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World War Z: the Movie


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I read and LOVED the book, the trailer (while cool) is NOT the book. This is not what I had envisioned for the movie- this is essentially an I AM LEGEND reboot with Brad Pitt replacing Will Smith and zombies replacing the infected vampires/morlocks/ummm....I guess they were zombies too.

I expected to see a multiple perspective view from the initial outbreak until the end of the war, but instead have this bastardized version that hollywood is notorious for churning out. At least Michael Bay and Kristen Stewart weren't attached to the project. I hate them. <_<

Gripes aside, it still looks entertaining and I'll go see it, but it's not my world war z.

Maybe it's just me, but I think it works better as a book, you can much more immersed in the story and characters that way. If Walking Dead wasn't around, I'd propose it for a tv series instead- each week focusing on different characters and how the war affected them.

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Okay does it look good? Yeah actually it does.

Is it World War Z?

Not. In. The. Slightest.

I want a miniseries of WWZ that's actually based on the book! I mean even if they wanted to cut down to just a character or two... at LEAST make a movie about Todd Waino. At LEAST make his story instead of this guy's.

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That's cool, Hollywood, all the stuff that made the book so good was pretty lame anyway... I'm disappointed. I was hoping for some creative storytelling that would at least try to mimic the book's format and story. And I didn't read WWZ as having the fast zombies.

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Actually the book was slightly ambiguous. The story of the body guard in NYC say "Oh s#!t, they can run!" and it turns out to be actual survivors, but after that, their speed isn't mentioned or brought up again. So the identification was a mistake, but can they run or not? I think it's up to you.

This... his is a pos that needs to be completely scrapped.

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Interesting. This looks like 28 Days Later..It's like the monster is not a zombie but a zombie like herd, a mindless mass mob of people. Part of the horror of zombies is the fact that they are corpses trying to eat you. The trailer didn't really show that.

Mobs are scary I guess. I hope the next trailer ups the ante with zombie gore though. I can live with fast-ish zombies if they are the recently deceased but please don't give them super human speed. And they should shamble, not run like Usain Bolt.

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That was the amazing thing about WWZ, and the handbook as well. It actually went into the physiology of zombies. Like all the blood becomes a oxygen-rich coagulate that settles in the brain, allowing brain function still, and how normal human bodies have restraints that allow us to cap out on muscle strength, but since they're dead, zombies will just push their muscles till they tear an arm or leg off. That amazingness will be lost here.

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ill see it since its a zombie movie, but as you have all said, it seems to take little to nothing from the books, you'd think with The Walking Dead's popularity they'd want to stride to do something more eerie with walkers then fast paced with a horde that looks more like Haggar's Dash attack

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That tumbling wave wave was the best thing about that trailer for me. The zombie running on the rooftop was the same thing we've all seen countless times, but that wave was horrific, even more detached as it was all arms and legs, parts we recognise as human but aren't comfortable seeing flying around so. It did also make sense, sort of, taking the physics into account. They moving quickly, in huge numbers, none of whom are in complete control of their own bodies... I think they would end up like that, and it did disturb me, so... I approve.

Plus, what it is you guys have, black friday? We've all seen the pictures.

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I may have to eat my words later on (I hope I do) but this movie looks like a mess. Really awful. Hope I'm wrong, pretty sure I'm not. Anytime reshoots are done a long time a movie has wrapped is historically not awesome. Everyone should prepare to be disappointed. Like I said before, I hope I'm wrong. Ps I was very drunk when this was written.

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To options:

1st: A movie standing on it's own and coincidently having the same title as a certain book.

-> Just another action based movie like the last alian-apocalypse movies with zombies instead of aliens.

Rating: Meh.

2nd: A movie competing with the book with the same title.

-> Loosing the clever told reconstruction of the well known zombie apocalypse in a very original documentary style with interviews, statsictics, records and reports, makes it just another action based movie like the last alian-apocalypse movies with zombies instead of aliens.

Rating: Epic meh.

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