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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. Trivia time . Most everything in my toy/Minimate collection,in the last 20 years,has arrived in the post,packaged from the USA & Japan . Consequently I have a pretty unique collection of x-acto knives & box-cutters that have been included (accidentally) in my packages . I have several Further irony is that it is very difficult to buy any sort of 'knife' or 'blade' on UK eBay /many other online stores. Asleep yet ?
  2. Wave 84 Yellow DD will probably go down in Marvel Minimate history as the longest-awaited updated Minimate of all time . 20+ years ! You could obviously argue that there have been several DDs but Yellow DD is IMHO , iconic . Iconic enough to be in the very first Marvel Wave. Firestar must be the next longest-awaited .
  3. You got it ! I was thinking that the 'eggshell' could be made in 2 halves ,packed in 2 halves*, & then assembled by the purchaser . Then again ....that's what Cylon said ! Eggsactly . *difficult to explain but does .....(( ????
  4. Only 'big' if you want it to be big . The minimate vehicle design 'model' has always been 'deformed' so I was thinking keep it similar size to nigh on everything else . Other Blimps are nice but too big to go on a shelf.
  5. Although I'm not exactly a Turtle fan I have always appreciated the Minimates , they're generally brilliant . I'm perhaps not the best person to propose anything for the future but here goes ..... A Blimp . Not one of those blow-up versions that I can see for sale but a proper plastic version* . IMHO there would be minimal tooling , keep it simple but go-for-it with the tampos ( water-slides ?) . I honestly think that many TMNT fans would buy one & .....I hate to say it .....wouldn't give a shit whether it had a Minimate or not . * it would therefore be inflation-proof
  6. They actually look bloody marvellous . Whilst studying all the accessories ,which are lovely , it occurred to me that it must take absolutely ages for somebody to place all those pieces of tape over them ! It can surely only be done by hand & time is money . Might I suggest that a single, clear, adhesive ,die-cut sheet be placed over the whole area ? Easier to pack & easier to unpack -buttIwasinthepackagingindustrymate
  7. Many thanks Whenever a new Marvel minimate figure is solicited I always think about whether it is 'deserved' . That might sound a bit pompous of me & probably is but it works for me Bullseye is deserved. We've had 4 Bullseyes ( I wait for the response "4?" ) & the last one was (apart from a zombie) 15 years ago ! It is expensive on eBay & was pretty rare even when it was released IMHO. Good choice . I have to agree that ...with my new found knowledge....a Bullseye army builder seems wishful thinking . I am not up to speed on Echo as a character but a brief trawl of the internet reveals that her suit/uniform is hardly 'unique' & I can think of several existing Minimates that 'would do the job' . -pompousheadsmate
  8. Excuse my ignorance but how is this version of Bullseye an army-builder ?
  9. My lack of comment in this thread is not relative to my absolute love of it . Stunning work .
  10. I reckon I know the first word but the second word is eluding me so I'll go for....... W ? Which is a stab at the second word ,not the first .
  11. I initially thought it might be 'Ego' ....I actually typed that response & then deleted a couple of days ago . There is a Marvel Legend Ego but I only know that because I googled it I stalled because of the '8 years ' bit. Ego.
  12. Chooch's misfortune did not warrant my attempt at humour , no harm meant . Well done Zach for sorting this out for him. A happy end to his tail.
  13. Email a re-tail-er* . *Somebody who replaces tails.
  14. Luke, I now recall you showing me these before & I was stumped then . There are still kubricks that appear online (in Japan) that are new to me , generally they are promos & generally they are still bagged so that makes it easier to verify them as genuine kubricks.My gut feeling is that these are not kubrick promos & I am fairly certain they are not mainstream. Are there peg holes on the bottom of the feet ?
  15. The feet look right, the hands look right . Please can you show me the back of the leg printing ?
  16. Struth ! My best mate emigrated to Oz in 1982 , I saw 'Dundee' 4 years later & I was hooked on the idea of eventually going out & meeting up with my old cobber one day. 1988 saw me spending months in hospital after a car crash , during those months I decided that "F*ck it" I won't be waiting around any longer when I get out of here . 1989 I arrived in Brisbane ,fell in love with Australia & returned another 4 times over the next 10 years! My point ...if you're missing that Crocodile Dundee wasn't just a movie, it was, for me, an epiphany .
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