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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. If we're just gonna keep getting that Gator it'd be cool to get something a bit better than "Scale color A with armor color B" Maybe a pattern going across the gator? Come on, go crazy! Like this!
  2. Off topic, but I think we need a design an alligator repaint contest.
  3. Well, it is the coolest repaint of the alligator thus far I guess. Still, pass.
  4. Awesome! Pity I'm only at Volume 2 of the comic, freaking Christmas...
  5. What? You didn't use a Rocky head? Cool custom!
  6. Thanks for all the comments guys! It was a lot of fun to make. BobaFett - I used Americana brand Glow in the Dark paint. Seen here. I haven't used any of Americana's acrylics before (I'm an Apple Barrel man) but I noticed that had a few mediums and additives for acrylics that I wanted to give a shot. Seen here. It glows nicely, but what they say about mixing it with other colors is about as effective as it sounds, you lose half the brightness. I just stick with putting it over whatever I want to glow. It can be a bit thick and rubbery depending on how much you put on. I also picked up their pearlizing medium, it does what it sounds like, makes your colors sparkle. Expect Twilight customs. Looking at their site, I think I want to try their texturing mediums.
  7. Cools mods. It's the file type methinks, save them as jpgs or gifs and you shouldn't have that problem
  8. DUDE! So, here's the last of my commissions for the year! Big Daddy and Little Sister from Bioshock for Mr. BrobotC! Well, the Little Sister is designed like the one in Bioshock 2. Whatever. Some less fancy pics: The child-sized Minimate was made and supplied by BrobotC, who I've noticed can be a bit of a genius in part selection. I totally plan to steal his method for shrinking the normal Minimate. Here's a shot with a 2" for scale: Big Daddy is done entirely with extra pieces, there's a normal 2" Minimate with no hands, feet, or head under all that. Speaking of all that, here are the parts: Hulkbuster Iron Man chest-piece, crotch-piece, thigh-pieces, and left hand. All heavily modified DC Lobo boots. Heavily modified. Whiplash's upper arm bands, some sculpting. Everything else was sculpt and/or built from scratch. And there's something I missed....oh yeah, their eyes glow in the dark! Oh, and I've got a question. I post all my images directly into my posts with IMG tags, would people prefer I use the file uploading system?
  9. I don't plan on buying any, unless it's for fodder (as per usual) However, it's nice to see Elektra updated, I'm surprised it took so long. Hopefully the hairpiece will actually go down further on the head a bit. I'm also happy to see a new Daredevil mask, the nose on the old one was really awkward. Oh, and is that a new sword with the ninja? Looks like it's better scaled than the tiny Deadpool/Old Man Hawkeye ones.
  10. Thanks! Youbastards: You can find them at hobby stores, like ones that sell model trains and the like. They're usually on a rotating metal rack divided up by sheets, rods/tubes, and strips. The rods/tubes come in a handy multi-pack with varying sizes ranging from almost hair-thin to about pen sized, if you want to try them out. The rods I used for the tuning knobs were 3/64" The rods come in sizes that are perfect for Minimate hands (not sure which) though the ones in the multi pack that are about the right size are claw killers. I bought .030" or .75mm for the sheets. They're just about perfectly sized, around the thickness of a powerhouse chest. The sheets are also available with some different textures on them, I just used plain. My biggest inspiration for scratch building has come from reading propmaker's blogs like Volpin Props and Blind Squirrel. And you can expect to see more of them with my customs from now on.
  11. Sadly, I think the chance for more Scott Pilgrim merchandise has pretty much passed. Books are done, the DVD for the film has come out, so there's not much else to tie it into. Not sure when Mezco's putting out those figures, but they haven't been doing so hot with releasing things at sensible times lately, and I don't think DST would follow. anywho, mini update here! I decided Scott needed his bass, and I figured I would never see a Chef Duff one again, so I decided to try scratch-building it, something I've been enjoying lately. It's perfect for rocking out, or defeating robots! Basically I drew the outline of the guitar and its details onto a piece of paper, transfered that to a piece of sheet styrene (which looks like this) 3 times, and cut the parts out. The body and head of the guitar are 3 sheets thick, and the neck is 2. Then it was just a bunch of gluing and sanding. The fretboard details were carved out, while the tuning knobs are styrene rods glued in place and squished into shape with a wrench. The pickguard, pickups, and bridge were cut from electrical tape, and glued in place. I had planned to take pictures of the process and make a tutorial, but got distracted when I was tracing the pattern onto the sheet styrene I was making it out of. So you'll have to wait till I make something else for the scratch-built accessory tutorial.
  12. Maybe, one day... Hey, at least I got SHATTER BAND group shots for now
  13. So...uh.....not gonna ask what you do when you play with your Minimates Well, that'd be tricky. I have Scott, SErge will have Kim, who would get Stills? I can see Kim Pine fans, but is anyone that big a Steven Stills fan that they would commission just him? Cause I don't see myself making him. If I need to do a band group shot I'll QC/Photochop one out of Lucas Lee or something. But, there will be more of the band later....... Oh, speaking of commissions, I'm sorry to say that I don't belive I'll be taking any more commissions for the rest of the year. Just gotta take a break for the holidays to work on other stuff. Sorry!
  14. Crap, looks like the eyes are wicked uneven, especially in that first pic, it's not noticeable in person. As for the character selection, who knows? Though if that were the case you would think Kim would have a kissy face too.
  15. Yeah, here's my shameless self-promotion Looks like I got to day 6, and even deleted day 5 after I quit the project.
  16. So maybe I lied when I said Ramona would be my last SP Minimate, after all these 2 were about 1/2 done when I said that. A commision that will be going to SErge shortly, Knives Chau and Kim Pine! Specifically using details (mainly colors) from the Scott Pilgrim video game. Knives Chau features a bendy scarf, as well as an alternate face And Kim Pine has real wooden drumsticks and an alternate face as well. I took plenty more pics that you can expect to see in any further group pictures
  17. So, Karma's hairpiece, has that been used anywhere else before?
  18. I tired a 365 day photo project with a Minimate. I stoppe around day 4 or 5
  19. Oh god, I need the cop set now. Besides the massive number of accessories, I just thought of a custom I have to make, and everyone should start hating me now for it.
  20. I would say there are ways, of course it could come out damaged, is it glued to the top of the head, or the sides?
  21. This might come as a shocker for everyone, but I'm not excited for these at all. Honestly, I think Scott Pilgrim figures would be best if they were little dioramas with next to zero articulation recreating the fights and other important scenes. Like what McFarlane did with the Simsons a while ago. Or, you know, Minimates
  22. I can't even think of a character!
  23. I don't care about Halo, but I plan to buy the hell out of those Active Camo ones. Also, are those Minimate CHICKEN LEGS!?
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