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Everything posted by Zexion_Armando

  1. Can I have a Marvel minimates one?
  2. There was a new gay character who joined Cyke's team last year (NuMorph) . And bobby has had the tinges of being a closet case for the longest time And you cansee my posts inthat article's comments lol.
  3. I think GotG released in the same week, cap 2 on the other hand had this same nonsense.m
  4. can we just direct rage at how incompetent disey/marvel is for this terrible stuttered released? France and such ahead. get it ahead like almost 2 weeks
  5. They're irresistible to each other Innit? Which is why they try yo keep their distance as I've the feeling she'll Take Pete's head off if they ever do the bad thing I'd have to re-read the whole thing to pick up on what you've mentioned Zexion I was having too much fun reading it at the time Totally agree about it being fun, though. The Team Up issues especially were a delight, and the Edge of titles too.
  6. He's now a completely idiotic lunatic and sex obsessed crazed moron around Mary Sue OC Donut Steel. Oh, Norman Osborne is captured and has no Goblin serum... let's let him run away in broad day light while 2 Spider-men lounge around doing nothing. Oh, Ock made all this nice tech for me to use since we had to get rid of him... Let me never use any of it again. Oh, Ock is trying to make a plan by taking control because no one else can and has successfully kept the Inheritors at bay for several months now, let me punch him and take over because infighting is always so fun. Peter David was the only person who kept Spider-verse from being absolutely terrible.
  7. Remender at least knows how to competently make a story. Slott just wants to destroy your childhood and ruin Parker some more.
  8. I was burned by MK9 and Injustice, so i'll wait for the Komplete edition for 20 dollars. Plus they ruined best girl with her incredibly stupid lips.
  9. There are a ton of great easter eggs. Stilt Man's Pants, Bullseye cameo, Elektra reference, K'un L'un
  10. I really would like Nobu's chain and blade weapon... its really nifty, and DST can make a really fun chain weapon
  11. That picture is amazing, great great great job. Though I always hate where Iron man is placed in that scene... looks like CAp is riding him into battle
  12. It depends on how its approached, honestly. Look at Kingpin in the original Daredevil movie, and how he was one of the best parts of it. So long as the characters race isn't a major portion of his development (or if you are going to half ass it like Johnny Storm and Susan...), it shouldn't really matter.
  13. 2nd best super hero show right now (And thats because the Flash is just perfection) The fight scenes... oh gawd, the fight scenes. I'm glad Marvel realized with this and Cap 2 that coherent and fun fight scenes are good, and dark shaky scenes like the Bat-nonsense is terrible and should never leave the editing room. I'd love a DD wave
  14. Whedon is also a totally liar, so who cares.
  15. I got them mostly because I wanted Widow. Picked up a Pietro and Wanda set, but I'll probably just give that to my little brother.
  16. Well, due to the abundance of stores in comparison to say TRU or an LCS, it's pretty easy to substitute a lame Walgreens for a better one. I know i'll buy extras for people here who need them.
  17. Too bad its always the same stuff no one wants lol. Save for maybe that SPidey. Wish it was for Bucky though
  18. Yeah, Walgreens being everywhere basically, it will be super easy to pick up stuff for any international versers. I think I just went numb in the legs.
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