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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. That Dr. Strange photo cracks me up... it looks like he's barely containing his fiendish glee with that shit-eating grin, like he farted and that woman behind him has just begun to smell it.
  2. It's the fringe that makes the costume (John Wayne ain't got nothin' on his fringe game, hell no...). But I suppose it could be done using forearm and shin decals with Luke's templates and sticker paper (on red arms & legs), then a very steady hand with yellow and blue paint on Ken's red gi. But hey, Shang Chi. He's one of those 70s dudes that would be great in a box set together, just for being 70s solo titles or features... Machine Man, Man-Thing, Jack of Hearts, Master of Kung Fu. Omega the Unknown anyone? (too unknown?)
  3. He might as well be obscure by the lack of action figure love... it's quite honestly a crime we don't have him yet:
  4. Unguessable? Interesting. "The other half has been guessed already" might seem to indicate Brotherhood or Wrecking Crew, the tidiest suggestions of 4x characters. Either of which would be completely rad. Unguessable means probably no obvious choices of classics, like Black Knight, Classic Falcon, Sunfire/Banshee, etc. Power Pack? But no, that's four new characters. What are four "unguessable" heroes, one we've already gotten? New thing about these specific figures... do they "link up" in some way? Interact? Have BAF pieces? It could be three of the Runaways, plus an "anchor" hero. That's nigh-unguessable.
  5. I'm PSYCHED. 7 new characters, 1 re-do? 4 villains? Themed with no army builder? Allow me to wishfully think... 1) X-MEN Cyclops: skullcap re-do, Banshee, Sunfire, Mimic Destiny, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro 2) AVENGERS Falcon: red/white classic re-do, Black Knight, Tigra, Mockingbird [Wrecking Crew] OR any 4 of: Melter, Black Knight I, Living Laser, Man-Ape, Whirlwind, Tiger Shark, Egghead, etc. 3) DEFENDERS Doctor Strange: re-do, Hellcat, Son of Satan, Nighthawk Baron Mordo, Dormammu (video game version doesn't count), Attuma, Nebulon None of these may be likely, but the above is the kind of assortment I'd be all over. I guess it could also be Thor + Warriors Three, against Surtur, Ulik, Enchantress, Executioner.
  6. I want Zaran. ...preferably in a 2-pack with classic Shang-Chi, w/ option to display shirtless & robed.
  7. I really want that Ronan, being the only classic design in the lot. Throw us a bone... um... us?
  8. Thirded. (Fourthed?). Plus Puma, Carrion, Swarm... I want 'em all.
  9. That's it. I'm done waiting. I'm looking at mind-pictures, and by definition they meet my expectations...
  10. Hmm. Many corners have been neglected: Eternals (and Deviants). I'd include Celestials in this pile. Squadron Supreme. Thor Villains (Ulik, Surtur, Ymir, Enchantress, Executioner, Grey Gargoyle, Pluto, Ares (classic)). 70's Solo Heroes (Machine Man, Man-Thing, Omega, Jack of Hearts, Bloodstone, Captain Britain (FA), etc.) X-Men Villains, surprisingly (Blob, Unus, Mastermind, Mimic, Mesmero, Sauron, Living Monolith, Toad, Pyro, Avalanche, Destiny, Black Tom)
  11. Super Adaptoid has been on my most wanted list ever since Marvel Legends launched... was that way back in 2001? I love the doppelganger villains, like Taskmaster, Super Skrull and Mimic. No hate here.
  12. I suspect that there would be adequate interest/support for a whole line, if not a couple of waves, of "X-Men Movie Universe" MiniMates. Perhaps after the inevitable success of this summer's DOFP. The Minis would cross all seven (has it really been that many?!?) films. I feel the same could be true for the Marvel Cinematic Universe... a new sub-line that crosses everything from the films, to the one-shots, to the SHIELD series, and any new/upcoming series like the Netflix 4 or Agent Carter. As things are currently managed, it really does feel to the end consumer (well, I'm speaking for myself here) that the wave apportionment is an either/or proposition. Someone like me who only buys comic waves ends up feeling like we're getting less and less as Marvel's cinematic ambitions increase. Four films this year? (X/Spidey/Cap/Guardians) The fanboy in me rejoices, the comic action figure collector sighs.
  13. Yes to all of them Super Adaptoid and Classic Mimic only as I can see only need a few new pieces to be tooled ( Adaptoids Wings and Mimics Googles/Glasses) The rest already can be used from existing stuff. Now thats a dream 2 pack! I'm all over the big surge that is happening for Man-Thing anything that can help swell public knowledge until we are finally able to whip out our collective 2" Man-Thing's and show them with pride to other toy collectors I'm all for. If I had to get behind any figure that I belive will be made it would have to be Nighthawk to go with the Defenders. AWESOME. Yes, this. It's like the whole Avengers vs. the whole X-Men in one two-pack. Adaptoid's in my Top 10 for sure.
  14. This is tough. By my sig, you might notice I am an obsessive list-guy. Were they to knock out Constrictor and Classic Falcon, they'd have done the whole Mattel Secret Wars lineup. And all of the Mego lineup as well for that matter, since Conan doesn't count while Marvel does not hold the license. So in that sense I'm after those guys, particularly Classic Falcon. But, "Crusades" are often reserved for the "awesome but less likely" types, of which I could rattle off 100, but can narrow it down to 3 of my favorites right here. Sorry it can't just be one: 1) Champion of the Universe Marvel Two-in-One Annual #7. Period. End of sentence. 2) Zaran, the Weapons Master He looks awesome and begs to be packed in with a ton of gear. 3) Master of Kung-Fu Shang-Chi is a Marvel staple (and awesome Bruce Lee ripoff), and has been historically under-represented in the action figure arena, having (as far as I am aware) only one Toy Biz figure in a repaint wave with a crappy softgoods gi. Make it so, DST! Right the wrongs of history. ...and Zaran and Shang-Chi have scrapped a few times. I smell a two-pack, and it smells like victory...
  15. I'm psyched. I'm a big Doc Ock fan, so a better-tentacled classic Ock is huge for me. Lizard, while cool, had an odd-looking head, so I'm curious to see what they cook up for this one.
  16. those parts don’t turn them into Fandral and Hogun by chance do they? They turn into the Wrecker and Piledriver. Loki and Malekith become Bulldozer and Thunderball. Also, all four merge to form Devastator. Bwa ha. That would have been a spit take if I were drinking a beverage.
  17. Seems like 2 movie waves will be the norm, with Marvel committed to two pictures a year, and their partners (Sony and Fox) producing at least one between the two of them a year (Spidey, X, FF).
  18. I can only really speak for myself, but I will provide a bit of my own "adult collector demographic" data for you here regarding this... I'm of the demographic "slice" that grew up with comics, but became disenchanted with the late 80s-90s "Xtremeification" of comics, of which McFarlane, Image, Liefeld et al were key offenders. You've heard it all before, "pupiless, grimacing, top-heavy guys with too many pouches, knives and guns." Four hundred different foil and trading card variants for every #1 issue, and there seemed to be multiple #1s monthly. I represent the guy for whom Alex Ross created Kingdom Come, reflecting on classic values versus e.g. Magog (a Cable pastiche) and more extreme visions of the eternal struggle. etc. But lest I get too heavy-handed I'll stop there. I do know who Angela is. Brings up bad memories. However I also acknowledge that Marvel ingesting a known character from someone else's IP is a Big Hairy Deal, and will go so far as to say I expected her to end up as a Mini sooner rather than later. Likewise if Marvel suddenly nabbed Savage Dragon, I'd expect the same. It's a smart choice, very timely, and despite my personal misgivings about the character, a cool & well-executed Mini. ...and that Nick Fury kicks ass.
  19. Yeah Zach, don't let all the fussiness get you down... I think anything perceived as too "modern" will have its detractors among the crustier of us old fans, but that doesn't mean the sets won't sell well. And nostalgia alone will only carry the line so far - I for one am happy with the overall mix of characters these days. I second all the assertions that these are always well designed, and getting better all the time. Quality stuff, even if I and others always feel compelled to provide editorial about why we decide to buy or skip a particular offering.
  20. They're all pretty cool-lookin'. I'm a bronze age fella though, so there hasn't been a lot announced for me lately aside from Viper and Von Strucker. I am a big fan of 616 Fury though, so that will get me to buy the set & part out the rest for customs. AoU Classic Starlord for a TRU 2-pack maybe? From the "fan's choice" poll designs that weren't used? Can a guy dream?
  21. Most neglected? Villains [but since this is broad and cheat-y...] TIE: Thor villains, Daredevil villains: THOR: Surtur, Ymir, Enchantress, Executioner, Ulik, Kurse, Malekith, Man-Gog, Lorelei, Hela, Karnilla, Pluto, Fafnir, Ares (classic), Tyr, Seth DAREDEVIL: Purple Man, Gladiator, Mr. Hyde, Cobra, Owl, Jester, Mr. Fear, Man-Bull Honorable Mention: MONSTERS: e.g. Tim Boo Baa, Fin Fang Foom, Elektro, Googam, Gorgilla, Scarlet Beetle, Xemnu, Groot, Blip, Diablo, Taboo, Goom, ULYSSES BLOODSTONE
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