Slag King" :biggrin: :
  12. Waitaminute... I thought Red Hulk was just a pissed off version of Hulk....
  13. First up, the Ronnie Hill Alien. He's from an old controversial photo taken by a kid named Ronnie Hill in North Carolina in 1967. Second up is concept packaging I designed for a possible Marvel 1-Pack.* And last but not least, The Invisible Man! *The Captain Marvel pictured in the packaging is an old custom of mine. EDIT:This is my 600th post! Woo!
  14. Luke, Your customs are awesome! Also, in case you run out of customs on your to do list, you should attempt some of these: With your expertise in the sculpting and painting area,I can see some of the coolest customs ever made!
  15. Oh, that was my Wizard World 2005 Yellow. Heres my 2003 Blank Yellow.
  16. Here it is: Minimates Packaging Pretty impressive huh? :tongue: P.S. Karamazov were the Titans Minimates Luke sent you custom requests or did I miss something? P.S.S. They look great!
  17. The epic conclusion! Unfortunately, Doom was not familiar with the controls of the Beer Can Robot* and it came down to this... The End! :biggrin: *Read last page's epic to find out what's going on.
  18. You forgot Strike-Through, Italic, Bold, Underline, And tiny.
  19. I've had this one done for a while, but here he is. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Sleestak! Also, view the winner of the poll here:
  20. Proof that you aren't Grannyhog! Anyway that Iron Man is pretty awesome!
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