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Considering "Getting Out Of The Game"

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To put it simple, my life has been a living hell over the past 4 months.

Mishap after mishap, I do not foresee this getting better anytime soon.

Right now, I am in need of about $250 dollars, because I am in debt with my parents, and my phone just broke, and I need a new one asap. My only source of income is eBay and online selling and such, so I was about to list about 30 things on the 'bay, when I come to find my account restricted because I had a string of bad luck with a few negative feedbacks last month. So now, I can only sell three items every seven days, and cannot accumulate more than $29.00 per week.

There goes that.

My only other option now, is my "asset", my collection. I know I could sell a good chunk of the 500 or so I have here.

The only thing thats stopping me is the regret I know I will have if I do.

So I would like to here your guys suggestions on what I should do, as I can't discuss this with my family as they constantly tell me to get rid of them anyway.

Thanks :blink:

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Dude...I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune as of late.

I would say only sell the mates you really would not mind getting rid of...keep the ones that mean something to you. You will regret getting rid of something you are not ready to get rid of....

As far as parents go, sometimes it takes some time to let them cool down, or let yourself cool down. Do it like anything else, if there there is money you owe, set up a payment plan to pay them back.

Phone, well not sure what kind of phone or plan you have, but if you have insurance that should take care of a broken phone. If not, switch providers and get a new freebie phone and keep your same number.

Overall if you are not ready to get out of mates, dont sell off your collection...if you are ready to get out, then take this as a sign....

hope this helps


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Are you old enough to get a job?

Yes, barely :D. I applied for one yesterday actually. A bakery right by my house. I would only work about 6 hours a week, but that would definitely help.

And thanks MOC, that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

I will have to take some time and really evaluate my collection, and really cut it down.

I have a pay-as-you go phone, and I'm allowed to have only that until i'm 17. So I'd have pay at least $50 to have a satisfiable phone.

One big problem is my collection has expanded and I really can't let it grow more. I haven't bought a minimate since at least December, so I'm wayyyy behind. It's not that I don't like them anymore either, just don't have the $$$!

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To put it simple, my life has been a living hell over the past 4 months.

Mishap after mishap, I do not foresee this getting better anytime soon.

Right now, I am in need of about $250 dollars, because I am in debt with my parents, and my phone just broke, and I need a new one asap. My only source of income is eBay and online selling and such, so I was about to list about 30 things on the 'bay, when I come to find my account restricted because I had a string of bad luck with a few negative feedbacks last month. So now, I can only sell three items every seven days, and cannot accumulate more than $29.00 per week.

There goes that.

My only other option now, is my "asset", my collection. I know I could sell a good chunk of the 500 or so I have here.

The only thing thats stopping me is the regret I know I will have if I do.

So I would like to here your guys suggestions on what I should do, as I can't discuss this with my family as they constantly tell me to get rid of them anyway.

Thanks :blink:

If I where you I would sell all double charecters you dont like because in everywave marvel wave you will ussaly see 1 spider-man or 1 wolverine or 1 iron-man.Or maybe xell every double charecter except for one because 1 spider-man with light blue and another with blue doesnt really make a difference.

Hopefully you can get your life sorted out again!

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To put it simple, my life has been a living hell over the past 4 months.

Mishap after mishap, I do not foresee this getting better anytime soon.

Can't add much to what moc said.

But I can say, as someone who is further down the road than you, that things will get better. It doesn't matter whether you're 17 or knocking on 40's door, patches of life like that come to all of us periodically. They are hard, and they suck, and it's seems like there's no hope that things will get better. But as long as you try and keep a cool, clear head, and don't lose hope, you will make it through to the other side. Not always the easiest thing to do, but it can be done, and by you.

Remember: sow desparate, reap stuipid

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If you can fidn someone you trust, you can maybe have someone sell stuff for you. There's also several ebay consignment stores that will sell for you (although I'm sure they'd charge you a bit).

As to getting out, a few years ago my collection was at almost 200 mates when I decided to sell it all. It was a hard decision, but it was necessary since it was part of what we had to do to bring my teenage niece in to live with us. Life went on and things got better and I was able to start again. Other than my Bombermate, which is still sorely missed, everything I had was found again and then some (I'm way over 800 now). And I had the fun of finding it again. Okay, it wasn't always fun, but usually it was. If you do end up selling all your mates, it really isn't the end of the world.

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Mid-teens to my early 20s were a very rough time for me personally. The hormones, relationships, identity and autonomy issues, as well as the trauma of going to and adjusting to college were not easy for me. But like Miry said, times tend to get better. More than anything, maybe you can learn some lessons here about getting in over your head and responsibility. Debt is a real b*tch that for lots of folks (including some of my friends and family) can become a kind of hell. Fortunately, $250 to your parents is far less than $10,000 to a credit card company. If the former can help you avoid the latter, then the pain now may spare you genuine pain later. That's the only advice I can give.

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I sold all my mates a couple years ago, and it cost me a lot more to get back in than it was worth. All the mates I bought at retail, I was paying double or more to get them back. I gave up on trying to replace all the exclusives I had.

I've got a decent collection now, but it's not like it was before. Like others said, if you are done, sell them. If you aren't done, hang onto them because you'll be sorry.

Getting a job is the first step. That will help you make everything else right. Pay back your debts. Karma is your friend.

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To put it simple, my life has been a living hell over the past 4 months.

I'm afraid you've hit a nerve.

Get the job at the bakery & pay your parents back after explaining your situation!!! It might be tough on your ear-drums initially but they ought to understand.

If you sell on ebay to UK buyers let them know that 2 months will be the length of time they'll have to wait for their goods . Some people give Negative fedback without blinking.

Stick to ebay rules about buying/selling under the age of 18.

Use your phone less after taking the SIM card from your broken phone & put it in an older S/H cheap version that works.

Sell off some/or all of your collection .

If none of that works another few hours in the bakery.

Truth hurts doesn't it.

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