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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. Love it. Really looking forward to Fixit and Maestro. Looks like Fixit will give me a better hat for my Death-Stalker custom too...
  2. Purple Man is kind of a big deal. Mr. Fear is the anti-Daredevil, conceptually ("The Man With Lots of Fear?"). And he's gone up against Mr. Hyde numerous times. I think these guys, plus Gladiator (Melvin Potter) and MisterPL's list are all essentials. He's even got some more Army Builder possibilities, with: MAULER armor Black Spectre troops ...and, to a lesser extent, the Dire Wraith-created Rocketeers ...and sorry groundhog, I only just read your post.
  3. I want a Thunderbolts: Origins 4-pack. Beetle (Mach 3 from the 80s) Moonstone (classic helmeted look) Power Man I or Goliath III (Atlas incarnations) Screaming Mimi (Songbird) would be another good choice.
  4. My personal niche is bronze age looks, through '85. But I support all Marvel MiniMates being made. Plenty of slots to go around. [TWSS] I think Zach may have explicitly mentioned somewhere in here that the looks for 54 were not classic, so with the exception of Strucker (if we're right about that), I won't expect that itch to be scratched in this wave. Someday soon I hope we see some of the bigger "un-teamed" character oversights: Man-Thing and Master of Kung-Fu. We've also seen non-poseable minis now with Thundercats - I wonder if that execution is possible for the Marvel license? e.g. Howard the Duck, Rocket Raccoon? Or would they be standard poseable figs?
  5. It would be cool if, assuming: 1) Falcon is coming, 2) he will be modern, and 3) he won't be the variant... ...that a TRU pack would include Classic Falcon + Classic Black Knight for a little Avengers love. However, this being hope stacked on top of guesswork, this is probably more of a reflection of my own Marvel proclivities.
  6. Regarding my list: Cap / Baron Von Strucker (mortal enemies, 1 from poll, new villain) Falcon / Winter Soldier (former Cap partners, 2 from poll, new hero, new villain) [Red Skull re-do?] / Villain Army Builder: Red Skull's "Sleeper" robots? (1 villain re-do, 1 new) [Red Skull re-do var?] / Villain Army Builder: Red Skull's "Sleeper" robots? (1 villain re-do, 1 new) Alternately, if HYDRA is the villain re-do, it could look like: Cap / Batroc Falcon / Winter Soldier Von Strucker / HYDRA Von Strucker Variant / HYDRA Heroes: 2, 1 New: Cap/Falcon Villains: 4, 3 New: Batroc/Strucker/Winter/HYDRA From Poll: 3: Falcon, Winter Soldier, Von Strucker ...Batroc would also open an off-the-wall TRU 2-pack with MACHETE and ZARAN... but this is just wishful thinking on my part.
  7. We have what we need to crack this... is it 3 from the poll? 4 Villains (3 New)? 2 Heroes (1 New?) Each two pack "makes sense" together? The army builder will most certainly be villainous... and count as a single villain in that tally. That leaves 5 and 1 variant. 5 = 2 heroes + 3 villains, so we're still on track. Of the non-X poll selections, there are some Cap / espionage-centric entries, including Winter Soldier, Falcon... I'm guessing the "heavy hitter" will be a Cap variant, so maybe: Cap / Baron Von Strucker (mortal enemies, 1 from poll, new villain) Falcon / Winter Soldier (former Cap partners, 2 from poll, new hero, new villain) [Red Skull re-do?] / Villain Army Builder: Red Skull's "Sleeper" robots? (1 villain re-do, 1 new) [Red Skull re-do var?] / Villain Army Builder: Red Skull's "Sleeper" robots? (1 villain re-do, 1 new)
  8. I want me some Alpha Primitives. And they could justify one of the giant Sleeper robots from the old Captain America comics as an army builder. Likewise Spider-Slayers. Mandroids are currently the most obvious omission. And I heartily second the Snarks.
  9. Take it up with Marvel - it's apparently going to be a Metal Gear crossover.
  10. There's still a bit of lead time for this flick, true, but it's shaping to be a character smorgasbord, what with Robert Redford joining the cast, and the ...this film should be ripe for both movie and concurrent comic wave action. Thought this flick should have its own topic - it's really shaping up to be an interesting production.
  11. Enforcers? Circus of Crime? I love me some Ringmaster...
  12. Duuude. Totally reminds me of the Warlord, aka Nathaniel Richards. For him all you'd need to do is swap Cable's head for Dr. Fate's. (and give him brown boots, like Shocker's)
  13. Looking over this thread, looks like my hit list has mostly been mentioned. Of those, here are my top 5: 1) Squadron Supreme -- I like the Squadron Sinister, the original quartet of Avengers villains 2) Brotherhood of Evil Mutants -- I'm partial to Mystique's from the early 80s 3) Guardians of the Galaxy -- Original all the way 4) Wrecking Crew -- How can you not love these clowns? 5) Serpent Society -- Cool villain team with lots of variety Some that were missing from the lists (or at least I didn't see them): Eternals Starjammers Micronauts (e.g. the Marvel-owned Bug, Marionette, Arcturus Ran) The Zodiac Salem's Seven Ani-Men Night Shift (Shroud's team) Rangers (Texas Twister, Firebird et al)
  14. Well since we're going for "importance," I had to put aside my personal preferences (e.g. Constrictor, Baron Mordo) in favor of more far-reaching, cross-team and "ubiquitous" villains. I chose: Super Adaptoid, Dragon Man, and Fin Fang Foom.
  15. For me, equally: Falcon, Shang-Chi, Man-Thing, Ka-Zar, Deathlok I would hasten to point out that every single one of these characters has been made as a toy before in one or more other action figure lines, only Shang-Chi's figure was kindof a kitbash. So a vote for the Master of Kung Fu is a vote for innovation. [and his chief nemesis, The Cat / Shen Kuei]
  16. Any second Shanna needs to reflect her classic look. And I would be all over a boxed set with her, Ka-Zar, Zabu, and a properly-loinclothed Sauron or another Savage Land villain, like Nekra, or the Mandrill.
  17. I think Masters of the Universe 'Mates would be sweet. Even more so than the Thundercats. It has probably been discussed already in the previous 35 pages, but I'm late to the party and everyone's already drunk. "Mattycollector" has teased some sort of urban vinyl / chibi / mini /cutesy kinda thing already, but it was just a proof-of-concept kinda thing and was never produced. Frankly, with Funko (I believe) doing something with MOTU, I think the property is ripe for some serious MiniMate-ing, which would be infinitely cooler. And in related news: * Army of Darkness * ...and/or a general modern horror line (Krueger, Jason, Myers, Leatherface) * Kick-Ass * 80s camp Sci-Fi classics (Krull, Flash Gordon) * the VENTURE BROTHERS (separation for emphasis)
  18. I think the 2.5 height limit is strictly for the Marvel license. Although DST/AA seem reluctant to resurrect the 3" bodies for perhaps aesthetic reasons? At any rate, they have been able to do cool stuff with plus-sized appendages/legs/etc to really "stretch" the 2.5 buck, so I'm just going to assume awesomeness however they decide to design the Queen.
  19. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. This might be my most anticipated boxed set in... ever. I'm buying two sets so I can use some of these great parts/pieces for customs. There's something about Marvel in the 1970s that really speaks to me. More of this stuff please!
  20. I got confirmation on everything shipping with the exception of the 2x Firelord/Air-Walker set, the only set I doubled up on (I need some parts for customs). So I still need to track two of that set down. I think they just straight refunded my CC though. Strange that this seems to be the set no one can get a hold of.
  21. Won't this hit around Wolverine-time? My guess is Wolverine movie wave.
  22. I really dig the gray on Doom. But Dr. Doom has never really had prominent "boots" - I think in addition to a cowl piece separate from the cape (for sweet head-turning action), my "ultimate Doom" would use tampos for the leg details. Working holster is optional.
  23. "Nova Corps" actually looks like classic Richard Ryder, with an alternate (Kree?) mohawked head. I don't know much about these guys - are there tons of guys wearing that costume, like Green Lanterns?
  24. Doom looks great, love the Doombot head. I would like to make a formal request that at some point we see a release with the cowl as a separate piece, so he can turn his head.
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