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Everything posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. There's one in the Clerks box set, I was thinking of using it for a minimate of myself.
  2. The biggest ones for me are classic versions of the Invisible Woman, Vision, and White Queen. Dark Phoenix is up there too.
  3. When wave 75 is released I'm sure we'll know. Specialty waves are a lot easier to track than TRU.
  4. Quake makes more sense if you think of it as a Marvel TV (and Moon Knight) themed wave.
  5. I already have versions of Daredevil, Punisher, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist that I'm happy with, so I don't need those four from 75. I'm sure I'll still get them because I do want Ghost Driver, Moon Knight, and Quake, but if it wasn't for the BaF I'd be skipping at least one pack.
  6. I don't really mind where/how, but IMO a new classic Namor is overdue. I'd lean towards a Stern/Buscema Avengers assortment just because that's where I'm most familiar with him, but he has connections all over the Marvel universe.
  7. A new Gargan Venom could be interesting, especially if he had his scorpion tail. The Jean DeWolff symbiote Spidey is perfectly fine, but I wouldn't mind getting a new one.
  8. Not many of my first choices won in the initial polls, so it's nice that my picks are doing well this time around (although Uatu could still tie with Kallark). Thanks for organising these polls, it's really helped to keep me interested in minimates when it seems like there's a bit of a drought for new information.
  9. As someone with no nostalgia for TMNT, I like the idea of the turtles being different species, but not much else. And yeah, that Splinter is weird and awful.
  10. There are (tr/y)ay shots of this wave on DST's facebook page. Matt/Reyes has Quake's head, Uncle Phil/Adidas has the torso, Jessica/Kilgrave has the arms, and Moon Knight/Punisher has the legs. Also, wave 76 might be at Toy Fair, and contains a street level hero not in 75.
  11. I don't think it's likely. If the other Netflix sets weren't as successful as DST would have liked, I doubt they'd try again for a show whose main character has already been released at a lower price point.
  12. I think (?) it was only available through some convoluted DVD promotion, along with an armoured Hulk and Hulkbuster.
  13. Suit Vision wasn't in the movie, but cardigan Vision was. It didn't really bother me that we got him. Plain suits are useful, and I used the head to update the AoU Vision. More movie box sets at specialty isn't great news for me, since the price is higher, but it's good that they're working for DST. Infinity War will need more than 12 minimates, so I wonder if we'll get a second specialty box set.
  14. It's crazy that it was easier (at least in my experience) to build an army of winter Hydras, guards, and mercenaries than of Ultron drones.
  15. I mostly just collect comic Marvel with some MCU, so I'm most excited for wave 75. I'd say I want more Gotham, but I still haven't gotten around to picking up the set with the excellent Mister Freeze. I've only seen what's on Netflix, but a more comicbook-y Riddler or Ivy would sound good to me.
  16. I went with Gladiator because he's a part of my favourite era (and favourite story) of the X-Men. I don't care for the 60's X-Men as much, so Mimic is less important to me.
  17. I'd be happy with a lot of these, but Gladiator and Madrox were pretty easy choices for me. Grey Gargoyle and Mimic would be my runners up.
  18. I can see them, but only on mobile. I'm not familiar with them, but the Orion Slavers look really inventive.
  19. If specialty's only getting a box set, my guess for the lineup is Nomad Cap, Thanos, a secondary Iron Man variant, and a Black Order member.
  20. I was hoping wave 76 would show if BaFs will be continuing, but it seems like we won't hear more about it until after the Infinity War assortments.
  21. I didn't really understand the complaints about DoFP Logan's jacket, but the new one really does look a lot better.
  22. I was thinking of collecting the Funko action figures, but the scale and articulation seemed to be off, and Snowball (my most wanted) was a BAF, so I ended up passing on them.
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