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Zombie Shakespeare

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Everything posted by Zombie Shakespeare

  1. They should introduce and kill him in the same issue. Just so he could have a minimate.
  2. I'm sadly underwhelmed by Michonne's poncho. Still waiting for the definitive Michonne figure.
  3. I don't understand why he would have no pants on.
  4. Happy Easter, everyone. Thoughts for a minimate-Easter 4pack: Easter Bunny Jesus Battle-Damaged Jesus Spider-Man
  5. Got my Striking Dioramas in the mail today! Very cool. I got the two Barren Streets for the Walking Dead mates. They make for a pretty nice display. (Discovered that my camera is broken when I after I set them up, so no pics. Sorry) I screwed up my first sticker job and had some bubbles. Luckily they are on the doors and look appropriate. I got better as I moved on and got the others on smooth. Unfortunately one of the foot pegs got stuck in Punk Zombie's foot and came off. I'll need to glue it back in when I get the chance. Overall, I'm impressed though and glad to finally have something in scale with the minimates for display.
  6. The Initiative: MVP Cloud 9 Trauma Gauntlet Slapstick Rage Butterball Komodo Hardball
  7. Did The Hood's group of villains have a name? I'd love to see a bunch of the weirdos and losers he had assembled.
  8. Hard for me to vote, I didn't see NFL Superpro on there. I do think that Falcon is the clear choice, he should get made when the next Cap movie comes around.
  9. I've never played a Tomb Raider game, but these are some nice looking figures. I might pick some up just to mix in with TWD and other figures. I really want that dude with the shield!
  10. Best thing is definitely the variety of licenses. I had collected the first marvel minis and stopped at some point. When I heard about Walking Dead mates, I was back in. Now I've got Street Fighters, Expendables, Monsters, and Ghostbusters. Awesome to have so many different figures in the same style.
  11. If you opt to put the stickers on yourself, wouldn't you be getting plain black anyway? Or is there some slight difference?
  12. Looking at that list, I'd have to say we've gotten all of the major villains. There's a bunch I'd love to see and a bunch I've never heard of, but overall none that stand out as that one glaring omission. I'd rather see an updated Abomination before any of these guys. I went with Blob, Winter Soldier, and Wrecker. Enchantress and Wendigo came very close for me as well.
  13. Would Winter Soldier count as a villain? If not, then Blob. Figure I want but don't think we'll ever see: Zzzax
  14. When is visiting the in-laws in NJ worth it? When you find wave 15 at the Paramus TRU!
  15. That goes to show that Kirkman and/or Adlard were thinking about WD minimates much earlier than we thought and chose to draw in a Zach Oat zombie as a hint to DST.
  16. Happy birthday guys. Luke, you should probably take Boyd and Jason bowling with you, too. (what's your average?)
  17. I'm thinking Capt Hook's hat and a zombie head could be the beginning of a QC Zombie Pimp.
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