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arnim zola

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Everything posted by arnim zola

  1. Thats crazy, and it doesnt even factor in doubles for collectors who keep one sealed on their wall and doubles or triples for trade fodder. Some of us are nuts! And I have the unfortunate luck to have recently turned completist and buying/trading for older stuff I missed. At least my wallet was eased by the canceling of ToyBiz marvel Legends and the recent cancelation of Transformers Animated. I buying very few american toys that are not minimates
  2. I maintain that no Punisher villains have been made. The only others would be the Sentry and Dr. Strange (Nightmare would make a sweet mate). I count strange seperately because he had a lot of other main villains like the dread dormammu (also make a great mate) The punisher still needs jigsaw, bushwacker, and the russian : )
  3. This is bleeping great. Finally a mephisto to toment my johnny blaze and dan ketch mates, Blackheart next?. Plus like TM2 said, we get to ruin parkers life everyday, along with the rest of our minimate continuity! The infinity gems are awesome and Im glad they gave him fingers this time. The gauntlet is very important and if they get around to the Mandarin and his 10 rings I hope he gets some kind of fingers too. Its not like they are overdoing it, they are only doing this kind of thing when its really needed. The old Thanos is my favorite mate, for a 2 inch figure he is imposing and bad ass, but damn this new set just made my day!
  4. I like when Aim Agents make references to Van Damme movies that make me laugh loudly at work.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Take that Chuck! Alright fine, even though they're note Marvel: Terminator 2 Wave 1: -Battle Damage T-800/T-1000* -T-800 (sunglass and eye damage)/Endoskeleton EM-Assault Gear T-800/SWAT Officer *Battle Damage T-800 maybe be a variant, it remains to be seen if the Specialty packs will also have the 'melting' legs. Actually I'm not entirely sure what T2 Wave 1 and Wave 2's Speciality Store case packs are, so for all I know these are all exclusive pairings except for the one with the big "TRU Exclusive" sticker. Tru's website has T2 series 2 exclusives for preorder. Also, I saw what looked like a fresh case amount and I think its 4-4-4. They should also make Atlas and the Beatle to more complete the team, but I would rather have songbird and swordsman first. Thunderbolts was just as good a read before Norman took control. Edited b/c if we are really trying to make a complete list of TRU mates then we cant leave out the 2 waves of BSG and mini flyers either.
  6. I'm Going to pick up at least one of everything while Im there, though Ill have to bribe AFX for the keychains for the 2 days I dont have tickets for...There have to be others as psychotic as me.
  7. This blows balls. Him and tarantino were going to do another bill movie from Bill's earlier days. Plus I read a lot on it this morning and not one site I went to said anything about Genitals. I call BS on it since it sounds like tabloids adding to their "story" to sell more "magazines".
  8. I hope you mean you got an AIM agent, because if you somehow picked up a hydra agent at this time, then the board is coming for you. yeah, mine doesn't have the binoculars either. grrr I really love this metal t-1000. it's great. I saw one a while back with the metal hands he in the part he's chasing the car. was this idea scratched, or has it just not been made yet? Mine doesnt have binoculars either. As for the metal hook hands, I dont remember hearing it was nixed, so maybe they will come with the t1000 in the biker cop outfit (the one thats not silver and he has a helmet), or the cop outfit with the 3 bullet holes in the chest. One of them is supposed to have the spike arm. The battle damaged one has the spiky finger so you can make your hugh jackman wolverine spill milk all over the floor.
  9. My comic shop just sent me the word that the Terminator singles will be here wednesday. My Army begins wednesday!
  10. We really haven't had to wait long at all between the time they show us a TRU set to the time we can buy it, we got wonderman a month or so after it showed in toyfare?. Its much longer between regular waves. Give it a few weeks and they should be hitting us all in the crotch like a brick in the night.
  11. Best: Defenders version. No shoulderpads = win Worst: Professor Hulk or 1st appearance Hulk. Favorite: Zombie hulk before the change to the intestinal tampo. I'm really suprised no one has mentioned Kang as their favorite Hulk.
  12. This year they are giving us all kinds of stuff we have been asking for since before the drought. Boy did that suck, but this year is awesome so far! I made a checklist of the ghostbusters and terminator stuff, and the list is huge, plus 6 full waves of marvel at least and 4 SDCC/AFX exclusives, then 2 Secret Wars Boxes (those are this fall right?) and who knows how much else. Im crapping in my hat as we speak.
  13. I actually said floating because I heard from a friend that Nightcrawler was on LSD and Angel Dust.
  14. This is great news! I'm going to give blood for sure, then on the show floor, I'm going to pull my band aid off and drip blood on my exclusives. Thus giving them "Battle Damage"
  15. Huh, I guess I didnt help things by voting for spidey on 6 different computers at work...
  16. Congratulations to everyone who won, who would have thought DST had nightcrawlers floating around the office.
  17. I dont really think of it as a big chest, when I first saw them, it hit me as a coat, so I didnt even think about them possibly looking bulky.
  18. Call them BlaHeMorrhoids so we can use the acronym of BHM. It’s got a nicer ring to it. You Both got it wrong. Its BlammoidS or BS for short. I personally find those to be hideous. I look at them and I cant find one positive thing to say, except maybe brewer will be canned for this, though I know he wont. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love how he sprays random people with bear mace.
  19. I think I may be going. I already have my SDCC tix for Thursday and Sunday (my friends took too long buying tickets for the other 2 days) and I would at least like to run around with some MMMV folk. We should make some custom Minimate Multiverse T shirts too wear!
  20. Minimate headquarters also has carded pics up of the TRU ghostbuster exclusives.
  21. You people that are complaining about people wanting SF mates and talking about getting more need to take a hike. This is the forum people go to to talk about minimates right? Fox brought back family guy when it was dead, and futurama too. With enough fan demand anything could happen. We are getting a Daken minimate and a vault guardsman, so there you go. If you dont want to hear about other people wanting SF2 mates, then don't read SF2 topics.
  22. They need to throw kang into a classic thunderbolts set. Zemo with the black jacket, songbird, atlas, and swordsman. Oh, I guess he wont fit in there. I guess we will have to settle for a Kang box set with a Rama-Tut variant.
  23. I would. And I would continuously buy more villain 4 packs as well. Those villain 4 packs sold out in my city and the heroes are pegwarming. What else do they need, bad guys sell out.
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