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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. Wow. I always wondered what might have been. Obviously the line was canned long before its prime. I really wish DST would keep pestering WBCP for any DC property-- Watchmen, Young Justice, The Endless... anything!
  2. For some reason, I'd like to see a zeppelin. Something steampunk-flavored. Maybe from "The Legend of Korra" or "SuckerPunch" if it has to be licensed.
  3. I'm just gonna go ahead and beat the dead horse by suggesting Young Justice Minimates. I'm pretty sure it's a separate property from the rest of the DCU and I read recently that Mattel is cancelling their line, ostensibly because retailers weren't supporting it. (And if you know anything about how Mattel handles action figures, you know the real reasons why the line failed.) Watchmen is another property that is separate from the DCU. Given the new titles coming out, I'm hoping DST jumps on the property before Mezco beats them to it like they did with Green Lantern. (ALSO a separate license.) Outside of DC Entertainment, how about Prometheus? That could lead to other fun properties. (Alien, Predator...)
  4. I just don't see DST paying licensing fees for a relatively obscure property like this and I'm pretty certain Anita Blake isn't included in their current agreement. Marvel's licensing it for comics, not toys. DST would have to acquire those rights separately. Diamond was moments away from launching their own line of zombies when The Walking Dead hit big. That brand will help push zombie toys into the marketplace and if DST drops that license, they can finish what they started with their in-house brand. (Same with Universal Monsters.) I know Anita's zombies are significantly different than others (some look normal at first glance) but I don't know if the subtle differences would be appreciated by most collectors. Maybe if it becomes a hugely successful film franchise or TV series, DST and retailers will be receptive.
  5. Professor X would be most needed considering all the X-Men variations already out there. If there are any more Iron Man suits out there that beg such an offering, I'm always up for that. Daredevil would have made a great candidate but I think we're only missing the armored costume, right? What about The Scarlet Witch and Vision? Those Avengers could use more lovin'.
  6. I'm pretty sure I saw a Mother Box in Odin's vault. Maybe Thor could use a Boom Tube to get back.
  7. My bad. I thought we were talking about Thor's look in the movie poster. I'm all for the sleeveless variation. No love for Banner?
  8. Yes, Thor should have a cape as seen in the film and style guide.
  9. That describes me to a T. McFarlane really dropped the ball with this property. Sure, he's dropped the ball in the past but this time he dipped it in liquid nitrogen and threw it on the asphalt. I don't believe the guy ever really had a childhood involving toys worth reliving. So I'm pretty stoked about DST offering 'mates based on the comic. I love the TV series, too, so I'm hopeful that there's room for both eventually, especially if the show is what's driving the business. Speaking of which, a Minimate-scaled R/V would rock.
  10. CRAP IN A HAT! Am I gonna have to buy multiples of this wave?! I'm not even the biggest X-Men fan on the planet (heck, I'm more of a DC boy) but this is a pretty cool wave.
  11. Honestly? Unless you want a very specific Boba Fett, no, there probably isn't. That's one of the good things about the exclusive figures that are blind packaged; they're actually variants of characters available in other sets. So if you want ANY Boba Fett, you can settle for the one aiming his flamethrower gauntlet that's available in lots of visible sets. If you want the one holding his blaster, that's going to take some luck (or unscrupulous foraging). I've never known Dinobot to be an unscrupulous forager but then again we are talking about a Fett fan. They're generally a shady bunch of hooligans. :tongue:
  12. I just grabbed the other SHIELD agent 2-pack my LCS had and hopping on this bandwagon. The newspapers belong at a newspaper stand. The blue suits can be used on customs for the upcoming "Men in Blue" sequel. Wait... that's not right. Clark Kent wore a blue suit! (That's one.)
  13. I couldn't help noticing that opened blind packaging bags are littering the shelves at Walmart and TRU. One display had six out of 18 of them ripped into. I know there are collectors out there who LOVE this gimmick but when it leads to this, then I REALLY don't get it.
  14. I had to chuckle that this line came from "Lobsterman." I'll be getting this set. Mr. Fixit is a must-have and I'm down with the rare composite figures. (Spidey-Parker, Compy Superman, et al.)
  15. I liked the Raimi films well enough until the studio forced him to use a character for whom he clearly had no affinity. Sandman could have easily filled the whole film and without Venom, there'd have been none of that over-the-top silliness with Peter. As for the reboot, I can't say I'm in love with the costume. I hope they explain where Peter Parker – science geek and amateur photographer – manages to procure such a set of duds like those. I'm not crazy about the Rob Pattinson lookalike if only because it smacks of pandering to Twi-heads. Still, he's got the right, lean physique despite being too tall and too pretty for my ideal Peter Parker. One of the changes I did like to the Spider-Man mythology was the introduction of organic web-shooters. It just made more sense to me that this would be a true spider-power, certainly more so than "spider-sense." (None of the spiders killed in my house ever indicated such an ability.) All that said, after seeing the last trailer, I'm stoked to see the movie in 3D, if only for the cinematography. I have no idea what the tone of the film will actually be since previews can be intentionally misleading but I'm hopeful that it will remind me more of Ultimate Spider-Man than anything else. Oh, and I'll be picking up the Minimates as well.
  16. I thought I was gonna cry when I got to the shop and there was no Aunt May on the pegs. Bless his heart, the shop owner set her aside just for me. [swoon]
  17. Wow. You can certainly tell when a full moon is around the corner. For the record, my LCS got a TRU case as well and I'm in the same boat of those wondering how to get the figures exclusive to the specialty market. After reading through recent comments here I've decided that this is some kind of personal vendetta against myself orchestrated by DST and will be boycotting all Minimates lines indefinitely. (And by "indefinitely" I mean until the next wave hits retail. Or as soon as I find the sets I wanted. I mean it.)
  18. Considering the Galileo is a lot closer to being in scale with the figures than the Enterprise, absolutely. I understand wanting to use the Enterprise as a hook for retailers (who are probably more familiar with the starship than the shuttlecraft) but the concept seems forced. I'd much rather see playsets that serve as toys and displays but there's a good chance DST can't offer such an item contractually. I think the shuttle's got just as much play value as the starship if not more simply because it seats more characters. As it stands, the Enterprise is just a way to get a captain's chair. I'm hopeful that it'll come with figure variants I don't have but that might amount to a grimacing Kirk and a panic-stricken Scotty. A refit of the same ship could have gone a lot further toward making fans happy and saving costs down the road since it could have been repurposed for a handful of films (TMP, TWOK, TSFS, and TVH). With this TOS-era ship we'll be lucky to see a Mirror Universe variant and that's it. But again, I don't know what the "rules" are. I'm not privy to the contract agreement and in my own experience developing licensed product for retailers, there's gotta be more that went into this direction than meets the eye.
  19. I'm a little happier that the captain's chair is removable. (A whole bridge would be awesome but I know I'm smokin' dope.) Putting Scotty in the Jeffries Tube makes more sense than shoving Spock down there. I'm guessing that if fans want to see that Shuttlecraft finally come to fruition, we'll have to support the Enterprise first.
  20. Obviously it's DC Online. Random Thoughts: - I can't say I'm thrilled with the Trek Minimates offering. I'm not big on super-deformed vehicles, especially ones that come with Minimates I already own. The secondary hull as a Jeffries Tube was pretty clever, though. I just wish DST could get past TOS when it comes to Trek 'mates. - Lara Croft = Yippee! - Walking Dead looks great. I'll gladly add them add to my collection. - No interest in Expendables but they're iconic so I may have to see the movies. - The new Munsters figures (especially Biker Herman) nailed my nostalgia bone! I was content to own the regular cast as they usually appeared by these are must-have variants for me. - I'm not a huge Marvel fanboy (make mine DC) but I've managed to collect almost every Minimate anyway. Time to start weaning myself, I think. I do like the movie 'mates. - More Universal Monsters 'mates; Yes, please! - The MAX line continues to impress. When can we expect to see a Sci-Fi theme with spaceships, etcetera? - I take it the DC line will be announced at a later date.
  21. Shouldn't that be "Black Widow's Avenging Cycle?"
  22. The problem with the first Star Trek line was that it lacked variety. Retailers got saturated with TOS-era product from DST when TNG-era was still the trend. A successful Star Trek line will either have to tie into a film release or offer collectors their favorite characters from the myriad source material available, not just TOS. Mix it up. This is why I'm not that jazzed about seeing the TOS Enterprise in that picture. Don't get me wrong; I'll buy every Trek Minimate DST offers but that's because I'm a fan of ALL Trek. However there are plenty of others who only want to buy DS9 or VOY or ENT or even nuTrek. Seems like if DST was in charge of the Star Wars line it would be Luke, Leia, and Han all day, every day, and only from the first film. No TESB or ROTJ or prequels or animated series. That seems like a horribly myopic business model.
  23. More importantly, who wants Watchmen Minimates?
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