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Trekker 42

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Everything posted by Trekker 42

  1. Ant-Man/Giant Man definately my favorites. I think it's a good representation of the character. Now if they just perfect that helmet before release... seems a little not ready for production yet.
  2. I liked his hat. It made him look like a gangster. That look worked for me. It went well with the trenchcoat and completed the look perfectly. I think he would have looked odd without a hat.
  3. No, it was awesome, as is all that Hasselhoff touches. I fail to understand your post that... was just frightening Please dear God make it stop.
  4. Please tell me you are messing with us. Please tell me that you're not saying that you liked the Hasslehoff Fury movie. Please say it was a joke.
  5. Once again, the face looks off to me. I can't say I have any suggestions, but there is no mini that looks like Harrison Ford enough to use IMO
  6. No matter how lame that was, you gotta admit that Doom was better than McMahon as Doom
  7. Did you get any that I didn't? If so, post waht they came with please. also I saw a silohuette of the Skeleton figure and I thik that the shadow looks cool. thatmeans that the thing should rock.
  8. I found some at Target today. Interesting tidbit: Each figure coms with a special item in a secret box behind him. Iwill list each item next to the person it came with. Indy Raiders style: Stone tablet of some sort. Belloq: Big ass version of fertility idol which came with Raiders Indy Mutt w/snake: Eye of Horus Sallah: A terra cotta horse Colonel Dovchenko: The Cup of Kali (Temple of Doom evil cup) Indy w/Crystal Skull: Before I reveal the relic I have to say that this one bothered me. The crystal Skull is attached to Indy's hand. What can I do with that? Aaugh. Anyway the relic is the Eye of the Peacock gem. That's all I got of the single-pack figures, but I also got the Ark of the Covenant set and that thing rules. That is all
  9. judging by this image it appears to be part of a regular release planned Jeff of the Miniacs Well, good to know anyways. Did that even exist in the comics? I think I missed it.
  10. I know, I know. It's a necro, but it's a thread that needed necromancing. I thought I should speak of this series Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. This is like The Notebook with Vampires and Werewolves. Kick ass and heartbreaking at the same time. It don't get better than this. Well, except for Pendragon. And Harry Potter. But tha's over and I need to fill the void. Any suggestions of ongoing series to fill this void other than Pendragon and Twilight. BTW, I read WWZ and that was an amazing story. it was like Citizen Kane with Zombies. Each new character revealed a little more about the plague, but in the end the story really came together. Great stuff. I'm looking foreward to whatever Brooks does next. maybe he should do werewolves.
  11. I say Lee and Kirby, or Lee and Ditko. . .but I guess we are getting off topic. I actually dig both the Wondertwins and the original Nightwing, I don't know why, but I dig them. . .something that I do not dig, however, is this: Though Liefeld epitomized the worst of this, I have a strong, strong aversion to the "90s style," and the characters created by 90s artists, generally. In fact, part of why I really loved the Milligan/Allred X-Force/X-Statix books because they, and Allred's style particularly, seemed to be explicitly anti-what that whole scene was about. As far as outfits that I really like, I would put Hawkeye and the modern, Alan Davis Captain Britain at the top of the Marvel list, and Mister Miracle, Speedy, and Ted Kord Blue Beetle at the top of my DC favorite. Except for the part about the Wonder Twins, I could've written this post. :biggrin: "Wonder Twin powers activate! Form of a Lesbian." "Hey sis, you haven't changed at all." :biggrin:
  12. Indeed it is. Alex Ross. A comic book demigod. Why demigod? Because if he's with a crappy writer it sucks. The comic Gods are Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale together. They have created the most perfect comics ever written. (ex. Long Halloween, Spider Man Blue.)
  13. Probably my favorite costume ever is any armor from Justice. Especially Aquaman's
  14. The only glaring problem I see is the inclusion of Man Bat. Why Man Bat? You were just complaning about how minor Croc is, but you put in someone just as small instead. The Batman rogues gallery is indeed incomplete without the most honorable and interesting Mr. Freeze. I believe we can do without the mutated Bat-like freak. Other than that, and the fact that I've never heard of you last two choices, I see no real problem with your lineup. Of course, I don't know DC very well. Love the Ocean Master/Black Manta switch though.
  15. Maybe not. Any official word on these? DST guys? Mods? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
  16. Interesting. They've never had a retired person on their box before, have they? Are they focusing on a "Legends" mode now, where former greats will actually have their names and likenesses, instead of just numbers (sometimes) and attributes? Maybe this is the result of too many stars wanting to avoid the "Madden curse." Why do they still make Madden games? It's the same every year. Geez, maybe they should just stop making them and put he taalent into making more original games.
  17. UPDATE: We lost. Our division lost in the final rounds and we didn't even make the alliance to get in the finals. But at least it wasn't a total loss, I got to lead pretty much all of the high school techno geeks in the YMCA on the final field during a live NASA TV broadcast and attend the greatest party ever afterwards. If anyone lives in Atlanta and heard the fireworks from Centinnial Olympic, that's what it was for. It was a good day.
  18. Comics is pretty much it for me. (along with mates of course) I don't collect Comics for the hell of it though, I collect certain series like Thor (Best comic currently going) and anything with the Thunderbolts or Namor in it. Namor is the best and that Venom/Namor fight really and truly made my day.
  19. It could be that the second verse is the same as the first. But a little bit louder and a little bit worse? T. Rabbit ain't got no tail at all, tail at all, tail at all. Rabbit ain't got no tail at all, just a powderpuff.
  20. I know... I know... shhh... It's ok... It'll be alright... I want this set personally over the Rocky I and Rocky II Sets.
  21. I'm with you here. Anyone think this is an elaborate late April Fools Day joke?
  22. I second the Lone Ranger and Tarzan. Box Sets ahoy!!! Tarzan of the Apes: Tarzan Jane Kerchek Kala William Clayton (the only Tarzan I've seen is the Disney one, so I'm going of of the book) Lone Ranger: The Lone Ranger Tonto Whoever Else you want I personally want minimates of Robin Hood in any version: DST could easily do their own versions of these Two Box Sets: The Good Guys Robin Hood Little John Friar Tuck Will Scarlet Maid Marian The bad Guys Prince John Sir Guy of Gisbourne Th Sheriff of Nottingham The Bishop of Hereford Random Executioner (gotta have one somewhere. It's Robin Hood. they're always getting captured)
  23. Thunderbolts!!!! Yay! I like ths theory. I currently subscribe to Thunderbolts and I need some of these guys inmini form so i can go and beat the hell out of these annoying unregistered heroes. The pack must be like this: Unmasked Goblin Swordsman Penance BLACK Bullseye and Radioactive man to round it out. Why no Venom? We've had about four Venoms by now and Radioactive man is more important now anyway. Why o Zemo? He's not currently in the Thunderbolts.
  24. There is a threadfor these inquiries: The Where are they Thread Also, we may not see them as this is one of those questioned lines I believe.
  25. I'm baaaaack. Anyway, I must ask, how can you possibly say that MJ was a worse minimate than Mariko? Now that that's out of the way, What do you say is the greatest non-marvel minimate ever made? the worst? Thanks as usual guys. Live long and Prosper Trekker
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