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Oh, crap.

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I stubbornly refuse to believe this sort of news until DST specifically says so. Marvel is likely DST's biggest seller (at least in Minimates), so I don't see them just passing on the license. The only way I could see any of this happening is if a "rival company" really put down a huge counter-bid on the license.

And since I pulled this on WW4M, its only fair that I do it for myself as well:

1. Denial - check

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Wow. I guess I'm going to go straight to 5.

Before anyone jumps off a bridge, please remember the death of the C3 DC Minimates. It seemed certain that Batman and Superman were going to forever fight crime without help from Wonder Woman. It turned out that DC came back with gusto, even better than before.

I'm at a loss as to what will replace the flagship of Marvel Minimates, but it must be something huge for DST to give up Marvel for. I expect a huge Toy Fair announcement.

I think DC came back to Minimates in no small part due to fan noise for more DC Minimates. We may need to let Marvel know that we need more Marvel Minimates.

Here are some positives about the news:

1. DST could get a cheaper license allowing for more lesser known Marvel Minimates characters to be produced (fewer Wolverines and Spider-Mans)

2. Window packaging like the rest of the Minimates line

3. 2.5" characters

4. More freedom to choose characters for production/less Marvel oversight

It is frightening news, but these things have a tendency to work out in favor of us fans. Maybe I'm in Denial but I just can't see the end of Marvel Minimates.

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I'm still in denial and somehow am stubbornly holding on to positive hopes. Jatta Pake makes some good points.

One thing I'd like to add: If this possibility somehow upsets or angers you, don't turn on DST. Let Marvel know. It can only strengthen DST's bargaining position if Marvel understands there is a hardcore fanbase for Marvel MiniMates.

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One thing I'd like to add: If this possibility somehow upsets or angers you, don't turn on DST. Let Marvel know. It can only strengthen DST's bargaining position if Marvel understands there is a hardcore fanbase for Marvel MiniMates.

You know, I hate to be a doomsayer, but I wonder if the whole protest/petition/save-the-whatever movement actually makes a lick of difference to big companies like Marvel. I've been on the losing end of more than a few fan support campaigns to save toylines (MOTU, Xevoz, Invader Zim, pretty much everything Palisades did...) and it just seems like toy companies aren't that interested in making the "hardcore fans" happy.

From a retail standpoint, Marvel mates have been on a long, bloody, painful downhill slide, and Marvel might just be thinking, "it's not worth spending our brand equity." Marvel minimates have been given chance after chance at major retailers, and are apparently not able to make the kind of showing they need to. Sure, there are a few hundred people out there who love minimates to death, but the line's just not driving up the dumptrucks full of money they're looking for.

I think DC is a different story. DC Direct's business model, god bless them, has always been to cater to fans through small, highly-targeted outlets – comic book stores and online. They make it profitable (one supposes) by charging several dollars more on average for a product than Hasbro and Mattel do. Minimates are a natural fit for that model. Marvel's model, on the other hand, seems to be exclusively focused on moving lots and lots of low(er)-priced product through big box stores. They could keep doing the onesey-twosey thing in comic shops with specialty items like resin and minimates, but why bother? Hasbro's product is plowing in the cash at TRU, Walmart and Target. On top of that, I could see Hasbro reasonably making the argument that minimates "compete" for sales with superhero squad.

If the decision to kill Marvel mates has been made, I'm not sure if anything we say to Marvel can change it.

On the bright side, I guess we don't have to worry about any more custom projects being made obsolete.

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Grain of salt! GRAIN OF SALT!

Thank you. Everyone check Minimates Headquarters, they just addressed this issue on Jan 3-DST will not be making any more Marvel resin statues and busts.

That's kind of old news.. posted here also...

The writing style/errors of the 'DST employee' seems very faMiliAr To me, so perhaps it's true and DST did give us our wants because they knew they were loosing the license.

I know several DST folks read MMV so if Chuck or Matt would like to comment then it would ease a lot of people's minds if they'd confirm one way or the other. unless that is of course they have something planned for Toyfair in Feb and are hanging on to give us something positive before letting the marvel bombshell drop!


Hmm...I have no idea who you might be referring to. :D

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Damn you all! Do you have any idea how hard it is to remain in denial when everyone keeps making arguments on why Marvel Minimates should be at an end? I hope no one from DST sees this thread, else they'll be like, "Why the hell are we trying to keep this license?"


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Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to add fuel to their fire, and I definitely don't want to see the end of Marvel mates.

I just think if there's a freight train coming at you, it's better to step off the tracks than to start a campaign about how much you hate freight trains.

This seems like the kind of decision that would have been made a long time ago, not one they're just now floating around to see how well it polls.

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I just think if there's a freight train coming at you, it's better to step off the tracks than to start a campaign about how much you hate freight trains.

Best post about this yet...

To be honest I think they've known it was going to happen for a long time, perhaps they thought they could save it at the last minute but it looks unlikely.

What worries me the most is that a product like minimates needs an 'anchor license' for all the quirky stuff to float around. Marvel was that anchor.


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I just think if there's a freight train coming at you, it's better to step off the tracks than to start a campaign about how much you hate freight trains.

Best post about this yet...

To be honest I think they've known it was going to happen for a long time, perhaps they thought they could save it at the last minute but it looks unlikely.

What worries me the most is that a product like minimates needs an 'anchor license' for all the quirky stuff to float around. Marvel was that anchor.


Remember this though. If they need a BIG license and they lost Marvel they may both:

A. Have more money from the loss of Marvel production which could pay for

B. A HUGE new license that couldn't be warranted before but now has extra cash and desperateness to back it up

Truth be told, I don't think Minimates would be able to survive without a flagship license. I feel that without it they'd be desperate to obtain something like Star Wars.

However, they aren't dead till Matt or Chuck speaks up.

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at the moment by not by not giving us any info DST seem like anchor's .................. is that the right word, i forget i know it sounds the same...... :whistling:

but serouisly by not telling us anything it's not doing themselves any favors

when is the big toyfair that's early in year January/february if they don't give us any info and there's no marvel mates on display then, well.......................

personally i hope they have wave's 21, 22, 23 & 24 on display :thumbsup:

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All kidding and my usual complaining aside, some good points have been made all around.

* DST is not the only side to the equation when it comes to the Marvel license. They have said plenty in the past they just felt lucky that Marvel wanted to let them play ball. With Hasbro's ever growing control of the license, its entirely possible that when the license came up for renewal, Hasbro pulled their puppet strings and Marvel said, it's been fun guys.

* Minimates have never really done well in the mass retail level. You can blame it on the huge backing that Lego or Megabloks holds on the block figure market. You can blame it on retail outlets not knowing where to categorize the Minimate. You can blame it on the waves of cheap reissues at the retail market instead of a swarm of new items. You can even blame it on global warming. But truth be told, they just haven't done the same impact as other toy lines. How many times have we seen Marvel die on the shelves at Walmart, TRU, and Target?

* There has been zero word to confirm or deny the Minimate side of the rumor. Attempts to contact DST has resulted in some very brief responses that don't tell a lot. Matt and Chuck have been mum. Is the rumor so preposterous that it warrants no response? Are they forbidden from talking about the downfall? We don't know.

* We do not represent the market majority. Everyone on this message board loves Minimates. But last I checked, we have somewhere around 300 or so members. DST produces about 1500 cases of their product. Even buying two cases each, we don't represent half of the sales market. The opinion here isn't as weighted as we'd like to believe. While we call for more Marvel, others may be saying to quit with the comic books and bring on Hello Kitty Minimates.

* Every brand needs an anchor. We all know that Minimates were floundering until the Marvel license arrived. Since then, we've seen an explosion of other licenses. If Marvel is gone, then either the line's future may be in trouble or there will be another big license to fill the void. BSG or Star Trek probably can't carry the name.

All that being said, I still refuse to believe that the end is here until I get official word on the matter. We've seen a blog written about it and a poorly written message from an apparent insider, neither of which carry any official weight. At the same time, we've gotten a sentence fragment from the horse's mouth that says that DST isn't doing resin anymore, which doesn't really answer the question as completely as I'd like.

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I blame Lobsterman, he's obviously some sort of action-figure Jonah! ;)

Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. The loss of Marvel would be a really big blow, but hey, we didn't think DC Minimates would be done and now they're flying off the shelves in specialty stores..

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I guess this explains the explosion of Minimates across other licenses this past year. DST is trying to reduce its dependance on the Marvel license with ST, BSG, moviemates, etc.

It just seems like minimates were really picking up across the board, and now we could lose one of the major anchors. :(

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Well, if this is truly the end then President F.D. Roosevelt words truly sum this up

A date which will live in infamy

Should Marvel die, I do believe that DC will be able to fill that gap, continuing to dazzle us more than usual. Minimates are not dead. I repeat they ARE NOT DEAD! Sure marvel may just be gone, but the gap will be filled. DC is big enough. Heck,this is hoping that something bigger comes along. Or should I say someONE. Someone who breathes heavilt and wears a very black mask. Or maybe a suave superspy. Either way it goes, minimates will go on ad on.

(Side note: Perhaps DCD should get a license fr just box sets. It would give us what we need (CHARACTERS!) and Marvel what they want: Mass Market possibility. Think. No more variants, no difficulty. Also, I believe that a line of these would be more attractive to your random retailer than trying to carry a series. Too much to keep up with.)

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I have to put my rather not important two cents in:

If there is no more Marvel, then that sucks. But that means that I might have a goldmine of extra Marvel Minimates to sell in the future (I consume Minimates like Galactus consumes galaxies).

I am fairly confident this is not true. I am psychic.

I know Minimates will continue. Even with no more Spidey, we will get some other licenses that are worthwhile.

I will remain optimistic!

No worries.


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Hasbro has welded the starwars and g i joe brand to their name. art asylum has been merged to DST(right?). Hasbro will Not make a deal with another company to make minimates if they get the license and if they make them themselves, then they will be as horrible as marvel legends are now. it will be like going back to series one, with no paint apps.

If DST has a deal coming thats very cool, then I hope they do come up with a cheaper more detailed and diverse marvel licence that allows for something new. but I really wish you guys wouldnt hold your breath for starwars or joe mates, because hasbro is hardcore, just look at how they handled marvel legends. we might as well ask mattel for motu mates.

The only thing worse than this potential non final situation we are in would be if they hired Joe Q to head up the minimate department at DST.

And if you guys are getting new names I want to be Dr. zola

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Adrian over at posted an article which states what we already know...

DST To End "Marvel Resin"

But it expands on the idea that Hasbro is flexing it's muscles. Adrian's also heard nothing back from DST in terms of clarification regarding the rest of their Marvel products so I guess we'll have to wait and see (and hopefully we don't have to wait until Toy Fair!).

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