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Everything posted by TBT!

  1. Thanks guys, This page is full of in jokes so my apologies if some of it will probably make no sense to most of you! T.
  2. I am moving soon and am starting to strip down my various minimate displays but thought I'd post this. My comic accurate Iron Man display. No Movie or SFII versions, no villains just good old fashioned comic accurate IM armors & various Versions of Tony Stark. Also as I was tidying up I have a few very old customs that were done before DST got around to them... In a couple of cases 5-6 years before DST got around to them. Several of my older IM customs have fallen to the ravages of time, you'll never again see my circa 2004 War Machine custom. Yes I'm fully aware that some these earlier efforts are frightening bad when compared to modern customs or DST's newer versions of them, but finding them again gave me a warm rosy glow of nostalgia, for the days when we had very few choices in parts to make customs from. The only one in the pic that was made after the DST one was the stealth IM, because I needed a shiny metallic version. Which really makes me think we need a new thread in the custom section that's a "now and then" with customs we've done in the past that DST made afterwards. T.
  3. Happy Birthday Nessex... Is it stil your birthday? *tries to do mental calculations on timezone differences and head explodes* T.
  4. Or perhaps small boys who buy these sets in TRU just think girls are gross? T.
  5. TBT is an overbearing insufferable jerk who abuses his powers... Lurch is where the cool moderating is at. As for the whole 'garbage conversation', what's great about this place is that even though you're both very much behind your personal opinions no one is yelling... yet. and on topic... I believe we've asked Chuck before about a Stan Lee minimate & it would require a whole separate license, which wouldn't be worth it for one minimate. T.
  6. Stunning stuff as always Ivan, Now you've peeked my curiosity about 3D printing and it seems to me that it's a natural progression for you considering your 3D modelling skills. How difficult it is to create the models that are required to print such complex parts as minimates? How well does it work for smaller parts? say custom replacement pieces in actual minimate size? I see it as being far too daunting for a total 3D modelling novice such as myself but an interesting project if you have those skills. T.
  7. Jeff, Nice stratego board! I've often pondered now best to put together a minimate board game & came to the conclusion that what would work best is something like 'heroscape' for minimates. A base set with a map or some scenery and then sell 'booster' packs that were pretty much just minimate two packs with added in stat cards. DST could even sell decks of stat cards for previously released figures & it could span multiple licenses. T.
  8. Necroing the thread a little, but if anyone has spares of the series 7 Space marine I need around 10 for a project I'm working on. Willing to trade for or buy them. Let me know. T.
  9. As Rob says love her or hate her you had to admire her... T.
  10. I actually really like these cosbabies, I've thought about picking the IM ones up and have been close to ordering them. However i really don't have the space or money to be collecting another toyline at the moment. T.
  11. I think it's an ok idea with one caveat... If you're going to suggest something like this then you need to take on implementing & updating it yourself monkeycrumb, to paraphase field of dreams... "If you build it they will come". T.
  12. I LOVE that IM display Winkerbean, and am a little jealous. Did you create the art for the pods or buy them somewhere, because I totally want to steal that idea/art and build my own. T.
  13. The short answer is we've always had spam accounts, you'll notice those are all "Validating", Which is basically Shane gong through the new member requests and weeding out those that are obviously spam & OK-ing the others. It would be foolish of me to post here what his accept/removal criteria are but lets say it's not a fun or glamorous part of his job & the couple of times he's been away and asked me to do it were a serious chore. Shane really does deserve a lot of credit for the stuff that goes on behind the scenes to keep this place in tiptop minty fresh condition, usually without you guys even knowing he's doing it! T.
  14. Shane, The BK7 will feel a lot more like a Kabar in terms of balance, It'll be a little heavier but not by much. The BK2 is shorter but a total tank ( & heavy), I've abused mine in ways that you really shouldn't do with a knife or even a prybar and it's none the worse for it. You might also want to look at the BK16/17 if you want something lighter but still bullet proof. As for that light, I couldn't find any output ratings for it, the one I carry uses a single AA and will output 250 lumens off a lithium or rechargable nimh.
  15. More to the point anything but a folding NON-Locking knife, which is IMO a little draconian. I have my views on the knife laws in the UK but because we're a no political discussion forum I'll keep them to myself. Same as Shane, I will seldom be found without a knife of some sort and always carry either a mutitool (leatherman juice) or folding knife ( usually a Spyderco Sage1 but have a modest folding knife collection.), I also carry a small but powerful flashlight on my belt & am surprised how often I use it (Zebralight SC52). As for larger fixed blades, I don't carry them every day either but I carry a small fixed blade (Becker Bk14) when hiking/camping etc. and a larger one (Becker BK2) that is a little heavy to wear but is a great camp knife and would be my "if I only had one knife & the world ended" survival tool. Custom knives... Nice but usually pricey... PM me his info though Josh, I'd like to see what he does. T.
  16. Take a look at the Becker line of knives (actually manufactured by Kabar), they are relatively affordable compared to some of the high quality/priced knives & built to be used/abused. Also look at the newest Kabar is the MK1 and has gotten some great reviews. I have a couple of Becker knives and use them camping/hiking and they are very no frills dependable. T.
  17. Happy Birthday Josh, I'll break out the special fizzy water in your honour! T.
  18. A mandarin car? That is just taking the pith 5397737496_a389705639.jpg Oh Rob... Some times your puns are timed Juiced perfectly, but mostly I think they Segment the community. Personally I don't see the a-Peel T.
  19. Ok I'm feeling less cynical *cough*grumpy*cough* today... I haven't read any of the AoU storyline but wouldn't mind a new Ultron minimate... In fact I wouldn't mind if they just reissued the one we already have, it's one of my favourite minimates, clean simple lines and a great likeness. They could do an Ultron 4 pack? Classic Ultron Female Ultron Jocasta Vision (either all clear or all solid this time please!) T.
  20. If you do get them it'll 6 months to a year after the event finishes an everyone's looking at the next big thing... then half of them will be short packs at TRU so we cant find them anyway! T. p.s. Yes I've had a crappy day and am feeling overly cynical... p.p.s. I really don't mean the above and just need a hug from Chuck/Zach/Robert/DST Minions!!
  21. I'd love to help out but a ) I'm not going to be in Chicago and b ) I've seen a sizeable chunk of the exhibit already Oh and Zach... Take more pictures for those of us that cant travel... T.
  22. TTFC on Drugs... come on man do it...... T. p.s. Get well soon! ( or at least by next Tuesday!)
  23. Folks, I just found this 20% off coupon for one regular priced item... T.
  24. I most definitely wasn't digging around in your profile...But Happy Birthday Matt... T.
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