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Everything posted by Onyx_6

  1. Light discussion of the blurry pic in the SDCC thread. So, whom all are we looking at, for a more casual fan like myself?
  2. It would be EPIC if Zach was the anniversary mate!
  3. If anyone is going to SDCC, I would love some assistance with acquiring these: Or anything “United” related from their booth Please and thank you!
  4. While it wouldn't be "mixing" could companion sets be offered at, say, a Con? Have a 4-pack of Joes and a 4-pack of TF with packaging art that combines, similar to the power rangers covers?
  5. @DSTZach the Minimates descriptions in the announcement link are both for turtles: Very curious about the transformers set
  6. I also can't see the image @TheMinimateKing30
  7. Like, a padlock? Similar to the fidget spinner DST did when those were all the rage? Not sure about SDCC, but tickets for NYCC go on sale this week. I went last year and had a great time. I can snag you a pass if your interested in that this October.
  8. Saw those too. I remember those as a kid. You could just mod the shark from Battel Beasts....
  9. What are you using for the base ChaneyMate body? Is that your own design?
  10. I can't place Mobius's head. These are all great!
  11. I used to have those dreams all the time! So sad I haven't had them recently. I must need more new actual mates to start the dreams flowing again.
  12. From the Walgreens thread
  13. Probably in the Walgreen's thread. They were teased, but Walgreens dropped them before they could see the light of day.
  14. Hopefully they make it out before the Movie's second part gets cancelled.... EDIT - I realized that was a littler too negative. I think the movie designs look like they will translate to Minimates well. I don't have Netflix, so I won't be able to properly judge the media offering. I do hope that the timing works out for the Minimates, not that the first part is a flop and no one wants the Minimates by the time they are offered for pre-sale.
  15. And see, the DST NYCC panel talks about House of the Dragon. I was hoping that would be the Minimates line, especially if it included Minimate scale and swappable part Dragons!
  16. Zach definitely needs to get the production samples early and do some of his famous toy photography to make them stand out. Then those photos go out the week-ish before release to help generate interest. Unfortunately for this line, the week before release is often far too late to be generating interest. We have lost too many (one is too many, but there have been multiple) releases to "lack of interest" in the presale phase of the "release." What really stood out with TRU, and Walgreens to some extent, was the almost guarantee that there would be at least a pack of Minimates on the shelf at the store. Argument for "peg warmer" selections is a different argument. At least we knew they would be there. It was a sure release to market - a retailer had already invested in the product to push out to consumers. The current model relies (strongly, solely?) on the consumers to show retailers enough interest to generate enough mass interest to make it too production, all shortly after an offering is announced - often 6 months before they make it into hands. Trends change, interests change, finances change. Having done a total of two Kickstarter funds (we shall not speak of one of them) and 2 HasLab campaigns (one that failed), the current Minimate model seems more like these than a traditional retail model. Especially if you support Luke, who charges upfront for any pre-orders. While I understand the model, and I can appreciate the need to endure there is enough interest in a product, I don't feel like Minimates are a retail product anymore. At this point, I wonder if DST should fully embrace the crowdfunding model. Offer up a HasLab (DSToYou) style offering for a product; make a retailer only incentive tier with "bulk" discounts on the product, or "exclusive" rights to complimentary characters; have incentives for more orders/supporters, like alternate looks/accessories, additional character offerings, retro cardback packaging, etc.. I will still support Minimates. And Luke. At least until I am priced out of the hobby. I honestly wasn't sure where I was going with this post until I reread what I wrote. I stand by it.
  17. sdcc23 transformers? That's the set I missed. And AEW, but I am not sure that I *missed* those. Maybe in person....
  18. I think I like the third from last one the best. The third one is my second favorite, although he looks so sad in that one. Like he just found out Newt didn't make it....
  19. Any idea what Minimates will be available to purchase at the DST booth at NYCC? I may have missed a couple sets from Luke....
  20. So, no dst booth then? Of just that you won’t be there every day? Also, I hope that the panel doesn’t overlap with the only photo op I got! 😱
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