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Everything posted by cylonchaney

  1. There is only one that stands a chance. If they ever make Law and Order MCU.
  2. The more I see of these, the more I want an Omega Supreme vinimate. And Devastator. Please make this happen DST!
  3. I figured the hood issue was something like that. Add to that CC's name has two hard C sounds. It would be super easy to repaint him and/or make up all kinds of alliterative nick names. Silly reasoning in my opinion but you have to be protective of lucrative brands I guess. And in this day and age there's almost nothing that won't trigger somebody.
  4. Reminds me of what a Gonzo (Muppets) Predator helmet would look like. LOL Cool customs!
  5. The trade off if there are no such thing as donuts. But you should see the rain!
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if board member Prowlar has done both of those things. He's very creative at mixing parts to make new characters. If anyone can find an alternate use for Thing's head or brow, it's him.
  7. There is a creator on named Aitor Baltziskueta. He has his own line of free toys that are sort of somewhere between Playmobil and 3 3/4 figures. It's mostly Star Wars stuff which I've printed a bunch of. Anyone into Star Wars and 3d printing should have a look. Aside from the figures, he has designed a bunch of vehicles as well. I have printed his Buck Rogers Starfighter scaled down to 80% for use with minimates. See a few of his designs printed by me below. I'll add the Starfighter to my main post at some point but I wanted to give a shout out to this guy now. Here is a link straight to his profile.
  8. I would say sub-optimally pleased. I'm delighted by even the worst minimates you make.
  9. Might not need a sculpted head if they could manage to colour match any 2 parts of him. LOL I know from my poor attempts at customising, colour matching can be a challenge. But I expect a toy company to be much better at this than some random dude.
  10. I only collected the turtles, Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady. Looks like I may need to get some Foot Soldiers, Casey, and April. They look amazing and I don't know why I wasn't interested at the time.
  11. Thought I read somewhere that he was an outside character they licensed or something and it's hard to get merchandising rights. Or maybe a made up or mixed up memory. I'm starting to get old. lol
  12. Thanks guys. Added the Stinger. Thingiverse Protip: Thingiverse seems to be getting more and more broken as time goes by. I don't think much maintenance is happening. Anyway, there used to be a link on the files page of any model to download all the parts in one zip file. If you change the end of the url from /files to /zip you will be able to download this zip file. eg. becomes
  13. One thing I recommend is finding and following a tuning guide for your specific machine to dial in the hardware. So when the machine is instructed to move 100 mm it moves 100 mm. When it is instructed to extrude 20 mm of filament it extrudes 20 mm of filament, etc. Get a digital caliper if you don't already have one. Do this before you start messing with software settings to improve your prints. I'm coming up on the 10th anniversary of my first 3d printer and have 5 of them in my collection. If you have questions I can help with, I'm happy to do so.
  14. I don't pay for 3d models. I download free ones and make my own in some cases. I have not seen a SHARC paid or free. Quite a lot of work goes into creating these models and if one is selling printed copies it makes business sense to keep the model to themselves. If anyone knows a free one please share. There are models of many many vehicles but they are solid miniatures. (There is a mini sharc) If you have 3d modelling skills, you could hollow out the cockpit and make a canopy and seat, and upscale. I think that's how a lot of the 3.75 scale models that are out there now were created. I'm pretty sure the stinger above was created this way. As far as recommending a printer, it really depends on you. I tend to buy really cheap ones. It can be a hobby in itself to tune an upgrade a cheap machine to get quality prints and I enjoy it. Others might prefer to spend more and get a better out of box experience with less fiddling. Having said that, the industry has matured and even low end machines print pretty well compared to my first printer. I suggest getting one that has a large community around it. Even better if you have an experienced friend who has the same one. Not a recommendation, but the Ender 3 is very very popular and much copied. This means that there are ready made mods to solve many problems and lots of places to get advice on the net. Definitely a lower end machine though. Please also note there is a pinned thread in the Custom Creations and Artwork section where I've started to add links to models that work well with minimates. I'll add the Stinger and Vamp at some point.
  15. @Mattallica How goes the 3d printing? Made anything yet?
  16. 3d printed Stinger. Downloaded from: Scaled to 70% and printed at .2 mm layer height which is not high detail. I just wanted to see if everything would print and fit together. And before anyone give me a hard time about the occupants, they are obscure characters only known to the TRUE FANS. Kor-bra Commander and Blankstro!
  17. From my mind to PL's keyboard! Especially the hashtag.
  18. Nice! When looking at close up photos it's easy to forget how small a minimate is and what detailed work customising is. Well done.
  19. HIt Monkey! Great show. Great custom. Instagram cut me off from viewing the last few as I don't have an account. I'll catch up later. Your customs and photos of them are awesome.
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