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Everything posted by Freaqualizer

  1. Sadly enough, I had the four pack in hand at FYE and passed because I wasn't sure if I wanted what I thought at the time were "obscure character versions." I kick myself daily...
  2. That is a whole lot of Wade Wilson love! Are these from comics? Color me interested!
  3. I actually did miss out on quite a few of these armors, mainly the ones from IM1. I was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping we'd get a tweaked or updated Hulkbuster armor. But, since this is a movie set, I can understand why it was omitted. I am interested in this set..but will probably hold off for a little bit, just due to cost.
  4. Your poses are fantastic. Congrats on one year! It's dedication like this, that makes this board such an awesome place to be a member! Hope your next year goes, as well.
  5. Are we finally getting S&M Gimp Suit Spider-Man and Can-opener Iron Man with built in bottle opener?! I do believe I have a case of the vapors!
  6. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would see a picture of the Hulk smashing the Spice Girls...I love this board.
  7. I think it was said that this is not from a comic..only from the old ToyBiz X-Men line..which Chuck has fond memories of.
  8. home town of Baltimore. My wife got interviewed for a job there, but was not hired. I love that whole Hunt Valley/Cockeysville/Timonium area. Good times and fond memories. I hope you had a good trip.
  9. Did anyone watch the one hour "preview" of Avengers Assemble? It looks pretty good. The core team looks pretty good and the end of the episode looks like we'll be getting some really cool villains. While I miss the characters from EMH, this show looks like it could be fun and possibly could fill the void that EMH will leave. Lemme know if you saw it, and your thoughts on the show.
  10. Oh, I so hope we get Cardiac. I don't think he's ever received the action figure treatment. He'd look cool as hell as a Minimate.
  11. Pavehawk, is that the outer loop store? I need to make a pilgrimage out there one of these days.BTW, did you partake in any of the Derby festivities? Last night was a free Third Eye Blind concert at 4th Street Live. I remember now why I hate crowds. Also, the Fandom Fest is comin up in 2 months or so. Advertisements say that Stan Lee will be there. Yep the Outer Loop store had at least 2 sets of Derby stuff for me...I can't handle the drunken crowds in my grumpy old age. I'm definitely going to Fandom and I'm close to pulling the trigger on the VIP ticket for Stan Lee. I'm just worried he may cancel. If you go maybe we can meet up. Yeah I'll be going to Fandom, mainly for the FrightNight film fest. As it gets closer we will have to get organized and plan to meet.
  12. Looks like Anti Venom without the powerhouse piece, Crossbones harness piece and AntMan 2 head. Looks awesome, please let me know if I'm wrong.
  13. Pavehawk, is that the outer loop store? I need to make a pilgrimage out there one of these days. BTW, did you partake in any of the Derby festivities? Last night was a free Third Eye Blind concert at 4th Street Live. I remember now why I hate crowds. Also, the Fandom Fest is comin up in 2 months or so. Advertisements say that Stan Lee will be there.
  14. Zach, you rock! Just wonderin, i know people have sent you custom minimates and such, but do you have your own collection of minimates? Do you get to keep the mates that are displayed at cons?
  15. I'm gonna be in Pigeon Forge from 04/20 untl 04/27. Can anyone tell me of any good places for Minimates in this area? Thanks for the help!
  16. Zach, there's a comic book/ horror movie convention in Louisville, KY. Usually happens in the summer, any chance you wanna bring the display to the bluegrass state? This year our special guest is Stan Lee. Last year we had Gary Friedrich. Could be a good place to pick up new fans. **hinthint**
  17. Seeing all these great Black Knight customs in the last month or so REALLY make me want an official release. These customs are great! Awesome job. Did you paint the design on Black Knight's helmet?
  18. Does anyone think it's funny that Luke is showing pictures of his "Wong" on the internet? And, yes, I do have a 4th grade sense of humor..thank you for asking!
  19. Zach, are we the neediest man-babies you have to deal with? If yes, I'm sorry. If not, WHY? WHY? I NEED TO KNOW, WHY?!?! But, thank you for always answering our questions! I've been on other forums where company men are nowhere near as patient as you.
  20. Yeah, you've got a point there. Zach, are these box sets going to be comic con exclusives? And if so, do you know when we might know what they are?
  21.'re a tease. You come in here tellin us how "this one is a team" and how one is "unique." Winkerbean is gonna start screamin "hot sex." And then we are goin home unfulfilled. I hope you're proud of yourself, sir.
  22. I've seen you say this and it's raised a few questions. Does this speak to the quality of the sex or the temperature? Inquiring minds want to know.
  23. Louisville KY, my LCS was willing to hold one. Out of 6, which arrived today, there was only 1 left. This set is amazing.
  24. All of the things that can be made. It honestly boggles the mind. I can't wait to see what this turns into.
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