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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. Hulk only has one right leg the last I checked. This shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
  2. Not to point out the obvious but maybe a clear version? That would be a lot of one character but like you asked, who else is there? And I'd like more UM-mates myself. What we got was great but it's going to seem a little incomplete without the Metaluna Mutant and the Phantom.
  3. Miraculous how Mini-Mandarin manages to maintain a collection of rings on those fingerless hands of his. These look good. Want.
  4. But it's got a roof rack. And drapes! It's got DRAPES!
  5. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. And it's not like the market is saturated with merchandise for this property. I don't expect it to have a particularly long life but if I get the main cast (eight characters) and maybe the Chariot, I'll be thrilled and anything else will be icing on my sci-fi pop culture cake. Seriously, who wouldn't want this vehicle? It's got drapes! DRAPES!
  6. Random Thoughts: - Alien army dump is a no-brainer. - I do NOT want a load lifter that dwarfs the requisite Alien Queen because someone doesn't want to ruin the Minimate aesthetic. The Alien Queen needs to be HUGE. - Looking forward to the Robinsons landing on LV-426 and Dr. Smith getting his final comeuppance. - Bishop and B-9 are gonna make hot robot love, baby, YEAAAH! - Newt, please! In my version she takes off in the Jupiter 2 instead of winding up dead on a penal colony. - I've had the Lost in Space theme playing in my head since I first read this announcement, dammit! - Can we get some Lost in Space and Alien emoticons around here?
  7. Yup, Pete won the Lost in Space speculation. And while youbastards was the first to mention Alien it was Mattallica who first specifically mentioned Aliens. They'll just have to split their No-Prize.
  8. Technically it's not license agreement and if it's a retailer exclusive, it won't be shown at Toy Fair. But I still believe. As someone who grew up watching Lost in Space right alongside Star Trek, I'm really looking forward to seeing the LiS Minimates. I'm picturing a couple 4-packs and maybe the Jupiter 2. And as stoked as I am about getting Minimates and vehicles based on James Cameron's Aliens, I'm still wishing for a couple four-packs from the original crew of the Nostromo and a Narcissus. Bring on the pics! To everyone attending Toy Fair: BE SAFE! Enjoy the blizzard but make it home healthy and in one piece!
  9. He was replying to my comment that there weren't any duplicates/chase figures in these assortments. There are army-builder characters but only one each per assortment. If that works for retailers, I'm all for it though I never minded having extras of army builders. This way we get more variety. I just hope they get made in enough quantities. I don't want another TRU Walking Dead Series 1/LCS Marvel Series 48 issue with Star Trek.
  10. Then we need to re-title the thread "Statue parts identification."
  11. I'm pretty sure none of the figures will be shared. I think Zach's said that a couple times. Therefore if we do get another KHAN, it won't be the same figure. And I'd be pretty disappointed if we get a battle-damaged version. I'm pretty much KHAN'd out with all the speculation about him being in the next movie. I'd rather see a horta, personally, or even Sybok. [shudder]
  12. I thought that Fox lost the rights to FF last year because they didn't have a new FF movie in production yet...something in their rights agreement required a movie to be every X number of years to retain the rights. That would have been great but, no, they lost rights to Daredevil instead. Rumor has it Marvel tried making a swap; Fox could keep Daredevil if Marvel could get Silver Surfer and Galactus. That may have had something to do with the studio's long-range plan for Hulk. In any case, Fox started work on a reboot so they're at least in pre-production. I'd love to see the FF under the Marvel Studios umbrella though.
  13. They do have a certain Stikfas look to them, don't they?
  14. Lovely. That would explain why my LCS still hasn't received their order.
  15. Random thoughts: - Days of Future Past should be a great opportunity to get all the X-Men Moviemates we didn't get previously. - I'm dreading adding more woefully wee Sentinels to my collection. Hopefully LEGO will offer something a lot more satisfying. - Never been a huge fan of Wolverine but this flick looks to be heading in a good direction and I really enjoyed the source material they're drawing from. I anticipate oodles of 'mates.
  16. Now I remember. Back when Digger did the Batman: New Times video, he did it without DC's permission. That's a pretty big no-no, especially for a licensee. Here's an excerpt from an interview with Digger back in January 2012 courtesy of some guy named Jeff at Portrait of an Addiction: "Shortly after this DC was giving us heat about Batman Begins; they wanted us to make sure any and all signs of 60's bat campiness were erased from the planet Earth. We did Batman New Times with DAVE School completely without permission. This was before the majority of the fan films you see on the net and we were trying to get them to sanction this killer DAVE School Batman animation. They told us NO." Some might recall that AA had put together Minimates designs specifically for Batman Begins in anticipation of continuing the license. While AA intended to move forward, apparently DC/WB did not.
  17. I've been following the Richard III story pretty closely, and I am amazed at how the entire situation has played out. From locating the former site of the church under a parking structure, to finding the body the first day of the dig, identifying the wounds received to the body post-mortem, to DNA matching a relative in Canada, to digital facial reconstruction, it has been one hell of an impressive story. Yet we still don't know who killed Tupac!
  18. (I hate TRU's exclusive Walking Dead Minimates. Just clarifying. They're the only TRU exclusives I've ever had trouble finding. But that's just me.)
  19. Someone's being contrary. I read something a while ago on Facebook that led me to believe that bad blood between DC and AA went all the way back to Digger. I don't recall the specifics but that was the impression I got. As for viewing Minimates as a Marvel vehicle; no more than LEGO or Funko or Hot Toys or Squinkies. Seems like someone at DC/WBCP has blacklisted AA/DST from ever getting a WB license. And it really isn't just about the DCU license. DST can't even get rights to a WB property like Thundercats unless it's as a third-party licensee. The closest AA's ever come that I can recall is with Lord of the Rings and that was through WB's sister company, New Line. I've mentioned before that WBCP licenses certain properties seperately. If The Powers That Be really wanted DC Minimates on the pegs, they'd be offering DST the rights to everything from Young Justice and The Brave and the Bold cartoons to Arkham City and Injustice: Gods Among Us video games. If DC fans really want Minimates, I'd seriously recommend a Kickstarter campaign. Get enough cash together to get a DC property from WBCP for Minimates and hire DST to develop, manufacture, and distribute the line. Worst case scenario: You'll learn why DC Collectibles isn't interested in DC Minimates based on their experience doing it as DC Direct.
  20. It depends on what category Mezco has. In my experience, WBCP can really split hair to accommodate a licnesee if they want to. For example, if Mezco has the 2" vinyl collectible block figure category they could give DST the 2" ABS/PVC collectible block figure category. It really depends on how an existing agreement is worded so a loophole can be found. Then again, WBCP wants to make sure one line doesn't cannibalize the other. In a case like this, Mezco could argue they're in direct competition with DST even though Mez-Its are shitty wannbes and Minimates rule the goddamned universe. Does that make sense?
  21. A while ago, a TRU manager (knowing I collected Star Wars figures) handed me an Obi-Wan Kenobi figure from 2002 they'd just found under one of their displays. He said every once in a while after they move stuff around, they'll find things that have been lost for years. The reason I mention it is because that packaging was beaten up pretty badly, as if it had been dragged around under the displays more than a few times, and even had some hair stuck to the blister. I handed it back.
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