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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. Is it just me or does Spidey look like he just passed alot of wind? And enjoyed it throughly Throughly ? I love this new word . The ol' lifted cheek....
  2. Dear Shanester, at the moment I am troubled by genital itching ...can you help.
  3. So why is everyone ' looking ' at me :o
  4. Guy by the name of Arsene Wenger :biggrin: ......A.J. Lieberman
  5. IMOP now is the time to reduce your future purchases of std.DVDs. We are being shepherded towards Blu-Ray with the demise of HD DVD. The players for either of these formats are increasingly cheaper as are HD 'monitors',so enivitably std.DVD will be sidelined. Heroes was produced in HD & is available now in HD DVD, it's up to you whether to get aboard'a Titanic' now or wait for it to be produced Blu-Ray, but Heroes in High Def format is awesome. Heroes is available on ebay in HD DVD for around $50 & std. $26 -& these are genuine.I could/can give you links but there are many & The Complete West Wing Series 1-7 is available on ebay(genuine,multiple sellers for $125) 45 discs ,relatively cheap..... can you see why.......'in a minute' here comes Blu Ray' West Wing' in perhaps 7 discs.
  6. None taken. Believe you me if there's a team from Hampshire in the FA Cup Final (hopefully) then even if it's....them....I'll be supporting them. This Manhunter comic thing though is weird,Alex Ferguson is now er...dead .
  7. Oh that Mayfair! I've never bought a copy of it ever,ever,ever. I was given a copy from a friend but never did figure out what was inside because the pages were all stuck together
  8. I haven't tried Galactus yet & MacGuyvers skimp on the fries....personally I prefer Burger-King.
  9. I'm still gettin' high on the ol' 'Forum maintenance' ....but it's early A BHM drunk post....sounds like a German sports car :biggrin:
  10. I am quite confident that if a certain minority of the board members here are using 100% of their brains then we have not been invaded by Skrulls but perhaps slugs
  11. The Martian Manhunter is a character that I was completely unaware of until I collected 'mates,so when I noticed a batch of Martian Manhunter comics on Ebay I duly snapped them up. 'The others among us' is a Mini-Series of 8 from 2006-7 & was quite enjoyable though not stunning. The main characters names however appeared to have come straight from a Manchester United Yearbook......J'onn is trying to protect Alex Ferguson from Rio Ferdinand & Giggs!! I guess that'll mean 'llareggub' to those of you Stateside but Mr.A.J.Lieberman ,the writer must be a Red's fan.
  12. It's St.Patrick's Day this coming Monday. St.Patrick is most famous for ridding Ireland of snakes! To this day Ireland & New Zealand are the only countries in the world that do not have snakes. It is not known for sure whether or not St.Patrick actually visited NZ but we are sure what his words were as he drove the snakes out of Ireland.......... ''Are you boys OK in the back of the car''
  13. That's cool, I'm not picking a fight. I'm just calling it as I see it! Here's another one for you guys to ponder... James Bond Vs Jack Bauer ( to stop this being a Marvel vs DC fest) T. Easy. James Bond would win . How? Bond would wait 24 hours & then Jack Bauer would be shagged out :biggrin: Mind you ,by then Bond would probably be shagged out as well
  14. No problems man , no worries at all ,relax ,chill, just look at those colours ....Weird scenes in the gold mine
  15. His name is RONDAM... still don't get it? Wait a minute... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... no, still don't get it? Oh oh oh oh... Got it!! His name is RANDOM! What do i win? A weekend in Manchester
  16. Please somebody give him Aztek......please ..p l e a s e
  17. Put all your money on Batman.......however..... if Cap wasn't dead .....
  18. The character in the picture is.....I'll help a little....R*ND*M.
  19. Welcome! Minimates are an addiction , Kubricks are a curse.
  20. The 3 best ways of conquering Earth is by regular turning, careful use of manure & the profligeration of worms. I am Lex Luthor!
  21. I actually started to put Skrull as a gender choice, but remembered that its supposed to be secret... We can choose our gender? I'm free!
  22. Hmmmm in that case they might as well go the whole way and do Buttheadsmate mini's T. They would be awesome :biggrin: Think of the accessories.....zimmer frame,slippers,Catherine Zeta-Jones
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