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What about a Captain America wave?


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I was thinking about a lot of the characters I'd like to see, and since Captain America's death is still pretty recent and still felt throughout the various books, I came up with this:

Winter Soldier/Red Skull

Crossbones/Sharon Carter

New Captain America/Baron Zemo

Variant: Punisher Captain America

This would more or less fill all the characters in Captain America's area save one or two, and would give us a lot of new characters with the minimum of new parts which AA is big on. With a little creativity most of these could be accomplished with pre-existing parts. What do you guys think?

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I was thinking about a lot of the characters I'd like to see, and since Captain America's death is still pretty recent and still felt throughout the various books, I came up with this:

Winter Soldier/Red Skull

Crossbones/Sharon Carter

New Captain America/Baron Zemo

Variant: Punisher Captain America

This would more or less fill all the characters in Captain America's area save one or two, and would give us a lot of new characters with the minimum of new parts which AA is big on. With a little creativity most of these could be accomplished with pre-existing parts. What do you guys think?

As nice as that sounds, i would have to say it's a no-no. For one, i would hate to see cap turn into a Spidey or Iron man situation and get sick of him (though i'll never be sick of Iron man!!!) Plus, the ones that we have are pretty good, and i would hate to see those spoiled by so many. Look at spidey. The original 'mate was amazing(pun intended), and now we've have been dished out ones that just plain suck. I wouldn't want Cap to have that fate since his previous 'mate incarnations have looked so great (side from DVD Cap...)

Another thing is popularity. While Cap is an iconic character and so are some of his villains, you have to count for some buyers who would know nothing about the character. Many minimates in the past have been made because of their popularity as characters, which explains our spideys. Art Asylum and DST look for characters that don't recquire buyers to read the back of the box (though most of us do it anyway :) ) and i feel that some of us would need to with these.

Overal thoughts (wow...i sound like i'm reviewing a product that hasn't or might never be released O.o): Nice wave. I agree that it would be great to get some new 'mates. But popularity issues as well as spoiling Cap would be a big downside. Minimates are sellers to little kids just as much as adult fans and us in-betweens. They might just not appear as buyable as some of the other waves already schelduled to come out.

This is all personal opinion, so no yelling at me ;) !! Plus, because they're 'mates, i'd buy them anyway :lol: !!

Edited by Twisted Two-Face
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I love Cap (he is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite Marvel character), but I think we've had the bases covered with the character in terms of Minimates for a good, long while. However, I agree that Red Skull and Baron Zemo (preferable II) would be nice. And don't forget about Falcon, which was being discussed in another thread recently. I don't care about "new" Cap (who will probably last another 6-9 months before Rogers comes back) or the returning Bucky (stupid), or anyone else that he dealt with, really, apart from the random bad guy like Crossbones or Vermin, or SHIELD enemies like Madame Hydra. . .and maybe Bernie with 80s big hair.

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and for me, this is the best idea out there


red skull

cross bones

new cap

baron zemo 1 and 2

arnim zola

scourge of the underworld

madame viper

shang chi

sharon carter

these NEED to be made


A Cap "super" wave (maybe 2 waves released at once, similar to the SM3 Mates). I can dig it. I think Zola would warrant a sculpted "mini" Minimate head, which I would like to see.

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i definetly buy a cap wave maybe not two tho ,i can understand why some of the characters havnt been made as they dont really appear much elsewhere other than caps own title but why why why havnt we go a red skull yet its like making batman and not doin the joker!

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i definetly buy a cap wave maybe not two tho ,i can understand why some of the characters havnt been made as they dont really appear much elsewhere other than caps own title but why why why havnt we go a red skull yet its like making batman and not doin the joker!

He's a Nazi and DST doesn't want to go there. But I agree, Cap needs a villain. He has no villains. Hell, if they made Zemo, I'd be happy. At least its someone for him to fight. Right now in MMMU (My Mini Marvel Universe), he's fighting everyone from Ultron (in current times), to the Green Goblin (Still current), to the X-Men (in a DOFP-like future story where the Avengers hunt mutants down along with sentinels and Mr. Fantastic controls it all.)

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I would Love a Red SKull mini. To hell with this Nazi stuff, they made him into a Marvel Legend why not a mini?

I think most here want the Red Skull but in the meantime we're getting a caricaturisation of Madonna who famously said that she " would be less controversial if I (she) joined the Nazi party". I guess we'd all demand a C3 Reichstag to be produced if ever it was deemed safe to give us Red Skull ,the 2" monster. Family movies like 'Silence of the Lambs ' & 'Platoon' are fine however :rolleyes:

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I would Love a Red SKull mini. To hell with this Nazi stuff, they made him into a Marvel Legend why not a mini?

I think most here want the Red Skull but in the meantime we're getting a caricaturisation of Madonna who famously said that she " would be less controversial if I (she) joined the Nazi party". I guess we'd all demand a C3 Reichstag to be produced if ever it was deemed safe to give us Red Skull ,the 2" monster. Family movies like 'Silence of the Lambs ' & 'Platoon' are fine however :rolleyes:

Who wouldn't want a Nazi Madonna minimate?? It can go next to our "Spidey" Madonnas we all know will come in the future...

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Another thread that mentions the Falcon. Arghhhhhhh... I just want Snap Wilson aka the Falcon. Can we get some kind of write in campaign or something?

Captain America



Red Skull

That would be a great set. Did I mention the FALCON?

Hey DST listen to this guy!!!!

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Another thread that mentions the Falcon. Arghhhhhhh... I just want Snap Wilson aka the Falcon. Can we get some kind of write in campaign or something?

Captain America



Red Skull

That would be a great set. Did I mention the FALCON?

Hey DST listen to this guy!!!!

Thanks for the support

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We really do just need a wave full of Falcon variants: classic Falcon, newer Falcon, Sam Wilson in mayoral campaign suit (or was he running for Congress? City Council?), Sam "Snap" Wilson in pimp outfit, and Blue Falcon.

Edited by karamazov80
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I am sure we will probably get a red skull minimate when the CAP movie rolls out in 2011.

Can I just say that I'm so psyched to see the man in the flag getting a possibly good movie? And its by Marvel Studios which, as far as we've seen, has managed to not screw up the characters (XM3, I'm talking to you! Jesus Christ, the only character that movie did perfectly was Magneto.) Also, Captain America deserves a great movie and America needs a movie like this now. Right now, when patriotism is at its all-time low, we're getting a movie which possibly may remind us why we can say "America...FUCK YEAH!" It's about the time in which patriotism was at its all-time high (In case you didn't know, its going to be all WWII) and if Marvel does its own character justice, (Which they will) you can expect a hell of a film. So basically, of all of the Marvelproperties coming out in the next few years, this is the order of interest for me

1. Captain America

2. The Avengers

3. Iron Man 2

4. Thor (I just get the feeling that this one CAN'T be done that well)

I just hope they can find a good actor

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Back on the topic of Captain America Minimate Wave.

I can not believe I totally have to include some Hydra Goons and Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker...oh yeah and Cap Wolf too!!!!

Fenris. Though they would probably be better in X-Men. Still, I would like those two. Then a Swordsman variant for Andreas.

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