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Everything posted by Gmonkey2k

  1. The tail is from Surtur, I can tell you that much.
  2. Maybe because half of each pack was civilian's we don't need? :/ I get DST's reasoning, but it is a little annoying.
  3. I don't like where this thread is going....
  4. True, but the wave to figure has him with:
  5. I agree on the authenticity part. I want my Deadpool with a rifle, not a Nerf gun. But considering what's happened recently, maybe we should put away the term "FLORIDA mom" for a little bit.
  6. Not a rumor...Go to youtube and look up Hasbro Toyfair interview 2018. Somewheres in there they address it.
  7. I'll take him off your hands
  8. 0_o Well then... Is he supposed to have regular metallic red? If so, Pm me. I have a pair to spare .
  9. I was sure that it stayed together. It was the main event during Secret Wars. I doubt they'd go back on it so quickly.
  10. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. This is probably the most stress I've been in in my life. Trying to balance all the shit I said with college and high school classes. I am not making this easier for myself. -G
  11. Bump...Because again, this is getting to disheartening and overwhelming. I was fired from my job a few days before the new year... My Mom's insurance was just switched (thanks to her work) so now all my meds are extremely expensive, and I may have to drop my insulin pump. It really hurts dropping this all together, but I just cant do it.... I'd say something quippy here to lighten the mood, but I don't think anyone has said it better then Douglas Adams..
  12. Rocket is an improvement. Groot looks okay. Black Widow and Winter Soldier look off :|
  13. Hm... for me it says it's sold.
  14. Alright, which of you bought them for $100.
  15. We should be able to believe a companies product announcement.
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