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who still needs a SS/Hobgoblin set?


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sorry for the new post but wanted to make sure all here who want/need one of these sets get it before i send the extras to ebay.

cost plus shipping(not looking to make a profit, just want to help out)

please pm me if you need one. -Matt

oh and please id like to make these available only to those who dont already have a set.

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:biggrin: i need one but i heard that you can get them at stores is this true?

yes these are currently available at some FYE/suncoast stores, this thread was to supply them at cost to those that could not find them at their local stores or have no access to the stores. if you can find your set at a store near you then by all means let someone not as fortunate get theirs this way.

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Hey, everyone. Visited the parents in Houston over the weekend, and found the 24 and Marvel exclusives. Picked up an extra set of each.

Even better, since FYE was having a sale, I got them a little cheaper. I'd prefer to sell them both as a set to save shipping, but whatever. Of course, it'll be cost plus shipping.

PM me if you're interested!

EDIT: Both have been taken. Sorry!

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I might need one!


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Considering that list is so out of date it's pathetic, Feb. 1, 2006 :rolleyes: It's been almost 2 years and most of these stores are long gone ;) I think where FYE has been smarter is closing down either the Suncoast or FYE and not having both in the same location HAS. With the exception of one of the malls, that's the case here. I think you need to stop seeing things so negatively. While I would love for these to be found at my local TRU's or Target, I'm just glad I can find these in my local stores.

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I still have a Sam Goody and a Suncoast at the mall near me and an FYE at another a few miles away.

It seems the mass closings have been stabilized and the stores here seem to be doing pretty well. I agree with Don in that they did the smart thing and cut back on places where they had 2-3 branded stores in the same place, It seems that by cutting out the overlap they have managed to bring it back from the brink.

Slightly more on topic I have picked up over half a dozen of the SS/Hob sets for other members and will go back to see if they restocked at the weekend.


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lol were going to need to split up San Diego at this rate tim. I was wondering how the sam goody sold all the set from the last time I was in there.

I tried to not take them all, I did leave 2-3 sets of the shelf and know that both you and Aaron had already picked up the set! The members here in SD are generally pretty fair and dont totally strip the shelves and we even went as far as to PM each other when Target had exclusives (Blue suited Prof X) so that we could get there before Jonny scalper.

On the other hand I do feel bad if I don't help out members who are in the UK and don't even have these stores.


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