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Everything posted by Heinous

  1. Just like galactus, they wouldn't look right at minimate size. I've thought about buying a vinimate to try to customize a larger character. Wonder why the vinimate license doesn't include marvel....
  2. Can you post some pics? I'd like to see hammerhead
  3. You could use the paint you mentioned, and then find a silver paint and do a light dry brush over it. I did that to my classic iron monger
  4. Well age of apocalypse was in the 90s. He debuted in that didn't he? Then he was in the onslaught series too
  5. That's the wonder man I want!
  6. Marvel has been bringing them back in full effect since it seemed the fox deal was a guarantee
  7. Heinous

    wave 77

    @DSTZach any chance we can see the full spider slayer?
  8. I want a wonder man but not the safari jacket one.
  9. Every member or the members in the movie that wear them?
  10. Sounds like box set of quantum realm suits with alt parts to make everyone
  11. Looks decent, I'm trying to find a way to post the pic Edit: I posted it on my Instagram story. My name is heinousfigures if you wanna see. Sorry I don't know any good hosting sites
  12. I'd like a gladiator (shi'ar) and Boomerang from superior foes. Is that too much to ask for?
  13. Well now you gotta give hints about 78!
  14. Heinous

    wave 77

    You know I didn't notice mysterio has a new bowl and cape. That's a nice touch.
  15. Heinous

    wave 77

    I certainly don't need another mysterio or thay God awful miles, but the rest of the wave is bangers. I was just looking at my zombie vulture kitbash yesterday wondering if I could repaint part of it or not, problem solved! Hydroman looks great, as does prowler! But dammit I still want a superior foes Boomerang!
  16. Have we seen the masked pics for this wave?
  17. I love the mate also, but I'd be down for a new one that is bulkier, more akin to this
  18. I know it's been answered before, but what was wrong with ronan's hammer the first time?
  19. I've got a few more snow shots on my page if anyone is so inclined to check them out
  20. Heinous

    wave 77

    That was a cool outfit that lasted, what, one issue? Maybe 2? Unless they've brought it back
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