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Everything posted by MinimateEspo25

  1. stop mentioning spidey variants, matt is lurking
  2. sure you did, and i work at Marvel....... oh, wait...
  3. karamazov, i thought that too, and if not for the numbers not matching up, baron von strucker fits the total number of letters, with spaces
  4. yes, please tbt, come back you are missed, and cool art, yay
  5. 12 74 74 81 80 81 50 64 8 96 new one, and its moon knight
  6. groundhog, you forgot elektra, plan 9, batman and robin
  7. happy birthday gents, and let me just take this moment to emphasis what a great board member minijeff is, one of the greats around here, happy birthday indeed
  8. happy birthday, and k, nice use of bad films,
  9. don't hold your breath, i'm sure chuck can still squeeze one in somewhere, i wouldn't put it past them, look at the amazing fantasy spidey
  10. great, except t can't take down chuck. only one man can take chuck down (typed as i'm wearing a chuck norris fact shirt)
  11. well, now that we know of the promo, can anyone help me get one of each of the afx promo keychains? I'll pay for any pain and suffering (read: time wasted) you need me to.
  12. wow, but an a slightly unrelated note; tm2. shipping to argentina, do we have a member in argentina?
  13. dude, i get one of those every 2 weeks, its called my paycheck Should Ebay it you would prob get more. i don't doubt it. except it direct deposit, so i don't even get a physical no prize, its an implied no prize
  14. dude, i get one of those every 2 weeks, its called my paycheck
  15. hey guys, this happened on friday, but i forgot to post it. there was a shadow in the bullpen window that made an awesome and familiar shape... check it out... edit: it probably will be posted on marvel's site today, but i probably won't get credit for finding it, but trust me folks, this is 100% real it happened. and when it did, the nerds in the office took it as a sign. the church of the avengers was born. it happened again today, apparently around 3:30 it appears in the bullpen every day.
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