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Because I don't have... Wait a minute. Does anyone know how you would freeze a Minimate so that when it was smashed with a hammer it would shatter into little pieces? I may have had an idea. This is bad news for everyone, everywhere.

2 words... liquid nitrogen. :thumbsup:


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Posted (edited)

That sounds like a whole other thread:

Things you can do with a minimate

-deep fry it

-liquid nitrogen (freeze it)

-microwave it



Actually a deep fried minimate would make for a great Zzzax- tasty too.


Edited by Jeff

Do... Do you have any I could have?

I don't know about liquid nitrogen but the Publix here will sell dry ice. You could try putting it between two pieces of that for a while and then hit it with the hammer.

Posted (edited)


Edited by zakkatz

That has to be the best fight yet. Well done. Still laughing.

Would've liked to see Sue turn invisible at the end there and have Sunspot stand facing the camera in a confused pose- then have Sue reappear and finish him off. :tongue:


Nice Ivan!

I like that the two beards remain friends, or gentlemen, at least.


By all means, Ivan, play.

With age comes experience and professionalism. Amicability amongst those forced to fight for the entertainment of others leads to a much more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Unless you have to fight to the death. But these two are both dead already, so no harm done.


Wow, that was great. I love the fixed camera angle shots, and I laughed out loud when Boy Blue walked back into the frame with Thor's hammer. Very impressive work.


Red doesn't like it when you don't play by the rules. No weapons. :D


I really liked this particular shot Geohound:


It really gives a sense of motion. The transition to the spinning hammer was great too.


Spinning hammer A+.

Any thought to doing a non-translucent fight club? I think you've mastered this art- and at this point, you have to be running low on clear figures to fight. Right? :unsure:

I think with all the different facial expression available (james howlett and transformation venom) you could make some neat battles. Entirely up to you. :)

Posted (edited)

I am always thinking about a non-translucent (and non-specific day of the week) fight club. I love doing these fights. Aside from spending time with my nephew, this is the most fun thing I do in a given week. And being not on a specific day, it would be easier for other people to get involved, which I would love. I like other people's fights, probably more than my own. It's something to look in to, for sure.

Edited by The Geohound

This animation was too short to throw on youtube, so I just turned it into a gif instead. It's an extended version of that last render I posted.

Here's the 1.7MB animated .gif hiding behind a link because, well, it's a 1.7MB animated gif. (Cropped and scaled down from the original 5MB.)

Gehound, your shots could easily be used as storyboards for a full animated piece. The motion and intent is always clear. You've definitely got a knack for it.


What's this? Is it a present from Santa? No, it's a christmas cat fight as chosen by minijeff. I'd say he's got some kind of fetish or something.


Thanks for the kind words everyone. And great gif Ivan. I'd love to see you continue with that.

Merry Christmas Everybody.


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