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Christmas is but a month away

Twisted Two-Face

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Actually, I hate the bad football of Thanksgiving. Can we please, please, please not have to sit through a lousy Lions game every year?

I'm spending Christmas with the In-Laws... which wouldn't be so bad except no DVR and only a 11mbs wireless. So roughing it.

And Christmas really became fun when I had kids of my own. Yeah getting things from Santa was fun. Playing "Santa's Helper" completely changes the holiday in a way you can not understand until it happens to you. In fact the only time I have ever gone shopping on black friday was for my boys the year TRU was selling Cybertron Leader class for 70% off. (aside from that, I'd rather get a root canal with a hand crank drill.)

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Is it wrong, then, for hedonists to enjoy Christmas purely for the social and material benefits, if that is all that they believe in?

This is a hard, hard question. But I'd say no. Christmas is about the birth of Christ in its purest form, but what does the birth represent but goodwill and cheer to all us unworthy sinners eh? It's like the carol says "Tidings of comfort and joy." Christmas is meant to bring out the happiness and cheer in people. Whether it's through material items or Jesus Christ is nonwithstanding. I'm not trying to douse Christianity here (as a future Youth Minister I can't and refuse to.) and I won't get into the whole future benefits of Christmas being about Christ for fear of banning, but I find that as long as you are in good cheer and happy about something at Christmas, be it Christ or Cake, Mary or Mario, Shepards or Spartans, Magi or McCoy, Joseph or Jewelry, you are in the spirit, the escence, of Christmas.

If not, you, my friend, are in for a serious ass whoopin from three ghosts.

And as for Black Friday, I actually find it fun. Of course, I've never done retail on the day of, but I actually enjoy going out and doing the shopping. I like the deals. And I have fun with mapping out my campaign the day before. I am not a serious hardcore Black Friday person like some people I share a line with, but I do go out and I do get what I want to get. And I just have fun with it.

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It's like the carol says "Tidings of comfort and joy."

Something I always find funny about Christmas is the focus on good feelings towards other people, specifically the idea of peace. Yet Jesus said, 'Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.' He went on to talk about how He'd cause divisions among people. But, people want the good, warm fuzzy feelings and that doesn't sound good on a Hallmark card.

And as to Black Friday and the commercialism of the holidays, I just like getting a good deal no matter what time of year it is.

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OK folks keep your religious beliefs off of the site, it's fine to discuss where we're gonna be and what we are doing for the Holidays (All of them not just the christian ones) but not to discuss the deeper ethics and shinanigans of your specific deity worship.

Rules are there for a reason and without them I probably would have responded to several of your posts ( and you probably wouldn't have liked what I would have had to say) but because the rules are there then I am going to keep my thoughts on the subject to myself!

If I have to remind people again I'm going to lock the thread!


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OK folks keep your religious beliefs off of the site, it's fine to discuss where we're gonna be and what we are doing for the Holidays (All of them not just the christian ones) but not to discuss the deeper ethics and shinanigans of your specific deity worship.

Rules are there for a reason and without them I probably would have responded to several of your posts ( and you probably wouldn't have liked what I would have had to say) but because the rules are there then I am going to keep my thoughts on the subject to myself!

If I have to remind people again I'm going to lock the thread!


You can Pm me with your thoughts TBT.

I always enjoy hearing people's thoughts on the subject.

*I'm still working on getting you World at War and a new HD

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... is the thread locked yet? :ermm:

Anyway, just thought I'd wish everybody a happy *insert religious holiday or generic seasonal greeting of your choice here* anyway. I was never much of a Christmas-y type of person, if only because of those heinous atrocities against man pop songs badly rejiggered into Christmas carols the local malls keep playing... I mean, how in the halibut can they turn "The Real Slim Shady" into a .rap about Santa Claus?! :blink:

Most likely I might be spending the holidays down South (and by "South" I mean the merry old isle of Mindanao) with the grandparents again, if I'm still not swamped with work for the school paper or my college thesis or my internship <_< Hopefully I won't be too busy, 'cause I'd love to try my hand at making one of these (thanks again for making that one MINI-MYTE, it still makes me smile even in the middle of August :D)

Edited by NorthRaider
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Actually, I hate the bad football of Thanksgiving. Can we please, please, please not have to sit through a lousy Lions game every year?

Oh! Oh yes! I like this! Can we pleas do away with it all together? Yet another reason why Summer is better than Winter. Football<NASCAR!

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But K80, they sometimes bump into each other. And what wonderful and right person doesn't hope to see a spectacular wreck where someone is bound to get injured.

I hate holiday shoppers, not the holidays, not the reasoning, not the giving, not the seeing family, holiday shoppers.

Holiday shoppers have ruined what used to be a fun holiday. The parents who literally steal stuff from other parents carts, the a$$ #@!& that is impatient in line, the forced fake happiness employees are made to wear, and the children who have been raised to believe that the love of a parent is dependent upon the number and price of gifts, these are the reasons mid-November until mid-January suck.

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Holiday shoppers have ruined what used to be a fun holiday. The parents who literally steal stuff from other parents carts, the a$$ #@!& that is impatient in line, the forced fake happiness employees are made to wear, and the children who have been raised to believe that the love of a parent is dependent upon the number and price of gifts, these are the reasons mid-November until mid-January suck.

My thoughts exactly.

I was at Walmart on Friday with my brother, and upon entering, a lot of people were exiting out of the entrance, so avoiding two people entering/leaving at the same time, we went through the exit. A mom with her chubby chocolate cover son trailing buy nudged her cart (which was FULL of Bakugan and junk, so I knew why she was at the store) into the side of my brother and exclaimed "IT'S CALLED EXIT FOR A REASON, YOU FLIPPING IDIOTS!".

While this completely pissed me off, I realized after exiting that the reason why everyone was going through the wrong door, is that they were AVOIDING the Salvation Army donation pot with the bell-ringer! I was honestly just about as pissed about that compared to holiday cart bitch. A majority of the public no longer give out with out receiving anything back. I used my credit card at the store, so I told the lady by the pot to have a merry Christmas. People think even that is going out of their "way" :(

..... look for the "pickle" in the tree! (anyone else's family do this? my grandma is the BEST at hiding it in plain sight)

Sorry, but i find the notion of your grandma and grandpa "Hiding the Pickle" very funny! :D

I was waiting for someone to make a comment like that! :D

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I worked at TRU 2 years through both Christmasses. It ruined me for good on the holiday. I was raised to believe that people are generally good (which I never actually believed and have spent hours talking with my mother trying to convince her that is a lie) and that Christmas is at least about food family and fun, if not a deeper meaning. Right? Yeah, well, sorry. But TRU had Bratz dolls on sale one year for 2 for $8. I was cleaning up about 8 o'clock one Black Friday, everyone was mostly gone and the stench of humanity hung foul in the air. I found 2 Bratz. I called my co-worker over to the bin where they'd been for the first 2 minutes, before they were all gone. See, someone forgot to put a limit 2 per customer on there, so LITERALLY the first 5 women cleaned out all 40 or so. I said to my co-worker "Hey, let's see how long it takes these to dis--" The word I never got to finish was 'disappear' because a woman saw me, grabbed the Bratz from my hands and RAN away. RAN. Like I was going to chase her down or something. The story happened exactly like I told it with no embellishment (which is a feat for me). Yeah. That's what Christmas means to me. Not what it should mean to me. But like I told my philosophy professor: an ought doesn't equal an is.

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I'm probably going to get stoned for this, but I actually enjoy this time of year, though not for the reason alot of people who enjoy it do.

I genuinely enjoy this holiday because a)it's one of the few times a year that I truly get to spend with my family and b)it's one of the few times a year that seem happy. Now, whether that may be about materialism or not, I still like seeing them happy regardless. I honestly could care less about what gifts I get. Sure, if it's something I've wanted I'll be excited, but the enjoyment of the holiday doesn't hang on it. My favorite part of Christmas morning is sitting down and having french toast for breakfast with my family. So yeah, I like this time of year, but that's how I veiw it from my perspective.

I myself don't go anywhere near retail outlets on Black Friday or the week of Christmas, so maybe that helps. However, the reasoning behind that is exactly what many of you who have posted here have already stated. I find the masses looking to get the low low price on everything so that little spoiled Johnny can get more gifts than can possibly be fit in the house and still be unsatisfied to be the absolute worst part of every year, but that's why I avoid them the best I can. I just try not to let them take away all the good from the season.

Anyway, just my overall look at the season, hope not to offend anybody with my comments.

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I'm probably going to get stoned for this, but I actually enjoy this time of year, though not for the reason alot of people who enjoy it do.

Hands Glantern the camberwell carrot... Go know yourself out! :D


Ok, possibly not the best choice of wording. Still stand by what I said after that part.

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